"Unfamiliar signal detected, initiate a warning!"

"Initiate a warning twice!"

"I issued three warnings but received no response. It was determined to be an enemy ship."

"Request to attack!"


Qin Yue, who was completely incompatible with the communication network of Yuanzhou Civilization, did not receive any message.

He only saw the satellite in front of him begin to turn, and various weapons began to light up one by one. The originally gray-black satellite suddenly became brightly lit.

"But the only martial arts in the world that can't be broken is fast!" Qin Yue opened the warehouse, and an Eve flew out, and then exploded directly behind the Emperor Jun's butt!

The Dijun, which had reached a speed of 1.47 million kilometers per hour (1,200 times the speed of sound, 0.1% the speed of light), accelerated to 1.49 million kilometers per hour!

Eve is small, but for the Dijun, which is also not too big, it is just right!

The sudden change in the speed of the Dijun naturally caused a firestorm of various weapons on the Wuzhixing satellite. The central system quickly modified the parameters, but before it was launched, another Eve exploded!

The speed of the Emperor Jun was once again a step faster!

Yes, this is the real purpose of Qin Yue's Eve. All the cleaning of the triangular cone is just a convenience. The real purpose is to use nuclear bombs to accelerate the spacecraft to penetrate the protective network of the Circular Star satellite!

As for whether this would be too cruel to Eve?

Not at all, because Eve has no intelligence at all and is just a very basic robot. All its operations are completed by Qin Yue and Tomoko, using the talents of electromagnetic networks.

If it were Eve in the movie, Qin Yue wouldn't do this.

It’s not because of the Virgin, but because machines produce intelligence, which is so rare. Artificial intelligence can be seen everywhere in various literary and artistic works on the earth. Qin Yue has lived in the sea of ​​stars for tens of thousands of years, but he has never seen one!

The closest one I have ever seen is Tomoko.

But Sophon cannot survive alone in the network, and must rely on the spiritual power of life to coexist.

Eves exploded one after another, and the speed of the Emperor Jun also increased step by step, from 1.47 million to 155, and then to 2.07 million!

It only took the Emperor Jun 15 seconds to get around the satellite, which was only 6 kilometers in diameter. At this time, the satellite still had not fired a shot, because the Emperor Jun continued to accelerate and the central system was still adjusting parameters foolishly.

"But, can't we use the same trick on the second satellite?" Tomoko asked.

After all, there are only 12 Eves left in Qin Yue's inventory, and they will be gone after 12 more accelerations. And after 12 times, they will definitely still be within the defense range of the second satellite, and the central system will definitely have time to adjust the parameters.

"This is the time to use the second move!" Qin Yue said: "The Thirty-Six Stratagems of the Art of War avoid the reality and make it empty!"

Qin Yue controlled the engine and started to turn, from going straight to the Five Stars to heading towards the North Pole of the Five Stars!

"Huh?" Tomoko was stunned and a little impressed. The master he had this time seemed to have great fighting intelligence!

These two satellites are in tandem and have very strong defense, but each has its own weaknesses.

The far one is also far away from Wuzhixing, and the signal is weak. We can't use the computer on Wuzhixing's planet. We can only use the computer array on the satellite to check the enemy's attack route. It's okay to encounter ordinary enemies, but it's okay to encounter the emperor. For a speedster like Junhao, lag is bound to happen!

Regardless of the fact that Circular Star is a level 1 civilization, the earth may only be 0.75, but the earth is 0.75, which does not mean that Qin Yue is also 0.75.

After crossing the threshold of heavy nuclear fusion engines, Qin Yue's technological level has already advanced to level 1 civilization.

It may be a bit scientific, for example, the materials and design are less than level 1, but in terms of power and speed, they are undoubtedly level 1 civilizations!

Therefore, Satellite No. 1 will definitely suffer when facing Dijun!

But Satellite 2 will not. It is only 200,000 kilometers away from Wuzhixing. With the help of the computing resources on Wuzhixing, the trajectory of the Dijun spacecraft cannot escape from the palm of his hand.

But it also has a weakness, that is, it is too close to the Five Stars, and the gravity of the Five Stars binds it very much!

It cannot change course!

It can only intercept enemies near itself, that is, near the equator, but when Qin Yue runs to the North Pole, it is beyond its reach!

It was already accelerating desperately. Qin Yue could see a ray of light lighting up behind the entire satellite. It was the satellite engine installed on the satellite by the Circumferential Civilization. However, it was a pity that it was difficult to move a celestial body with such a huge mass, not to mention that the satellite was originally While orbiting the Five Stars, you are equivalent to pushing him back with the force of his orbit!

Even for a first-level civilization, it is not easy to do such a thing.

The hallmark of a first-level civilization is energy freedom, not celestial body manipulation.

"Bye bye!" The Emperor Jun flashed a long flame, passed through the defense zone of Satellite 2 in just a few seconds, and then turned into an arc, heading straight towards the North Pole of the Five Stars.

Six minutes later, the Dijun plunged into the atmosphere of Wuzhixing.

The entire spacecraft began to shake violently and its speed plummeted. Qin Yue shut down the engine in advance, fixed the seat belt, found Eve and held her in his arms, and then closed her eyes.

The spacecraft is shaking violently. If you try to get started, your hands will feel numb, and it is easy to operate by mistake. Naturally, you can't control it manually, so you can only let Tomoko come!

Sophon took the spacecraft and began to circle the atmosphere to slow down the spacecraft.

According to the current speed, if it lands directly, it will be a cannonball, which will destroy the ship and kill people, so Qin Yue has to take his time.

Once it enters the atmosphere, the enemy is completely gone.

In other words, it has been cleared.

So the Dijun flew six times around the Five Stars unscrupulously, until the speed of the spacecraft dropped below 36,000 kilometers per hour, which is below the first cosmic speed of the Five Stars.

Under the influence of gravity, the Dijun began to descend towards the Five Stars.

20 minutes later, the Dijun completely entered the atmosphere and the engine started again, this time to slow down.

Forty minutes later, the Dijun stopped steadily in a square like a vertical onion.

This is the most basic rocket recovery technology, and it is also used in the landing of the spacecraft. It is the original system that comes with the Whale. Qin Yue can just use it!

The cabin has become quiet.

Qin Yue opened her eyes, feeling the long-lost weight on her body, and looked at the display above her head.

Normally the emperor's arms are held horizontally, but putting them up for the first time is also a very novel experience.

But that's not important.

What's important is that I've reached Five Stars!

30% of the circular ruins already belong to me!

The remaining 70% can be easily obtained with the help of the technology identification code on Wuzhixing!

"Sophon, check the air composition of the Five Stars!"

"At the end of the test, the main components of Wuzhixing air are: nitrogen: 41%, oxygen: 28%, carbon dioxide: 5%, sulfur dioxide."

"You still have to wear a space suit!" Qin Yue sighed. The space suit these days is really stuffy.

He had thought about designing it himself, but the time was short and he hadn't started yet.

"Let's go out and take a look first!" Qin Yue put on her space suit, opened the hatch and walked out.

He climbed down the ladder, landed on the square, and stepped heavily on it.

Unfortunately, the square is made of stone and no footprints were left.

He is not interested in saying that one small step for me is one giant step for mankind. After all, he is not the first to enter the ruins. He knows that the country has several in hand, and the gene potion formula was obtained from a certain ruins.

Looking around, I saw that this was a rather large square. Directly in front of it was a building with a triangular door and a dark, marble-like surface.

Looking at the location of this square, it is not difficult to see that this square is incidental to this triangular cone-shaped building.

Next to the building, on one side is a towering 0-shaped pendulum, with a huge round object hanging on it. I don't know if it is a scientific instrument or an amusement ride.

On the other side, there is a river. The water is crystal clear, but there is no fish in it.

On the left is an endless road, on the right is a bridge. On the other side of the bridge is a road. On both sides of the road, there are various buildings, but most of them are round and triangular. They are either a ball or a Either a cylinder or a triangular pyramid.

But the strange thing is that all kinds of buildings are intact, but there is no life in them.

Whether it's humans, animals, or plants.

Qin Yue stared at the black triangular cone building for a long time, and then at the pendulum for a long time. This style was so special, and it was a landmark building in his previous life, so he should have an impression.

"Oh, I remembered, isn't this the Black Triangle Square? Is this pendulum the Wang Yangming Bell?" Qin Yue was stunned for a moment and looked at the black triangular cone-shaped building again: "Then this is the Black Triangle Library Oh, what am I doing? I’ll do it in one step!”

Lifting her feet, Qin Yue was about to go to the library, but saw Tomoko pop out suddenly.

"Urgent news!"


"It's time for you to wake up!"

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