Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 244 UFOs on the Sun's Surface

It takes 46.52 million years for a civilization to be born and become a level 4 civilization, but it only takes 22 days for a level 4 civilization to be destroyed and disappear into the sea of ​​stars.

Qin Yue's eyes seemed to go back to the past through the huge amount of information flow, that era when civilization was just beginning and all souls were ignorant.

One hundred and two billion years ago, the entire galaxy was just born, and the civilizations that existed in this galaxy were the first civilizations born in the entire galaxy. But these civilizations did not want to work together and rush into the future. Instead, they fought against each other for the dominance of the galaxy.

The same is true for the Tianyun Civilization. Ever since they became a second-level civilization and began to come into contact with other civilizations, wars have run through the entire history of the Tianyun Civilization. The Biography of the Heroes of the Tianyun Empire that Qin Yue had read before was truly The true history of Tianyun.

Many civilizations were wiped out, but some civilizations grew stronger and stronger during the war, eventually surpassing the surrounding enemies and becoming level three civilizations.

But the war did not stop just because they became a third-level civilization, because their opponents also changed from a second-level civilization to a third-level civilization.

The wars between Level 3 civilizations are more brutal, but Tianyun Civilization can still defeat powerful enemies, continue to advance, and even break through itself and become a Level 4 civilization.

But the good luck did not last forever. After becoming a level four civilization, their enemies were finally no longer something they could afford to offend. It only took them 22 years to almost upgrade their civilization from level four to level four. Peak level.

But it failed in the end. The entire civilization was destroyed and all the tribesmen were spiritually refined. They didn't even have time to preserve the remains of the civilization. In the end, only a database on a small planet was left, equivalent to a village-level library. The vast remaining information, culture, and technology were all taken away by the enemy.

At the end, the author left a sentence: This message is not to let you do anything, but to let you know that in the vast sea of ​​​​stars, there is a civilization called Tianyun that once existed.

"Qin Yue?" Zhizi saw the silent Qin Yue and shouted softly: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, I just felt a little emotional for a moment." Qin Yue thought of the Sangluo civilization, and then thought of the civilization that made sophons. One was level five and the other was level seven.

These two civilizations were also destroyed.

Xinghai is really a cruel place.

Think again about your own Presbyterian Church. Although it has ruled many civilizations, at least their civilization has been preserved and the country has not been exterminated.

Although I am a scientist for these civilizations, I have also preserved a large number of civilizations!

If it had been another strong person, how could he have gathered so many subordinate races? I'm afraid they would have been wiped out in the first moment of the battle!

So it seems that he is still a good person?

Shaking his head, Qin Yue said: "Now I can barely use my energy to exert a bit of space power. Can I synthesize the Qiong element by myself?"

"Your spirit is still too weak, and the power of space is not enough to synthesize the Qiong element, but you can use the power of space to get the Qiong element directly from the cracks in space!" Tomoko replied.

"Oh? That's okay!" Qin Yue nodded. Previously, when a ship was thrown down, more than a dozen pieces of Joan elements would be born, but only one or two could be attracted by the gravitational field. After all, Joan elements and gravity could not be exerted. What really affects the Qiong element is the space force generated by the gravitational field.

But at that time, he could only use gravity to pry, and the power of space was very weak, but now he has eliminated the middleman. Although there are still not many things that he can pry with his mind, it is enough for the Qiong element particles.

It's still the same investment, but now his output will be 6 to 10 times higher than before!

The ratio becomes 500,000:1!

Originally, 1 cubic centimeter of Joan element could be taken out every year, but now 10 cubic centimeters can be taken out every year!

Although this number is still small, don't forget that as the transformation progresses, Qin Yue's liberated spirit will become stronger and stronger, and the power of space that can be leveraged will become stronger and stronger. One day he can do it by himself Synthesize Joan elements!

This is still a task that is slow in the early stage and fast in the later stage, but this is basically the case in science. Preparing a product in the laboratory is extremely difficult, but as long as it enters the stage of industrial production, it is not a problem to produce tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions per day.

The first thing Qin Yue transformed was still the brain. After all, the brain is the core of human consciousness. With his current technology, even if his body is gone and only the brain is left, he can still survive and can rebuild a body in a very short time. , but if only the body is left without the brain, it will definitely not be possible to continue living.

"How does it feel? I feel like I'm forging a divine body. The Qiong element is divine power, and the liberated spirit is divine consciousness. So my current transformation progress of divine body is 1/6000." Qin Yue thought wildly while continuing to dig the planet. .

Originally, he thought he would have to squat here for decades, but as he dug, Qin Yue found that he had no planets left to dig!

In the Yougen star region, he can dig out a planet as big as the earth every six hours. With more than a dozen engineering teams working at the same time, he can dig out 10 planets every six hours, and 40 planets can be dug out every day. planets, 365 days per year, 14,600 planets can be mined!

The total mass reaches 8 billion billion tons, which is equivalent to 0.0004% of the mass of the sun.

If you only look at the mass, it doesn't seem like much, but the number of planets in the Presbyterian Church is too small!

A star can have as few as four or five planets, or as many as more than twenty. Taking an average of 10, Qin Yue digs 1,460 galaxies every year!

He dug for 12 years and hollowed out nearly 17,000 galaxies in total!

In the early days, the Presbyterian Church had a large territory and a large number of planets. In addition, the planets it dug were all low-level civilizations. These civilizations had a weak voice, and no one cared about what they said online, so no one paid attention.

But as Qin Yue digs more and more, things can no longer be hidden, especially since there are public transportation ships passing between each galaxy. Everyone likes to lie beside the ship's porthole to look at the planets. As a result, the vast swaths of stars are now only A lonely planet, even the asteroid belt has been hollowed out

Low-level civilizations cannot remain low-level civilizations forever. The planets in the galaxy where they are located are the materials for their progress when they enter the cosmic era!

Who can bear being poached by Qin Yue like this!

"President, do you think you should be more restrained?" Black Loach, as a representative of public opinion, contacted Qin Yue and asked cautiously.

She suspected that Qin Yue was engaged in construction. After all, what was the use of digging the planet? It must be to build starships!

Why are you building so many starships? Is it to unify Hailan State?

But if you move too much, the news will spread outside, and others will definitely take precautions in advance!

"This" Qin Yue was also a little speechless. He originally thought that the territory of the Presbyterian Church was large enough, but after using it, he discovered that it seemed to be unusable!

From this point of view, digging for planets is not as good as digging for stars. He only dug 0.0004% of the stars in one year, and one star can last 250,000 years!

However, it is too difficult to dig stars. In addition, the surface of stars is full of plasma gas, which is not easy to dig. We can only draw energy from stars.

For a fourth-level civilization, energy and matter are inherently integrated, and both evolve from the fluctuations of the force of space. However, according to the mass-energy equation formula E=MC, the efficiency of converting energy into matter is extremely low. I am used to it. Qin Yue couldn't accept it mentally, digging for meat dishes like planets and watery soup like stars.

But rationally, he knows that using stars as a source of matter and energy is the final choice, because it would be of no benefit to him if the planet is gone, and he can't live on a starship all his life.

Although it’s not impossible!

"Sophon, deduce a stellar energy drainer!"

"Yes, the deduction is in progress, the deduction is successful!" Tomoko said.

"Fuck, so fast!" Qin Yue was speechless, and he hadn't even finished speaking yet!

Just as he was about to continue saying something, Tomoko suddenly said: "In reality, the earth has applied for a contact signal. Do you want to access it?"

"Huh?" Earth?

This memory is indeed a long time ago. After staying in the sea of ​​stars for so long, Qin Yue almost forgot that he was from Earth!

After being stunned for a moment, Qin Yue remembered what he had told the Earth side, not to contact him if nothing happened.

So, something is wrong! ?

After logging out of Xinghai, Qin Yue answered the phone. On the other side of the phone was a middle-aged woman who looked familiar but also strange.

"Hello, I'm Qin Yue!"

"Sure enough, it's you!" The woman was stunned for a moment and looked at Qin Yue curiously. She wanted to say something, but now, work is more important.

"Professor Qin, it's like this. As early as 1967, astronomers on Earth detected UFOs staying on the surface of the sun. At that time, they thought it was due to the pixels. But in recent years, with the great strides of science and technology, we have Observations of the sun have also become more precise and clear. According to the photos taken by the Jinwu, the detector we sent to the sun, there is indeed a UFO on the surface of the sun. It appears every 11 years and stays for 2 months each time."

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