Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 248 Obtaining Identity

"Hurry up. With this income statistics, does it take so long?"

"But, we not only need statistics, we also need to modify the data!"

"Can't I use a computer?"

"The computer is connected to the Internet. Once you use the computer, everything is exposed!!"

"Can't we stay connected to the Internet?"

"But the computer was developed by Heike Civilization and sold to us. We only have the right to use it, but we don't have the right to disconnect from the Internet!"

"I don't care, I'm already moving at the slowest speed, but I will definitely return to the Star Alliance in two months. By then, all data will have to be reported. No matter what, you have to get it done within two months!"

".Okay, let's do our best!"

A group of hard-working staff from the Department of Statistics immersed themselves in a vast sea of ​​data, observing, modifying, and calculating one by one. "

"It seems like a lot of work. I see that all of you have lost your hair!" A curious voice sounded from the side. The red-skinned member of the Red Riding Civilization, who looked like a pig turned into a sperm, said angrily: "That's not true. Well, look at our department, everyone has even half a hair left, don’t look at the thick black hair on my head, it’s all a wig!”

Porco Rosso raised his head as he spoke, and was shocked to find that there was a yellow-skinned, black-eyed, strange-looking alien standing next to him that he had never seen before!

"Who are you!" Red Pig hurriedly took it out of his arms, but he was in a data center, where could he bring weapons?

"You are modifying the loot data and intend to intercept some of it, but you don't want to be discovered!" This human being is naturally Qin Yue. He originally wanted to fly there by himself, but later he discovered that there was a material spaceship to go back!

Then take a ride!

Seeing that the alien didn't seem very vicious, Porco Rosso's expression barely calmed down.

He is not an idiot, although he is just a statistician here, but just like any modern college student, in ancient times, he can guard a side and surpass most of the officials who are living in a corpse position. If a statistician of this third-level civilization is allowed to They are also the first-rate smart people on earth.

Although this ship is just a transport ship, it has all the necessary protections. This person was able to get in without triggering any alarms.

what does that mean?

First, someone leaves their post without permission and is careless, but this is impossible because many alarm devices are stress-triggered and do not require anyone to operate them at all.

So it can only be the second type. This person's technical strength is very strong, and he is already strong enough to ignore the defense system of their battleship.

Red Pig naturally chose to follow his heart.

"I, we don't want to, but the laws of the Star Alliance are too strict. Our civilization fights with Valor to the death. It consumes so much manpower and material resources. In the end, the spoils are only 73% of those of the Star Alliance." Red Pig said: "Besides, it's not just our civilization that does this, everyone does it, it's just tacitly understood among themselves!"

"Why is it only 70%?" Qin Yue was shocked: "The franchise fee of 30% is a bit outrageous!"

"Seventy percent belongs to others!" Red Pig was speechless: "Even the remaining 30% was something we fought hard for!"

"This" Qin Yue was shocked: "How does your system work? It's still 30%. Isn't this someone kneeling down to beg for food?"

"Well, our Star Alliance often has expedition teams and temporary fleets to explore outwards to find new star areas and other civilizations. Of course, we are mainly looking for other civilizations!" Red Pig said: "You should be able to understand that the higher the civilization level, The speed of improvement is slower. Everyone hopes to encounter a civilization similar to their own and absorb their experience."

As for what if you find a civilization that is stronger than your own?

There is no way. Since you have decided to explore outside, you have to take such risks. Nothing in this world is easy to succeed.

"Well, what then?"

"If these explorers find a civilization, the low-level ones can handle it by themselves. But if it is a high-level civilization, they cannot handle it alone. They must hang the information about this civilization in the Star Alliance system network for Star Alliance members to choose. This civilization is responsible for fighting the war, but part of the spoils must be given to the Star Alliance, which will then distribute it to other civilizations that did not participate."

Qin Yue nodded. This system, how should I put it, is somewhat reasonable?

After all, the benefits that can be brought by conquering a civilization are huge. If a civilization is allowed to do it all the time and the spoils are exclusive to it, the civilization will upgrade extremely quickly and other members will soon be left behind. Behind the butt.

The system of the Star Alliance can also be regarded as a method of redistribution, turning the strengthening of a civilization into the strengthening of the entire Star Alliance members.

As for 70%, do you think it is too much?

In fact, it’s not that much. On Earth, the highest personal income tax and corporate tax rates can reach 40% and up.

This is a way to redistribute social resources. There is nothing to say. If we don't do this, one civilization will become dominant, which will be a disaster for the entire Star Alliance.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with this policy. What are you complaining about? On the contrary, I think your tax evasion behavior is very bad. I have taken photos of the evidence and will report it immediately when it reaches the Star Alliance!" Qin Yue said lightly! .

"Ah, don't!" Red Pig hurriedly begged for mercy: "Sir, you don't know that the Star Alliance has strict regulations on these contents. Once it is found that our civilization contains private goods and conceals them, there will be a large number of Reduce the number of tasks we can perform, and something will really happen to our civilization!"

"What does that have to do with me!" Qin Yue said with a smile: "Anyway, I am not one of your Red Riders. No matter how miserable you are, it has nothing to do with me!!"

"Ah this." Red Pig cried sadly, what should we do?

He is not afraid of secrets being leaked, but he is afraid that the people above him will know that these secrets were leaked from his mouth. Then he will become a sinner of Red Riding Civilization and will be sentenced to death!

"Well, I want to go to the Star Alliance recently, but I heard that the Star Alliance has strict control over identity. I don't know if I will be discovered if I go there!" Qin Yue sighed and stood up as if he was about to leave.

"Wait!" Red Pig quickly stood up: "What, dear sir, I suddenly remembered that our Red Riding Civilization can hire some external experts. Our Bureau of Statistics happens to have such a quota. If you don't mind, this Expert spots are available for you!”


"Of course, if you dislike our small temple, we can also give you an expert position in the logistics department. The director of the logistics department is my cousin. With my help, we can definitely handle it easily!"

We're already in the interstellar era, but we still can't escape the trap of nepotism.

"Okay, thank you very much!" Qin Yue clicked his tongue, a little bored.

He felt that this red pig should struggle more, but as soon as he threatened it, he surrendered all his skills.

Qin Yue skillfully used the Star Alliance's universal friendly gesture: "Happy cooperation!"

"Yeah, happy cooperation!" Red Pig's expression did not change, but his heart was full of resentment. Just wait!

I can't afford to offend you, I'll find someone who can!

Porco Rosso was busy, and a new mission was listed on the Star Alliance system.

Assassination of someone with photos and videos

Thanks to Zhu Lin Yi Huo for the tip. Wow, why are there so many? I just saw them today.

I'm jet lagged today, I'll add more tomorrow. Thank you.

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