Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 251 The Earth’s Light Quantum Destruction Event

"Interesting!" Qin Yue looked at this system, respecting the strong and protecting the weak. It turned out to be a pretty good political system.

He subconsciously compared it with the troublemaker on the other side of the ocean. It is the same federal system, it has the Magna Carta, it also has the Senate and the House of Representatives, but due to various corruption, political donations, and the ability of the ruler, the beautiful country has As a result, the entire beautiful country has basically become a tool in the hands of capital. It does not exist for the benefit of the people, but for the benefit of capital.

But the Star Alliance is different. Those who can become managers are all among the best. Even the lowest-status members of the House of Commons are selected from a first-level civilization, which is equivalent to selecting from the 7 billion people on the earth. Find a person with full political attributes.

Talents like this will never bring up some monstrous proposals such as banning the eating of dog meat or letting children take their mother's surname. On the contrary, every proposal they put forward after conducting in-depth research on the entire Star Alliance can actually eliminate the ills. , a proposal to make the Star Alliance better.

Just like Qin Yue's verbal contract, what if some civilization likes to brag? If you say you dare to eat shit, will Magna Carta take it seriously after seeing it, and will it really feed you shit?

Therefore, out of respect for the customs of various civilizations, some members have proposed that when speaking online, there should be a sign to distinguish whether it is a joke or a serious one.

In order to comply with the chat room culture and not appear too obtrusive, the final logo became a chat emoticon.

Similar to [dog head] on our network.

In addition, regarding corruption, the Star Alliance also has Charter 18 supervision, which can ensure the integrity of talents throughout the system.

Comparing this, the Star Alliance and America are as different as heaven and earth!

"Sorry, comparing you two together is really insulting to the Star Alliance!" Qin Yue scratched his head and went to see Ma Rong Civilization again.

The Ma Rong civilization is an old civilization and has been a level three civilization for more than 40,000 years. They have done a good job of keeping their information confidential, and no one knows what level they are now.

According to the evaluation of Star Alliance professionals, Ma Rong Civilization should already be a level 3.6~3.7 civilization, second only to the five major executive officers and several civilizations that are about to be promoted to level 4, regardless of mundane matters, and located at the top level of the Star Alliance.

The Black Thorn Fleet belongs to the Malong Civilization, but due to the provisions of the Covenant Magna Carta, they cannot let high-level warships cross the territory of the Red Cavalry Civilization, so they sent warships that are only a little lower than level three and have strong interaction materials. expedition team.

There are many such expedition horse antler civilizations. What Qin Yue noticed is that expedition teams are a common phenomenon among higher civilizations, but there are very few such expedition teams like the horse antler civilization. Just the registered expedition teams, There are 140,000 of them!

The number of expedition teams under other third-level civilizations ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 to three to four thousand to several hundred. They are not as outrageous as the Ma Rong Civilization!

Everyone thinks that Ma Rong Civilization is looking for something, maybe it has obtained the remains of a higher civilization, a treasure map or something like that.

But Qin Yue knew that they were not looking for ruins at all, they were looking for deviation values, earthlings, and people who were the same as the Lingqi clan!

They are looking for civilizations in the same galaxy!

Not only did they not need the ruins, they even added fishing equipment to the existing ruins.

You know, the ruins are usually hidden in the space mezzanine, and only occasionally extend anchor points to connect to the outside world. You can't be sure what kind of civilization can enter this ruins!

There are many civilizations in the Star Sea, including civilizations that came from the real world and local civilizations that were born and raised in the Star Sea. The number of zeros and zeros should be only a fraction of the billions.

In reality, there are also many river systems. The Milky Way seems to be bright, but compared with its big sister, the Fairy Galaxy, it suddenly becomes a younger brother.

The Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, and more than 2,000 surrounding galaxies together belong to the Virgo Supercluster, and more than 500 superclusters like the Virgo Supercluster together form the Local Supercluster.

However, the area of ​​a very large universe like this supercluster of galaxies, its position in the universe is like a fiber on a cotton flower, insignificant and useless.

If the Milky Way was compared to a grain of sand, then the entire universe might be the Sahara Desert.

With so many galaxies, how many civilizations can be born?

And how many of these civilizations can enter the star sea?

And the civilizations in so many galaxies, as well as the local civilizations in the Star Sea, have the possibility of entering the ruins.

In other words, the probability that a ruins will happen to be opened by a civilization in the Milky Way is quite low, basically zero!

However, Ma Rong Civilization still uses this method, which is similar to finding a needle in a haystack. It can be seen that the cost is huge, and it has almost reached the point of saturation search, and it will not give up until the goal is achieved!

With this level of effort, coupled with the 140,000 expedition teams under his command, Qin Yue doesn't think this is a coincidence.

It is basically certain that it was the Ma Rong civilization that destroyed the earth in the previous life!

And with Qin Yue's current strength, he is also capable of destroying Ma Rong Civilization.

But Qin Yue is not sure whether the ratings of Ma Rong Civilization by those professional organizations are accurate. What if it is not 3.7, but 4.0. Is it possible that it has been promoted to level four but did not report it?

It is entirely possible. Qin Yue is just an old Yinbi. Although he has become a fourth-level civilization, only Zhizi still knows about it.

It is entirely possible to use oneself to save others, and a powerful but very stable civilization will emerge.

In addition, Qin Yue also has a guess that although Ma Rong civilization directly destroyed the earth, it was just the knife used to do it, and there was another murderer behind it.

Because the light quantum shock wave that destroys the earth is not a method that a third-level civilization can use.

When the earth was destroyed, China only had a little more than Level 2, but the monitoring of the sun was still guaranteed to be in place. If the sun changed or exploded, the earth would be able to detect something wrong three to five years in advance.

Not to mention taking people away, it is not impossible to build a planetary engine to take away the earth.

But the appearance of the photon shock wave came suddenly.

Qin Yue believes that the light quantum shock wave that destroys the earth is either a weapon similar to the Death Star cannon, or a space method of a fourth-level civilization.

The Death Star cannon is also unlikely, because the nearest star to the earth is Proxima Centauri, which is the Trisolaran galaxy. That galaxy is 4.02 light-years away from the earth. At such a long distance, a four-star cannon made with the technology of a third-level civilization, The energy dissipation can be quite alarming.

Especially since they are using photons instead of quantum laser cannons, the energy dissipation will be even more terrifying.

Unless you make up your mind to burn out an entire star for energy, how can a Level 3 civilization have the ability to burn out an entire star?

If it is a level four civilization, it will be much simpler. Even if they are hundreds or thousands of light years apart, the spatial scale is equal to 0.

As long as a hole is opened in a star and the other side is connected to the earth, the light quanta ejected from the sun will instantly engulf the entire earth.

Therefore, the one who destroyed the earth in the sea of ​​​​stars was undoubtedly Ma Rong Civilization, but in reality, it was not necessarily Ma Rong. It should have been someone who has been in the fourth level civilization for many years and has mastered the fourth level technology and can open the door to space. of higher civilization!

If this civilization ever existed, then the Ma Rong Civilization would be its younger brother. The Ma Rong Civilization has been a member of the Star Alliance for tens of thousands of years. With such a powerful force as the Star Alliance, do we still need to look for an outside civilization to be our big brother?

Therefore, it is very likely that this civilization was once a member of the Star Alliance, but it has left the Star Alliance because it became Level 4.

The people have left, but the influence has not, so Ma Rong Civilization is still working for it.

As for why Ma Rong Wenming wanted to work for him! ?

It's very simple, the temptation of technology

Qin Yue originally wanted to investigate this level-4 civilization, but he soon discovered that there was no record of a civilization promoted to level-4 in the Star Alliance public network.

"Sealed? Or deleted?" Qin Yue frowned: "Or is it that the Red Riding Civilization level is too low, and the network it has access to does not have permission to view the information of these seniors?"

Qin Yue guessed it was the latter. After all, it was a high-level secret. Naturally, the higher the status, the more people could be contacted.

"So." Qin Yue had to study his itinerary in the Star Alliance.

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