"Let's start with the Xuanji!" Qin Yue searched the Star Alliance public website for the history, language and characters of the Ma Rong civilization.

These are public information, and every new civilization that joins the Star Alliance will put these things into the Star Alliance's large information database. However, this kind of stuff is too boring, unless you are an expert who specializes in linguistics and history. No one is interested in these.

In this case, Qin Yue can take action.

He first found a proper noun for horse hair, which had a similar meaning to Xuanji.

The original meaning of Xuanji is the first four planets of the Big Dipper. The Big Dipper naturally does not exist in the context of Ma Rong, so the meaning can only be used, that is, non-round bead-shaped beautiful jade.

It can also refer to jade as beautiful as the stars.

Based on this word, Qin Yue found a treasure that was widely spread in Ma Rong civilization and was even a cultural treasure, a jade bead named Yuanyang.

This is a bead that was passed down to the royal family more than 100,000 years ago when the Ma Rong Civilization was still in the feudal era. It fell on the emperor’s hat all year round. The emperor often changed it, but the bead was always there, and even became the It is similar to the jade seal passed down from the country, symbolizing the power of the royal family. It is said that the one who obtains it can rule the world!

Later, Ma Rong civilization entered modern society, and the original imperial color of the original Yangzhu faded and became a cultural relic placed in a museum. Because of its own particularity, it naturally became the cultural treasure of Ma Rong civilization and belonged to Ma Rong. Special-grade cultural relics of the Rong Civilization are not allowed to be exhibited, nor are they allowed to leave the country. Even the one on display in the museum was a later imitation and was really placed in an absolutely safe place.

Qin Yue originally planned to just pick a similar one and use it, but he didn't expect that Ma Rong Civilization had such a thing, which would be even better!

Based on the shape of the bead, he made a LOGO to represent Yuanyanghui, the force founded by Qin Yue.

This LOGO was then placed in the armor sandwich of the Xuanji, and an extremely concealed LOGO pattern was also drawn on the underlying quantum computing nano-layer of the Xuanji.

These two LOGOs are extremely concealed and only a few nanometers in size. You will miss them if you are not careful.

As long as it is a civilization below level 3.6 that cannot crack quantum encryption, it will not be able to find this LOGO. Even if it is a civilization above level 3.6, if it is not professional enough, it will not be found.

But Qin Yue believes that after the Xuanji is born, there will be a civilization specially bought to crack it.

There must be a civilization that can find these two patterns.

Well, if he really can't find it, Qin Yue will blow himself up.

When they discover these two patterns, they will know which civilization the Xuanji came from.

Just the Xuanji number is not enough. Qin Yue is still looking for companies all over the world that are not well-known, but have high sales, occupy 2~5% of the market share, and have unclear equity.

But he doesn’t have much money on hand yet, so he can only watch it for now.

In addition, Qin Yue is still collecting information about frustrated people. This kind of information is easy to find. If you search for the word suicide on the Internet, a group of posts from people who want to commit suicide will appear, lurking in various depression groups. People with misanthropic tendencies can also be found among teenagers and students.

He asked Tomoko to set words such as suicide and death as keywords and conduct a large-scale search. He didn't care about those who wanted to die because of broken love at a young age. What he was looking for were those who failed in their careers and encountered oppression. , a person whose family is ruined.

Either a laborer or a businessman, this kind of person is at the lowest point in his life and will hold on tightly as long as there is a rope.

Of course, he would not go looking for someone from a third-level civilization. This kind of civilization is too technologically powerful, and if any problem arises among its members, it will be easily discovered.

So what he was looking for were merchants with second-level and first-level civilizations.

After all, Qin Yue is a fourth-level civilization, and second-level technology is completely clear to him. Even if it is a field that he does not understand, he can get started with a little research, and then let Sophon make some deductions, and he can excel.

The failure of the business is nothing more than the lack of competitiveness of the product. With Tomoko, it will be easy to make a comeback.

After entering Level 4, Tomoko's work efficiency has undergone earth-shaking changes. On his first day of work, he found more than 7,000 people who met his goals.

After optimizing the algorithm the next day, we expanded the search scope and found 140,000 people at once.

On the third day, 220,000.

On the fourth day, 270,000.

It started to drop on the fifth day, with only 180,000.

But on the sixth day, it started to skyrocket again, suddenly jumping to 8.66 million!

It turns out that Qin Yue directly followed the network, starting from the City of Thousand Stars and spreading outwards to the territories of various civilizations.

On the seventh day, the data in the City of Thousand Stars suddenly jumped to 960,000, and the data outside the City of Thousand Stars also began to skyrocket, reaching 18.89 million!

Qin Yue checked the reason. Tens of millions of companies went bankrupt in the City of Thousand Stars every day, but these people were busy committing suicide or paying off debts, hiding from debts, and making a comeback. How could they have time to complain online?

Therefore, a large number of people have not been contacted by Qin Yue.

But it's different now. After he saved some people, these people also have their own circles. Those who want to commit suicide and those whose business failed also have their own circles. Or there are also people who heard about the comeback of their peers and came to inquire.

Then, they learned about a savior named Yuan Yang, so they joined in one after another, which caused the data in Qin Yue's hands to expand instantly!

On the eighth day, the data in the City of Thousand Stars skyrocketed to 4 million, and the data outside the City of Thousand Stars skyrocketed to 466 million!

Seeing that the data will skyrocket tomorrow, Qin Yue hurriedly took back Tomoko. Everyone has Yuan Yang, which means that everyone does not have Yuan Yang. Besides, Qin Yue's goal is to establish a trust group hidden behind the scenes. If too many people are helped, That would be too easy to expose.

So far, Qin Yue has 500 million more merchant users, including 5 million in the City of Thousand Stars and 495 million outside the City of Thousand Stars.

Qin Yue thought about it for an hour and designed an internal trading system for them to facilitate transactions by merchants with business dealings and ensure that the costs and profits of both parties were within the most appropriate range. He also designed an internal trading system called Yuanyang Bao's trading software, if the funds are transferred from Yuanyang Bao, you can avoid most of the taxes set by the Star Alliance. This is a software designed by Qin Yue after integrating various tax avoidance regulations of the Star Alliance. With this thing, each Merchants can save about 20% in tax costs.

Qin Yue contributed another batch of transport ships and formed a logistics group called Yuanyang to transport goods for Yuanyang's companies at nearly cost price. Not only was the price low, but the speed was also very fast. He could transport goods according to the Star Alliance's transportation The system designs an optimal time transportation route.

In fact, there are better transportation routes, but they are basically occupied by major third-level civilizations. However, Qin Yue does not need to be faster than other civilizations, he only needs to be faster than other companies.

In this way, Yuanyang's company's transportation costs and tax costs are lower than other companies, and its technological content is higher than other companies, so its product competitiveness suddenly rises.

As product competitiveness increased, Yuan Yang System's revenue, company size, and influence began to gradually expand, and it gradually began to come into contact with the Star Alliance's military and political systems.

Qin Yue doesn't need to engage in bribery. In order to be promoted, Star Alliance officials will work hard to make the economy of their territories better. If there are emerging companies, they will naturally provide strong support.

In particular, these emerging companies have high technological content and are not the kind of small companies that rely on costs to drive volume, so they naturally pay more attention to them.

After these companies gradually became the leaders in their respective industries, Qin Yue asked them to lead their peers to formulate rules and form industry associations to constrain and standardize the market. They said they were constraining and regulating, but when they could really be regulated, it would mean They already have control over the market.

In industries with giants at the top, these companies have not given up their efforts, but are seeking the support of civilization behind them while standing at the top.

There is competition between civilizations. War is not allowed within the Star Alliance, so the competition changes from military competition to economic competition.

If your own company emerges, it can threaten the survival of giants. No civilization is stupid, so they will naturally support it vigorously.

As support increased, various loans were invested, and a large number of civilized members entered the company to work, the company grew stronger. At this time, the company was no longer a simple company. It had already taken over the entire civilization. By then, even Haiyi Ge With the House of Commons emphasizing fairness and justice, and speaking for the Star Alliance, members of Congress who come from these civilizations still can't help but speak for their own companies.

And these companies also belong to Yuanyanghui. Under Qin Yue's instructions, their demands will naturally be consistent, and the demands of civilization that are coerced by them will also be consistent!

Qin Yue learned this move from the Donglin Party in the late Ming Dynasty.

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