Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 270 Cutting the Small Universe

In fact, even though Senator Lupo brought new ideas, many people did not think about revolution, and they did not consider themselves revolutionaries. They called themselves constitutional defenders.

Meaning, the person who protects the Magna Carta of the Star Alliance.

They just want to get the rights they deserve. These things are clearly written in the Magna Carta. However, higher civilizations use their advantages in technology and civilization level to forcefully change the rules of equality to their own advantage.

In fact, there is no right or wrong in this kind of thing. Higher civilizations think that it is natural for us to do this. After all, technology does not fall from the sky. It is all researched by our scientists with painstaking efforts. Why should we sell it to you cheaply?

Lower civilizations also feel aggrieved. We have spent a lot of manpower, material resources and raw materials, but what we got in exchange are products with serious premiums. Isn't this lying on our bodies to suck our blood?

Being blood-sucked will greatly reduce the development potential of the entire civilization. There will be no scientific research capabilities, a large number of brains will be lost, and people will choose to lie down because their lives are unsatisfactory.

Even if you engage in cloning to expand the population, the only ones that will be expanded are those who just want to lie down, so what’s the use?

Therefore, the contradiction arises.

The Guardians of the Constitution were originally just a loose organization, or no organization at all, but unexpectedly, it was just a sign. The reaction of those higher civilizations was so great, they directly launched a large-scale arrests, and a large number of people were arrested without trial. Those who were shot directly, and the few who were not shot, had someone behind them who could squeeze something out of them.

Isn't this unconstitutional? It is indeed not illegal, because this is a case of shooting as a last resort when a suspect encounters resistance during arrest.

However, many people were hit, and countless wanted people and those with bounties on their heads united, and large and small organizations of the Guardians of the Constitution were actually born.

People who were not originally constitutional defenders may have been immediately labeled as constitutional defenders just because they said a word or two to the constitutional defenders, or said some fair words on the Internet. There are also some people who originally hated the constitutional defenders. However, those who couldn't stand what the Covenant law enforcement officers did and stood up to oppose them passively became defenders of the constitution.

The Internet and reality of the entire City of Thousand Stars turned out to be a black and white situation. What followed was an increasingly explosive repression, and the Guardian organization was born and died at any time.

But it is obvious that the Guardians will eventually fail, because the Internet and high-end military equipment are all in the hands of Star Alliance officials, and they have no room for free discussion.

Before Qin Yue went out, the Xuanji was still out of control, but the Star Alliance officials were not stupid. They soon discovered the problems with the Xuanji and began to crack the system logic of the Xuanji. The loopholes were filled in a matter of seconds.

By that time, the people who abide by the Constitution will have no way to go to heaven and no door to the earth. No matter how large the number is, there is an upper limit. When they are all killed, they will naturally come to an end.

Without Qin Yue's participation, this vigorous constitutional defender movement might have been recorded or sealed until someone discovered it in the future and sighed.

Then put it into the deepest memory of the library.

"Currently, after screening, these are the Guardian organizations with more than 6,000 members in the City of Thousand Stars!" Tomoko counted the data through the Xuanji Network: "Those marked in green are those with rich ideological depth. , an organization that can take on important responsibilities. Yellow is an organization that is still in a state of confusion and may waver at any time. Orange is an organization that is lurked by Star Alliance officials without knowing it. Red is an organization where most of the members are Star Alliance officials, and only a small number of them are. They are ignorant constitutional defenders who don’t know anything.”

After a pause, he said: "There are also black ones. More than 90% of the people in the entire organization are official undercover agents of the Star Alliance."

This is the result of the network giving up supervision to artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence in Xuanji is the supreme wisdom designed by Lingqi civilization during the Presbyterian Church. Qin Yue has slightly upgraded it to reach level 3.8.

Although the level is very high, artificial intelligence is not an intelligent life after all and can only act according to procedures. As long as Covenant personnel understand the procedural principles of supreme intelligence, they can use various methods to deceive it.

"This is too tragic!" Qin Yue looked at the nearly twenty black organizations. There may be many people with firm beliefs in the constitution, but unfortunately they have been surrounded by undercovers and cannot be saved. They are waiting to die.

There is still a possibility of saving orange and red, but green will be the backbone of future constitutional defenders!

"Let me think about how to operate it!" Qin Yue tapped the pen on the paper and said, "Well, it is necessary to facilitate contact with the constitution without being discovered by others, small universe?"

The small universe is very suitable. As long as it is less than level 4, the existence of the small universe cannot be discovered with the naked eye or instruments. Although this thing is rare, it is not that rare. As long as it is not a local civilization in the star sea, there is basically one.

But the small universe also has shortcomings, that is, there are only three star gates that can be opened at the same time. That is, everyone with the permission of the three small universes can open one each. It is completely insufficient to use the small universe to contact so many guardians.

A world like Xinghai that only summons the human spirit is also very suitable, or more suitable, but Qin Yue doesn't know how this thing works. He is already a fourth-level civilization, and he has not discovered the Xinghai and the real universe. Difference, this means that the civilization that created the star sea has an infinitely high level.

"Or, I can cut a small universe myself and set it above the Thousand Star City." Qin Yue thought of this trick. It doesn't need to be too big, just as big as a star, and then set the corresponding gravitational wave frequency.

As long as you make a gravitational wave generator, you can open the space channel and enter the small universe.

Gravitational wave generators can be made into the shape of various jewelry, and it won't look strange to carry them on your body.

"Zhizi, can I cut space now?" Qin Yue asked.

He got the technology of Tianyun civilization, but he saw from the technical description that this operation requires mental power. Qin Yue was afraid that if he didn't meet the standard and hurt his spirit, what should he do.

"Yes, you just need to use mental power to fill the gaps between space particles little by little, isolate a group of space particles from the surrounding particles, and it will be cut off by you!" Zhizi said: "Your current mental strength is more than enough to complete this task!"

There can be no gaps between space particles. If there are, then a space black hole has appeared.

But there is an exception, that is, mental power can be forcibly inserted into this gap, because mental power comes from a higher dimension and is higher than space particles.

As long as a group of space particles are wrapped out with mental power, it naturally means that this space has been cut out.

"So, what is mental power, and why is it so powerful?" Qin Yue asked.

Mental power can not only cut space, but also control space particles, and can also fuse things like the longevity vein, and can even interfere with reality through the sea of ​​stars

What does this mean? It means that the essence of mental power may be higher than the sea of ​​stars!

But Qin Yue knows very little about mental power, and no one teaches him, and there is no book to refer to.

"I remember a sentence," Zhizi suddenly said.

"Huh?" Qin Yue was stunned: "What words?"

"The realm of the great sage, this life is hopeless." Zhizi's tone suddenly became impassioned and extremely betrayed. The emotions contained in the language were not like the Zhizi who had no emotions in the past!

Qin Yue just heard this voice, and a picture seemed to have emerged in his mind.

That was a person who saw the way forward, but he was going to die and could not go on

Hearing the Tao in the morning, can I die in the evening?

No, since I am going to die, why do you want me to see where the Tao is?

"Wait, who said this!" Qin Yue sighed, recalled again, and suddenly found something wrong, why haven't I heard it!

What Zhizi saw and heard were all seen and heard by Qin Yue. It makes no sense that he didn't know what he heard!

Zhizi, do you have someone outside?

"Maybe, it's my father?" Zhizi's voice returned to normal again: "My birth originated from a high-intensity calculation, but after the result came out, that civilization disappeared, and in the end I only heard that sentence"

In fact, it's not a sentence, but just a mark, but Zhizi translated it into something Qin Yue could understand.

"Okay." Qin Yue nodded, but it was a sentence without a beginning or an end, and I didn't know what it meant.

However, the civilization that created Zhizi is level seven, so the realm above level seven is called the Great Sage?

Level five is the Immortal Clan, level eight is the Great Sage, what is level four called? What are level six and level seven?

Who decided this name? Why is it that no one calls it that now? It has become level one, level two, level three, and level four. It doesn't sound good at all.

Qin Yue felt as if he had touched a little truth, maybe it was something from ancient times.

But it is more likely that his level is too low and he is not qualified to contact these things.

Well, it seems that someone should know, but I have been in, can I go in now?

Let's try again, and get the small universe first.

How wide is the coverage of Qin Yue's mental power, he actually hasn't studied it carefully.

Now that he is going to use it, Qin Yue simply radiates his mental power with all his strength to see how far he can sense.

Starting from Hongqi Middle School in the Thousand Star City, more and more districts are added, covering the entire Thousand Star City, and then beyond the Thousand Star City, rapidly spreading to the outside of the starry sky

The invisible and intangible mental power that has not interacted with real matter is like sunlight spreading to the universe, and then rapidly expanding at an unimaginable speed.

Qin Yue began to sense stars, the main star of the Thousand Star City, followed by another nearby star, another star, a dozen, twenty stars, and finally stopped when the number grew to 677.

"Linear distance, 777 light years?" Qin Yue was shocked. Is this still me?

What does this size mean? Sitting on the earth, you can use mental power to scan the Three-Body Galaxy!

But it's just a line-like scan, and the diameter of this line is less than 1 nanometer, but it's still a terrifying number!

But think about it again, I have become this step, a grain of Qiong element is the mass of several stars, how much effort has been put into the transformation of my whole body, the mass of hundreds of stars can be lost at will, and in exchange for this super-dimensional body, it is normal for the mental power to spread a long range, and it would be strange if it is short.

After all, a cell in his body collapsed, and the energy released was almost comparable to a gamma-ray burst!

It's just that the civilization level he took as a warning was too high, so Qin Yue didn't float up.

"The linear distance is 777 light years, and it spreads in all directions, 43.96 million kilometers, a distance of almost 146 light seconds. If the universe is cut, it does not need to be fully diffused. It only needs to retain a thin layer on the surface of space, so it should be able to cover - 2400 light seconds, which is 40 light minutes”

The strength of his mental power, to some extent, represents the strength of his fourth-level civilization. For example, he uses curvature to fly and can travel up to 777 light years. If he cuts the universe, he can cut a piece with a diameter of up to 40 light years. divided spherical universe.

This size is actually quite large. The distance between the sun and the earth takes 500 seconds for light to travel, which is a distance of 8.2 light minutes.

The distance between Jupiter and the sun is 5 astronomical units, which is 41 light minutes. In other words, if Qin Yue wants to cut the earth's universe, he can cut the section from the sun to Jupiter into the small universe.

Of course, the premise is that his energy supply can keep up. Using mental power also consumes physical strength. For people with a fourth-level civilization, this physical strength corresponds to energy.

If the supply is insufficient, mental power will dissipate. Without the restraint of mental power, the thousands of star-mass Joan elements buried in the human body will explode instantly, and a new universe may be born, and then the eyes Turned into the sun and moon, and the muscles turned into mountains.

"Huh?" Qin Yue was shocked. How come after such an analysis, the legend of Pangu's creation of the world turned out to be very realistic?

If the mental power cuts off the small universe, the mental power that can be controlled will be reduced. Of course, it is impossible for Qin Yue to give all the quota to the guardians. He only cut out a section with a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers. It is not a sphere, but A flat egg shape.

This is much smaller than the amount of mental energy consumed by the sphere.

The City of Thousand Stars is 680 million kilometers long, and an egg with a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers is only 0.2% of it, which cannot fully cover the City of Thousand Stars.

But Qin Yue does not need coverage in the first place. The small universe is outside the universe. It can be said to be nowhere or everywhere.

This is why Qin Yue can return to Wallow and Earth from the Presbyterian Church in an instant.

So even if this small universe is only 10 meters long, anyone can enter it from anywhere.

The whole cutting work was not troublesome. Qin Yue found it very strenuous at first, but he did not expect that the electromagnetic network talent could also be effective on space particles.

Also, talent is the manifestation of mental power, and it can naturally take effect on space particles.

It originally took 5 days of work, but with the help of talent, Qin Yue completed the cutting in only two days.

Then, it is open to the Constitution Keepers.

Nowadays, the guardians of the constitution are extremely wary of outsiders. Qin Yue directly sent the small universe to their door, but they did not dare to ask for it, and they would suspect that Qin Yue was sent by a third-level civilization.

So Qin Yue made some changes to the small universe.

First, a planet was transported in, and then a major transformation was carried out on the planet. Finally, the method of entry was engraved in a bell, and then thrown into a stall below.


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