Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 275 Tianlong Kung Fu Body

"Immortal tomb, immortal spiritual power." Qin Yue first thought about the latter.

If it were him, Xianhua would definitely suit him best, because he has a sophon, which is very helpful in deducing the rules.

This kind of deduction is more like learning than devouring.

Qin Yue is also more accustomed to taking the orthodox path. Although he often makes eccentric decisions, there is nothing he can do about it.

As for the Immortal Tomb, Qin Yue was a little uneasy and didn't know whether to go or not.

He himself knew his own affairs. Although he went beyond the dimension and became a fourth-level civilization, he should be one of the weaker existences in the fourth-level civilization.

The body is weak, and the condensed Qiong element is not enough, let alone those aliens who have evolved and become stronger through regular channels.

In terms of cell density alone, he is not even as good as the foreign strongmen on earth.

Going to the Immortal Tomb like this is very dangerous.

But Qin Yue doesn't want to continue to be cowardly like this. He was cowardly before because he didn't want to harm the earth, but now there is no need to worry anymore, because the earth has been covered by the Sangluo Immortal!

Besides, he can also change his form. In fact, since he left the earth, he rarely uses the image of an earthling. Now he designs an appearance by himself, which looks like a human-made beast with two horns and long hair. The beard is all white, like a standing unicorn.

The only fear now is the fear of death.

Who in the world is not afraid of death?

Qin Yue knew that if he lived like this, even without the longevity vein, he could survive for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years until he got bored or his soul rotted.

So, isn’t it good to live?


Do you want to avenge China?

That enemy can destroy the earth today, and when he grows up one more step, he will reach level five.

The only way he could survive was by relying on the fifth-level immortal weapon, the Changsheng Vein, but what if his opponent went one step further and also reached level five?

Will he find himself fused with the Changsheng Vein?

"Actually, I don't have many choices!" Qin Yue shook her head and slowly made up her mind.

You have to go to the Immortal Tomb sooner or later. If you don’t want to go, no matter how much you prepare, it won’t be enough.

But if you want to go, you don’t need to bring anything with you, since the materials are all available in the Immortal Tomb!

So, it’s better to go early than late!

Qin Yue returned to the Star Alliance and took a look at the development of the Guardians.

He has only been gone for a long time, and the Guardians have naturally not changed much, but the small universe he left behind has indeed worked. A large number of Guardians have already gathered here, and the half-step four-level quantum computer and Qin Yue left in the small universe have The artificial intelligence system will also help them screen out traitors among the people who keep the Constitution.

So the current situation is pretty good. The capable people among the Guardians are in the process of restructuring. They first disbanded the group, then established a single line of communication channel, and are now discussing the control of several civilizations to facilitate troop training.

Because of the internal problems in the Star Alliance, everyone felt that the atmosphere was not right. They were busy stocking up on supplies and gathering troops, and external wars gradually stopped.

It's safer here on Earth.

"So, I really don't have anything to worry about!" Qin Yue shook her head, got up and escaped into the star gate first, entering the ruins space. When she came out again, she was already in the world of world ruins!

I came to World Market not to create Qiong Elements, but because it is very close to the Immortal Tomb.

Qin Yue left the world of World Ruins and passed through many star regions along the star map given by Immortal Sangluo. The journey that originally took months or even years to travel across the vast sea of ​​stars, now only takes him a few minutes!

Rushing all the way to a star area outside the Immortal Tomb, Qin Yue was about to continue moving forward when he suddenly felt that something was not right about the surrounding atmosphere.

Space particles feel difficult to control, which caused Qin Yue to come out of the curvature flight state, not to mention almost hitting his head!

"The space particles here have been alienated by mental power!" Qin Yue felt it. This feeling was very similar to the feeling in the Sangluo ruins. The space particles were alienated by mental power and became the property of others.

"But there's no one around!" Qin Yue looked around. There was only one group of such space particles, and they were still swimming with ordinary particles. As they were swimming, this feeling was slowly weakening.

However, the speed of weakening is not fast. It may take tens of thousands of years to completely escape the alienated state within a 40-kilometer radius.

"This should be a fifth-level civilization that fell here, and its spiritual power escaped and infected this area," Tomoko said.

"Well!" Qin Yue frowned. We haven't even arrived at the Immortal Tomb yet. Why did this happen?

Moreover, Qin Yue also had a very bad feeling that after the death of the fifth-level civilization, such a big mess would be left behind.

Then in the Immortal Tomb, aren't there such polluted space particle areas everywhere?

Therefore, whether it is body fusion space or curvature flight, it may be difficult to use it in the Immortal Tomb!

"The environment is harsh and not friendly to level four civilizations. Although there are treasures, it is easy to die. It is indeed an immortal tomb." Qin Yue breathed a long sigh of relief and silently disappeared.

If you can hide in space, hide in space. If it doesn't work, you should also use optical camouflage.

He knew that although it was not yet the Immortal Tomb here, it was not far away after all. Since there was no force in the Immortal Tomb to maintain order, internal struggles would naturally be brought outside.

If there are more situations like this and more immortals die, maybe in the future the outer star areas will become like the Immortal Tomb and become part of the Immortal Tomb.

After advancing two light years, Qin Yue suddenly stopped.

He saw a ship.

He had seen countless ships along the way, from various civilizations, but this ship was different.

It belongs to level four civilization!

The ship did not enter the curvature flight state, but after all, after four-dimensional transformation, the speed was close to the speed of light. Like a ray of light, it rushed past Qin Yue. There were several broken meteorites blocking the road along the way. The ship was directly blocked by the ship. Crash through, then writhe and float away into the distance

"It's like a show of force. I didn't even see the door of the Immortal Tomb, but I saw a fourth-level battleship that I couldn't afford to mess with!" Qin Yue said.

"." Tomoko didn't know how to comfort her, so she simply didn't speak.

"But, I'm even more excited!" Qin Yue felt that his heart was a little excited for a long time. He originally thought that he was already very powerful, but after seeing the ship, he realized that he was still far behind!

There is still a lot of room for improvement!

That ship was clearly a neutron battleship!

It's not a neutron battle star, but a battleship made by dismantling the neutron star material, and then undergoing a four-dimensional transformation!

Qin Yue simply couldn't think about how the neutron star's material density was already so high, and how the ion element was packed into the nucleus. But when he thought about it again, the neutron star could be crushed into a black hole, which showed that the potential was huge!

It is not impossible to stuff some Joan elements into it.

As long as someone has done it, there must be a way!

"Tsk, keep going!" Qin Yue chased the spacecraft forward, but did not get close, but stayed far behind.

That neutron warship seemed to be a very powerful existence. It was so arrogant and domineering, moving forward without hiding its body at all. Qin Yue did not believe that there was not a single civilization along the way, but it was so arrogant.

It does have the capital to be arrogant. After all, this battleship gives Qin Yue the feeling of encountering the round battleship that draws energy from the earth.

In a sense, the size of the fourth-level civilization represents combat effectiveness. To strengthen such a large battleship, a huge amount of Qiong elements are needed!

Whether it is homemade or stolen, it is enough to illustrate the horror of this civilization.

"Fellow Immortal, please stay!" A mental wave sounded behind him, and Qin Yue was startled, almost breaking out in cold sweat!


I didn't notice it?

He turned around blankly and saw a person?

That's right, it's a human being, with two hands and two feet, two eyes, a nose and a mouth, wearing a blue robe and a messy black hair under the blue hat.

Of course, there is one thing that is different from humans, that is, his eye color is purple. There is no such eye color among people on earth.

"Who are you?" Qin Yue asked cautiously.

As the weakest level four, Qin Yue lives very well.

"My name is Guo Huaide. I am an explorer who specializes in excavating ruins in fairy tombs and looking for treasures!" The Taoist priest said: "Some time ago, my expedition team and I found a treasure map, and it actually recorded The location of a level 6 civilization ruins! I planned to develop it with everyone, but I didn’t expect to be betrayed by my closest teammate!”

Qin Yue felt a little speechless. How come this line is so familiar!

"I tried my best to escape, but the previous experience made me feel disheartened. I planned to quit this industry, but I felt really bad about throwing away this map of the sixth-level civilization ruins. I happened to see you while I was struggling. , so I’ll sell it to you cheaper." Guo Huaide said, extending his palm: "You are right, just give me five gold coins."

Isn’t this just a lie? If you can believe it, you’re a ghost!

"Brother Guo, do you think I am a person with five gold coins?" Qin Yue said: "I am new here, I don't even know what a gold coin is!

"Ah?" Guo Huaide was speechless. I saw that you are a newcomer, but I didn't expect that you don't even have gold coins.

You are such a needy person!

"It doesn't matter!" Guo Huaide's tone is still very sincere: "Although you are a newbie now, it does not mean that you will always be a newbie. Come on, I am very optimistic about you. By the way, I have a copy of the Immortal Cemetery's Logical Encyclopedia. Think you might need it."

"Well, Taoist Priest, I really have no money." Qin Yue said and asked, "But I really have a question to ask you!"

"Ask a question? That's okay!" Guo Huaide nodded: "What do you want to ask?"

"Odd changes to even?" Qin Yue asked in a low voice.

"Huh??" Guo Huaide blinked.

Not a modern person?

"White hair floating in green water?" Qin Yue asked again.

"What's this mess??" Guo Huaide was confused.

"Before the Tang Dynasty?" Qin Yue thought for a while and then asked: "Jian Jia Cang Cang?"

Guo Huaide was speechless: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Well, I just want to ask you about your look and appearance." Qin Yue blinked: "Do you have any explanation? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

He initially suspected that the Taoist priest was a time traveler, but now it seems that it doesn't look like it.

"Oh, you said this, this is it." The Taoist priest rolled his eyes, and then coughed twice: "This question is worth five gold coins!"

Qin Yue turned around and left.

"Oh, come on, let's discuss it again. Three coins are fine, how about one?" Guo Huaide shouted.

Qin Yue shook his head: "I really have no money. What I want to know is the kind that you can answer casually. Since the question of appearance is difficult to answer, let's forget it!"

"Alas" Guo Huaide was speechless: "It's boring to be a newbie, okay, okay, let me tell you, this body is called Tianlong Ninety-eight Skills Body. As the name suggests, it is the ninety-eight life forms developed by the Tianlong clan that can easily understand the laws. "

"Huh?" Qin Yue was stunned, why was the Tianlong clan involved again?

However, the human body was developed by the Tianlong Clan?

"You will know this when you enter the Immortal Tomb. Not long ago, someone excavated a Tianlong relic, which recorded twenty-six of the ninety-eight skills of the Tianlong, including me." The Taoist said. .

This is indeed very common news. As long as you enter the gate of the Immortal Tomb, you will know it. Unfortunately, people outside do not know it.

I originally planned to make a fortune from this news, but it's a pity that this person is poor.

But it doesn’t matter if you’re poor, the newbie will become a big boss one day, so if you make good friends, there won’t be any problem!

This is Guo Huaide's way of survival.

"That's it." Qin Yue's face looked a little ugly.

Although I had known that people on earth might be created, after all, you can create races if you understand genes. Qin Yue himself also created the Xiliang tribe!

But it was just speculation before, until now, the news is solid.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Guo Daochang asked.

"I'm fine!" Qin Yue shook his head, and then asked: "Then what kind of civilization is this Tianlong civilization? Has it perished? Why are there still ruins?"

"It may have perished, it may not have perished, but who knows!" Guo Daozhang shook his head: "Although there are many records found, none of them say that the Tianlong Civilization is gone. On the contrary, all the records and relics are telling us that this civilization is very Awesome! If you find something related to the Tianlong Civilization, you can sell it to the Immortal Tomb Tianlong Palace, which is a force that specializes in the study of the Tianlong Civilization!"

Qin Yue nodded: "Thank you, Taoist Master Guo!"

"It's easy to talk!" Daochang Guo nodded: "I just hope that when you have money, you can take more care of my business. I have been lingering at this door. I can hear you if you shout!"

Ah, this, okay!

"Who went in?" Qin Yue said.

"Okay, have a good trip. I wish you can block the gods and kill the Buddhas in the Immortal Tomb, and be promoted to level five as soon as possible!" the Taoist priest shouted.

So enthusiastic!

Qin Yue put her hooves in front of her and cupped her hands: "I will work hard!"

"Eh?" The Taoist priest was stunned. The etiquette just now seemed so familiar. It seemed like he had seen it on some ruins mural?

It seems that it was made using my current body?

But wait, isn't he a newbie? How does he know the etiquette of Tianlong Kung Fu?

Well, it must be a coincidence. After all, no one stipulates that only Tianlong Kung Fu can use this kind of etiquette. Maybe it is the etiquette of my own race!

He looked at Qin Yue's retreating back and shook his head. He didn't know how long this person could live.

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