Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 45 Overview of the Dark Island Sector

On Sunday, Qin Yue sent Bai Langlang and his grandmother away, and then returned the same way.

When he saw Jiang Yuehua again, she was still volunteering at the subway station. Perhaps because he saw too many people every day, he didn't recognize her at all when he saw Qin Yue again.

"Maybe, I don't have to worry about her son at all." Although he only took down Bai Langlang and a relic of the Circumference Civilization, Qin Yue's mentality has indeed changed a lot.

At least, he is much more confident.

Although he has mastered many secrets and has a stable development route after his rebirth, he has not done it before, so Qin Yue is still a little nervous.

But now, a local star area has been obtained, and the military god Bai Langlang has also surrendered, which means that his main plan is going smoothly.

This gave Qin Yue great confidence, so that when he saw Jiang Yuehua again, he was no longer as worried as before!

After all, even if Jiang Chengzi surrendered to Valo, that would be thirty or forty years later.

With his own butterfly, it is not certain whether Valo will still be there in thirty or forty years!

However, he still set Jiang Yuehua's WeChat as a special attention, and asked Zhizi to check Jiang Yuehua's dynamics and Moments every day.

Qin Yue didn't know what Jiang Yuehua would encounter, but if possible, he still wanted to save her.

He walked out of the exit, and Jiang Yuehua looked at the entrance, and there was no social interaction.

But Jiang Yuehua still saw him, because among so many people, only he was not playing with his phone, but raised his head, smiling happily, and his smile was very contagious.

It made her a lot happier in an instant, as if the fatigue of the day had dissipated at this moment.

"What a boy full of energy!"

It's a pity that Qin Yue was still playing with his phone, but he had a talent for electromagnetic networks, so he didn't need to take out his phone, and he didn't even need to turn on the screen to play.

Well, his phone can be used for a long time after charging once, which is quite power-saving.

He looked at his phone because of a message just released by Xinghai that Xinghai will have a major version update in three days, and a new map will be added at that time: Dark Island Star Zone!

The Dark Island Star Region was ceded, but China never thought of being ceded forever. Instead, it started from now on, working hard and striving for strength!

Make a map of the Dark Island Star Region and put it in the Star Sea, so that everyone will remember the shame of this cession of land. After these players enter the Star Sea, they should know the shame and then be brave, and work hard to regain the Dark Island Star Region!

This is a sad news, but for Qin Yue, it is indeed good news worth laughing about.

Because he didn't have a map of the Dark Island Star Region, but now, he has it!

The game will be updated in three days, but the map information is now available on the official website.

Qin Yue clicked in and studied it slowly.

The Dark Island Star Region is located next to the Ziwei Star Region. This next to means that there is a star gate connecting the two star regions.

But the Dark Island Star Region also has a star gate, which connects to the Bor Star Region.

And the Bor Star Region belongs to Valo.

Valo and the Earth collided in this way.

The Dark Island Star Region is a dark island as its name suggests. Because the number of stars in the entire star region is relatively small, only 47, and they are all ordinary stars, without super stars, the overall brightness will be darker than other star regions.

In comparison, there are 77 stars outside the nebula in the Lyra Star Region and 9 stars inside the nebula.

There are 141 stars in the Ziwei Star Region, among which Ziwei is a super star with a mass 17746 times that of the sun!

In the infinite sea of ​​stars, the Dark Island Star Region is like a slightly dim island in the dark ocean.

But the area of ​​the Dark Island Star Region is not small at all. It is a little larger than the densely distributed Lyra Star Region, which is 1.2 times that of the Lyra Star Region!

In the entire star region, there are 22 habitable planets, 29 super habitable planets, and 4 standard habitable planets.

The standard habitable planet here refers to a planet that is similar to the Earth in size, temperature difference, and air composition, and people can survive normally without wearing space suits in the past.

A super habitable planet is a planet that is slightly different from the Earth in size, temperature difference, and air composition, and can be inhabited by humans after a little modification.

Jialan Star is a super habitable planet.

A habitable planet refers to a planet with a bad size, temperature difference, and environment, but humans can survive if they adapt.

Mars is a typical habitable planet.

Dark Island Star Region Specialty: Dark Iron Ore, a type of iron ore that has been invaded by dark matter, has excellent radiation resistance and electromagnetic resistance. Warships made mainly of this material have natural stealth properties, and it is difficult to detect it whether it is optical radar or electromagnetic wave radar.

Red Pomelo Gold Crystal, a golden liquid produced by a plant called Space Red Pomelo, will condense into crystals after standing in a vacuum for 5 minutes. This crystal has excellent energy storage effect, and its energy density is 19468 times that of a graphene battery of the same volume. It is usually made into energy cubes and has a wide range of applications.

The bark of the magic sleeve tree is a tree whose bark can be peeled off layer by layer. The bark fiber is an excellent energy storage material, absorbing heat at high temperatures and releasing it at low temperatures. It can be drawn into silk through technical means and then woven into clothes, which can be made into clothes that are warm in winter and cool in summer and can adapt to many extreme environments.

Bor Silver Stone: The ore discovered by the Varro people is rhombus-shaped. Its appearance and detection properties are the same as those of ordinary stones, but it will turn into a silver liquid after being electrified. This liquid is an excellent metal additive. Adding a little to various alloys can greatly improve the metal properties of the alloys. Therefore, on Earth, the people on Earth call it strengthening stone.

There are many more, but they cannot be written here.

Just for these resources, there is already a reason not to give up the Dark Island, not to mention that the Dark Island Star Region has become an integral part of China!

But China currently has no ability to recover the Dark Island and can only watch.

When Qin Yue looked at the map of the Dark Island Star Region, his purpose was obvious.

"Varo is powerful, and I haven't developed yet. It's no good for me to fight directly." Qin Yue thought.

But it's not possible not to fight. The star sea is about to open. Although the Lyra Nebula is dangerous, there will soon be a group of fearless explorers who will use their lives to explore a passage.

At that time, it would be inappropriate to put the headquarters of the Celestial Civilization in the Lyra Nebula.

After all, the positioning of the Celestial Civilization is a dangerous, aggressive civilization with far greater strength than the Earth. What's the point of having its headquarters on Earth?

Moreover, its level is too high and it needs too many resources. A mere Lyra Star Region, or a nebula that only accounts for 22% of the area, is a limitation for it. He needs a wider space.

As for how to recapture the Dark Island Star Region, Qin Yue also has his own ideas.

Somehow, he thought of those rebirth novels again.

Many novel authors have their own ideas for recapture Dark Island and conquer Valor, but they all have some logical flaws. They either forcibly raise their own strength and lower the IQ of Valor civilization, or they open a big cheat.

Obviously, those authors also know that under normal circumstances, Earth civilization can never defeat Valor, so they can only use cheats.

Fortunately, Qin Yue also has a cheat. Although the presence of Zhizi is not strong, it is indeed a powerful cheat.

Moreover, he knows Valor very well, at least more than those authors.


"We still have to quickly pull up the fleet." After all, no matter how you plan, you still have to have a strong military force to back you up.

Thank you, Hai Bu Yi Suo Tian Lan for your daily rewards~~~ Every day!!

Are you afraid that I will quit?

To be honest, these rewards really gave me a lot of motivation. The collections increased very slowly before, and I once wanted to cut it off.

Although it is not fast now.

I used to write fan fiction, and I could write One Piece, Naruto, and Marvel.

It is safer to write those, after all, there is a big IP bonus, and the collection is guaranteed to be 20,000. The last fan fiction book even reached 30,000.

I think what I wrote is very average, I can only say that the IP bonus is too scary.

But when I opened the book, I still chose this one.

After all, the starry sky giant ship is romantic! ! !

I don't talk much usually, mainly because I don't know what to say, so I just want to write quietly, and you can just read it quietly. I didn't say anything about those who voted for the monthly ticket and rewarded me, but I read the news every day and kept it in my heart. It hasn't been put on the shelves yet, so there are not many updates every day. But after it is put on the shelves, it will definitely explode. I used to be a frequent visitor to the battle power list! Well, that's all, I don't know what I'm talking about, just this time. Next time, I'll talk nonsense, just say thank you for putting it on the shelves. Bye~~

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