Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 47 I’m so worried

It was another Monday. Qin Yue clicked on the fortress design page as usual, and then a message came from Tomoko.

"Bai Langlang wants to talk to me?" Qin Yue looked at the time, it's only been a week, why did the news come?

Could it be said that it can't be done?

Are underage military gods so weak?

"What's wrong?" Qin Yue opened the video call. This is not a function that comes with Xinghai. It is a plug-in that Qin Yue installed for Tomoko before.

"Si Hexing, I've got it!" In the picture, Bai Langlang's face seemed to have become rounder due to excitement.

"Ah?" Qin Yue was shocked: "So fast?"

"It's not fast anymore. The combat power of the Circular Civilization is fixed, cannot be regenerated, and cannot use resources. However, my productivity is unlimited. I only need to concentrate on exploding troops, which is enough to deal with them!" Bai Langlang said with a smile.

"Oh!" Qin Yue frowned. Exploding troops was the most basic strategy he left to Bai Langlang. In his calculations, it would take almost half a month to explode troops and then clear out the resistance forces of Sihe Star. time.

This is why Qin Yue set a time limit of half a month for Bai Langlang, because even a fool can use this stupidest method to solve Sihexing.

It's not surprising that Bai Langlang could discover this method, Qin Yue just didn't expect him to use it. Although there is nothing wrong with this method, it should not be used by you Bai Langlang!

Qin Yue wants to see more creative methods.

You are the God of War, but you don’t have any fancy operations?

Wait, it seems like he didn’t use half a month, but a week?

"However, although this method is easy to use, it is very time-consuming. It is conservatively estimated that it will take more than twenty days to complete. I am afraid of delaying your business, so I use the method of beating the dog with the door closed!!" Bai Langlang was still a little proud. Yes, Qin Yue gave him 15 days, and he also calculated that it would take exactly 15 days to push the troops horizontally.

Bai Langlang is sure that Qin Yue is good, but he doesn't dare to bet because the time of Sihe Star is inconsistent with that of the earth!

A day on the Sihe Star is shorter than that on the Earth. The 15 days on the Earth are 20 days on the Sihe Star!

Qin Yue is talking about 15 days. How do you know whether he is talking about the 15 days of the earth or the 15 days of the Sihe Star?

What if it’s Sihexing?

You definitely can’t expect your boss to be reasonable, but your boss’s tasks must be completed, so you can only use your brain to find simpler ways!

"Close the door and beat the dog!" Qin Yue didn't understand, but was greatly shocked. With a slight movement of his eyeballs, Tomoko had already started playing Bai Langlang's operation video.

Bai Langlang also started his explanation.

He found that the robots on Sihe Star were incomparable to his own. His robots could be commanded from a planet away. Although he didn't know the principle, they were indeed very impressive.

However, Sihexing's robots can be effectively commanded within a certain range. If they are further away, command delays and loss of contact will occur.

Generally speaking, the robot will connect signals with outer satellites, but the first area where he started to attack happened to be bombed by nuclear bombs, and the electromagnetic signals were disrupted. Then Bai Langlang discovered this weakness.

Well, there is no need to say that the graphite bomb will be used first to block the signal, and then the lurking robot will be sent in to find the command center of the Circular Civilization and blow it up.

Without the command center, the satellite signals in the sky were blocked, and the organized robot army suddenly became headless flies, and then they were surrounded and eaten by far fewer troops than them.

The rest of the process is just the repetition of this process countless times.

"Close the door and beat the dog, this name is quite appropriate!" Qin Yue nodded. It seems that although Bai Langlang is inexperienced, he still has that aura.

"Sorry, I really shouldn't have doubted you before!" Qin Yue apologized silently in his heart. Bai Langlang was the God of War, and Qin Yue also respected him, but facing a young God of War, Qin Yue still felt a little guilty.

But now, Bai Langlang has proven himself.

"So, are you going to rest next, or go straight to cleaning the triangular cone?" Qin Yue asked.

"Uh~~~" Bai Langlang's face was filled with a flattering smile: "What, I may have to work for a few days, grandma is planning my wedding, and the gift money is not enough."

"Ah?" Qin Yue was shocked: "No, why are you getting married?"

What was he reborn for? To fight aliens and save civilization!

In his dictionary, there is no room for love or marriage!

Suddenly hearing that Bai Langlang was getting married, Qin Yue was a little confused, as if a word that had nothing to do with his life suddenly broke into his life.

"This is normal. In Xijiang, if we don't go to college, we usually get married around the age of 20. I am also 21 this year!" Bai Langlang smiled shyly and added: "Actually, I don't want to be so early. We’re getting married, but my grandma is in a hurry. You don’t have to look for a wife yet, but you have to raise the money for the bride price first. As you know, we are famous for having a lot of bride gifts here!”

Qin Yue was speechless. He never expected that the biggest problem the organization encountered was not a powerful enemy, but a bride price!

If you think about it, it's true.

It's just that you are prosperous in the sea of ​​​​stars, but you have no place to stand in reality. You can't recruit talents even if you want to. Why should people abandon the country's generous treatment and come with you?

You can't fly a battleship in the sea of ​​stars, let's eat steamed buns in reality!

"So in reality, I have to open a company or something, so that the company can support the entire organization. It cannot be a labor-intensive enterprise, otherwise it will recruit too many people and it will be troublesome to manage. It is best to be that You can make money while lying down." Qin Yue thought about it.

Such enterprises can only be in high value-added industries and take the patent licensing route.

And this is what Qin Yue is good at. He lacks everything but patents. He simply doesn't need too many materials, pharmaceutical formulas, equipment, and instrument manufacturing methods.

Even if he doesn't know, he can still let Tomoko deduce it!

"In this case, you can prepare in advance!" Qin Yue thought for a while and said to Bai Langlang: "I'll give you three days off. You go to work first, but you don't have to take work as your main job. I will start it soon. We are in our own company. When the time comes, you will have your name in the company and your salary will not be less. As for getting married."

After thinking about it, Qin Yue said: "You can get married if you want, but before you get engaged, you can send your wife's information first, and I will help you check her character. You also know what we do, in case Something went wrong." Bai Langlang's wife in the previous life did not do anything wrong, but now that Qin Yue has cured his grandma in advance, it is not certain whether his wife is still the same.

If he finds a green tea, scheming bitch, or simply a 500,000 person, and then thinks about palace fighting, stealing secrets, or seeking to seize the rights of the organization, then he will not be able to pursue a career!

If there is no woman in your heart, it will be natural for you to draw your sword. Why don’t you understand this?


Qin Yue touched his chin, don't you understand?

I can help him understand!

After exiting Xinghai, Qin Yue took out his mobile phone, put it under the table and started operating it.

The teacher on the stage saw it clearly, but he didn't care. Anyway, as long as it doesn't hinder others, you can do whatever you want.

Qin Yue doesn't use Weibo, but for the sake of Bai Langlang, she downloaded one and searched for selfies.

Then, I searched page after page. It was easy to find famous ladies, those who often gave out handbags, hotels, luxury cars, and milk tea. Then, the words that were included were sad and sentimental about life.

Finally, choose one from Xijiang Province.

However, the addresses of many celebrities were in Angola. Qin Yue could only use Zhizi to check the IP addresses one by one, and finally narrowed down a few names.

I chose one, Yoki. The pictures were all in JK uniforms, with white stockings and calves. I couldn’t see my face, I didn’t know what I looked like, and I didn’t even know whether I was a boy or a girl.

But this is not important.

He doesn't have many fans. He must have just started his career. He just posted a Weibo post a minute ago. If he sends a private message at this time, there is a high probability that it will be seen.

Qin Yue: Miss, will you take orders?

Yoki: Meow? Business order? what type?

Qin Yue: I have a friend who is too simple. I am afraid that he will suffer a loss in society in the future, so I hope you can help him improve his memory.

Yoki: Go away, who do you think I am? Do you think I am green tea?

Qin Yue: 10,000 yuan!

Yoki: Well, I’ll think about it!

Qin Yue: 20,000, and then I’ll give you another 30,000 when the job is done!

Yoki: Tell me his information and I promise to handle it properly for you ヾ(°°)

In order for Bai Langlang to concentrate on his career, I actually paid so much

I am truly a good boss!

Putting down her mobile phone, Qin Yue wiped away her tears and then fell down on the table.

Fortress, we must continue!

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