Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 5 Export of Heavy Nuclear Fusion Drawings

Those with electromagnetic network talents can connect their minds with electromagnetic waves and can control warships without using hands or feet. Those with strong minds can even control five, ten, one hundred, even one thousand or ten thousand ships at the same time!

Therefore, one electromagnetic networker is a fleet!

Of course, these warships must also be quite advanced. At least all operations can be controlled by electromagnetic waves. It will definitely not work if you just make a lump of iron and let the electromagnetic interconnector come.

It is an electromagnetic network, not electromagnetic control.

In this world dominated by battles with giant ships and cannons, such a talent is not weak.

However, it is not enough to be evaluated as an SSS-level talent.

When Qin Yue was dying in his previous life, he finally understood the reason why this talent could become SSS level.

His mental power merged with the material that made up Sophon, and he directly traveled through time and space and returned to the past!

Although this is the joint function of mental power and sophon, both of which are indispensable, it has also proved the value of this talent.

After all, the wind stirred up by a butterfly can cause a storm, let alone a person with thousands of years of memory and a cheat!

"Sophon, use the earth's programming knowledge in my mind, break through the network of Blue Star Civilization, and then build a file for me!" Qin Yue said.

"Yes, Master!" As he entered the mental power of Whale X6, Tomoko quickly entered the system library.

Although the entire system is built in the star sea, the star sea system is only responsible for integrating blueprints and ores into technological products. Operating systems such as operating systems on ships and battleships still have to be developed by themselves.

The system used by Blue Star is the Hongmeng system independently developed by the Republic. It is easy to use, but it is a pity that Qin Yue knows this system very well. He not only understands the current system, but also knows the upgraded version in the next few hundred years.

Coupled with the extra-dimensional existence of sophons, the system of Blue Star Civilization is like a sieve, allowing sophons to wander around.

In just the blink of an eye, a fictitious name was created in the Blue Star Civilization system, and at the same time it was bound to the mining machine beneath him.

So, take off!

Send a request to the space station tower, and soon the tower will get a reply.

"Permission to take off!"

Qin Yue nodded, and there was no need to worry about the waiting time for the time being. Next, it would be Zhizi!

"Zhizi, how do you understand my program?" Qin Yue asked.

"All have been received!" Tomoko said.

"Very good, then you develop a driving assistance system, a combat assistance system, a blueprint research and development system, a technology research and development system, an office system, an audio-visual system, and a photography system." Qin Yue said.

A mobile phone can be installed with hundreds or thousands of software, and a plug-in will naturally have many functions, otherwise it would be very unqualified.

"It has been developed!" Tomoko said. In front of Qin Yue, a screen had been unfolded, just like the auxiliary machine he would use hundreds of years later, with various software listed on it.

But Sophon's ability is not comparable to that of a mobile phone. At least Sophon has a brain, but a mobile phone does not.

As for what abilities Sophon has, Qin Yue actually doesn’t know. After using it for many years, he feels that he has only used a little of all the functions of Sophon.

In short, it is to use Sophon as an artificial intelligence, and then add various systems and functions to it.


When the time arranged by the space station came, first the cabin began to drain the air, and then the cabin's dome slowly opened, revealing the starlight in the sky outside.

Qin Yue adjusted the seat to lie flat mode and lay down comfortably.

Soft music sounded in my ears.

However, his spirit was integrated into the spacecraft, allowing Sophon to control the giant whale, draw a trajectory that fully complied with the standards of the Lyra space station, and slowly sail into the starry sky.

The spacecraft began to accelerate, and the speed became faster and faster. It did not stop accelerating until the figure of 800,000 km/h, and continued to fly forward by relying on inertia.

The Lyra, which was as huge as a mountain, shrank into a point only a few minutes after flying out, and finally disappeared into the vast starry sky.


"Master, has left the Tianxuan Legion range!"

More than ten minutes later, with a ding sound, Qin Yue opened his eyes again.

There is currently only one corps under the Blue Star Civilization: the Blue Star Corps. Under the Blue Star Corps there are six fleets: Tianquan, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianshu, Beidou, and Yaoguang.

Kaiyang is also a fleet, but the Kaiyang fleet belongs to the Academy of Sciences. It protects scientists from dangerous situations all year round and does not participate in battles, so it does not belong to the Blue Star Corps sequence.

Tianqin Star District is the area under the jurisdiction of Tianxuan Fleet. Patrol ships of Tianxuan Fleet often appear in the core area, and it is not convenient for them to see what Qin Yue wants to do.

"Export the heavy nuclear fusion engine drawings!" Qin Yue said softly.

This blueprint is relatively simple. Although this is a technology that took nearly four hundred years for the people on earth to develop, at that time, it was almost as difficult as drilling wood to make fire.

His derivation directly made the earth's technology advance four hundred years!

Unfortunately, for higher-level engines, he only knew a few principles, and it took time for Sophon to deduce them.

"Ding, it has been exported!" Tomoko said.

"Scan the engine of this giant whale and transform the drawing into the engine style of this ship!" Qin Yue continued.

"It has been transformed. Do you want to export it?"



In front of Qin Yue, a one-meter-long scroll appeared. When the scroll was opened, there were layers of patterns on it that were dazzling.

This is the drawing format recognized by the Xinghai system. A wrench drawing is also a scroll, and a Star Destroyer drawing is still such a large scroll, which is amazing.

"Xinghai System, import the drawings!"

"The drawings have been exported and are being tested. The verification has passed. The minerals are being tested. The required minerals are as follows."

Qin Yue took a look and found that they were all very common minerals.

Up to his time in the Star Sea, a total of 160,000 minerals had been discovered, 99% of which were conventional minerals, that is, minerals that could be born in conventional natural environments.

The other 1% is extremely rare and requires a specific environment, magnetic field, or even a living organism to be born.

Qin Yue didn't remember any special minerals produced in Tianqin. It might have been produced in the past life, but it was artificially concealed, so his drawings were naturally of the kind that could be satisfied by regular minerals.

"Sophon, take the ship to the asteroid belt, we are going to mine!"


"By the way Zhizi, you can be more active!" Qin Yue said: "I know you are alive! Why do you feel a little taciturn."

Tomoko in his previous life had a relationship with him that was both a teacher and a friend. At first, Tomoko was like a child and didn't understand anything. But after all, he came from a different background. After being exposed to knowledge, he surpassed him as a teacher in a very short time, and then rode a horse. Juechen, don’t give Qin Yue a chance to catch up again.

Tomoko didn't say anything. In fact, he was a little scared. This master seemed very scary.

Like a cat that has just been brought home, it is still a little afraid of strangers.

Qin Yue smiled and was not in a hurry, just take your time!

As for whether she is worried about Tomoko's betrayal?

He had already worried about it in his previous life, but after worrying for thousands of years, Tomoko was still a Tomoko, so naturally he no longer worried about it now.

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