Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 52 Could it be him?

The whole thing happened so fast. From the time the young man took action to the time he was subdued, there might not even be a second.

There was silence in the classroom. A second later, countless exclamations came one after another. A group of female students sitting in the front hurriedly stepped forward and surrounded Lin Huaguang. A group of male students rushed forward and directly pushed the young man from the second row. Drag him out and push him to the ground.

The whole process went smoothly. After all, these students have all undergone military training.

"Are you okay?" The young lady next to her also supported Qin Yue, and then hurriedly checked Qin Yue's arm.

After all, the arms of the two of them looked very big after being checked for size.

"I'm fine!" Qin Yue shook his arm. His clothes were not made casually. They were made of carbon nanomaterials with fixed nitrogen and hydrogen. They are extremely tough and can release static electricity and stimulate the muscles on his arms. fiber to increase arm strength.

In the future, this will be just a common textile material, but now, this piece of clothing can be regarded as individual equipment.

The detective was very fast, but within five minutes he had already felt it. There were four people in total, one was older and the other three were very young.

The two young men handcuffed the suspect first. They were also handcuffs connected to the system. After being handcuffed, they could not go offline.

"Uncle Detective, gun!" A student handed the gun over. They had also been educated to hold the gun with white paper to prevent fingerprints from appearing.

"You did a good job!" The middle-aged man nodded, took the gun, and then his face turned a little dark.

This is not a very advanced gun, it is just a Gegek 38, which is a relatively backward gun type on Earth, let alone in the star sea where electromagnetic guns are equipped.

But even though it is a gunpowder weapon, it can still cause damage when hitting a person!

G38 still uses .45 bullets. If he takes a few rounds, even if he doesn't die, Professor Lin's spirit will be greatly damaged. I'm afraid he won't be able to enter the star sea again!

The person who did this is simply cruel!

"Take it back!" the police detective said, then stood up and looked at his classmates: "Come a few people and come back with me to take notes!"

Suddenly, there was an endless stream of people raising their hands.

"Just you guys, by the way, who subdued him!" the detective asked again.

"It's him!" Qin Yue was pointed out before he could say anything, so he could only stand up.

"Good job!" The detective nodded: "You also go back and make a record with us!"

This was the first assassination of a professor-level person since Xinghai. The Ministry of Public Security attached great importance to this incident. Two police detectives were interrogating the young man, but there were more than two people squatting behind the camera.

Luo Feixiang is one of them.

Luo Feixiang was the person who had the previous meeting with the top leaders of Xinghai. He was a veteran police detective from the Ministry of Public Security and a senior detective.

He looked through the young man's information. His surname was Xiao Mingtian, a student from Hengshui Middle School in Beihe Province. He was 18 years old this year.

Before entering Xinghai, he had already been vetted. His family had no foreign background and no criminal history. He himself had no bad habits and no bad social relationships. He had been a good student from childhood to adulthood.

It’s been less than a month since I entered the Star Sea on April 3rd.

How could he change from a good student to an assassin in just one month?

Did he synthesize this gun himself? Or was it given to him by someone else?

Looking at Xiao Tian in the interrogation room, Luo Feixiang looked at another piece of information.

Qin Yue, a student of Zheng Jing No. 2 Middle School, usually has very poor grades and is at the bottom of the class. However, in the crucial joint entrance examination, she entered the top 100 in her grade and got the opportunity to enter Xinghai.

After entering Xinghai, he spoke little and studied hard. Many teachers gave him positive comments.

There seems to be no problem.

But Luo Feixiang discovered that Lin Huaguang's class was not included in Qin Yue's course selection system.

In other words, this was his first time in Lin Huaguang's class today, and through the surveillance camera sent by the school, we could see that he sat directly next to Xiao Tian after he came in, and then decisively stopped him the moment Xiao Tian made a move!

The whole process was so decisive! So sharp!

How does this look like a high school student?

To be fair, even if high school students' current mental strength has exceeded 2.0, and their memory and understanding have been greatly improved, it does not mean that their ability to make critical decisions will also improve by leaps and bounds. This ability requires year-round training!

Being able to stop Xiao Tian the moment he took action gave Luo Feixiang the feeling that it was not like Qin Yue was powerful, but like he knew in advance that Xiao Tian was going to assassinate Lin Huaguang.

"How was the result of the interrogation?" Luo Feixiang rubbed his temples and turned to ask.

"Xiao Tian insisted that he wanted to assassinate the professor. The blueprint for the gun was downloaded from the Internet and no one instigated him!" the student next to him quickly replied.

"Open a chat room, let me chat with Qin Yue!" Luo Feixiang thought for a while and said.


Qin Yue's treatment was good. After all, he acted bravely and saved a very important scholar.

He was sitting on the sofa, eating fruit, blowing on the air conditioner, and in his hand was a book handed to him by a police detective girl, called "Precognition of Guilt". It was about a detective who knew a lot about the upcoming case. A story about having a premonition and then doing your best to nip a crime in the bud.

It's a pity that he is just like Bian Que's eldest brother. Although his methods are brilliant, most people can't see it, so he remains unknown and impoverished.

Until he changed his mind and no longer killed the crime in advance, but stayed there early and watched the criminal commit the crime, and then he took action to solve the case.

In this way, he, who must solve every case, suddenly became a hot detective and the great savior of the Japanese police.


"Classmate Qin, how do you feel about our police detective bureau? Do you want to consider working in the police detective bureau in the future?" He was reading the book wonderfully, but was interrupted. Qin Yue was a little unhappy, but he saw that it was the one who gave him the book. detective sister

Well, it’s not that it’s unforgivable.

"I will consider it!" Qin Yue replied seriously.

The policewoman smiled and didn't take it seriously, and continued: "By the way, someone here heard about your story and wants to talk to you, okay?"

"Ah? You can't leave yet!" Qin Yue glanced at his watch. He had been sitting here for half an hour!

"All right!"

Anyway, it's not like he didn't expect such a thing. The timing of his appearance was indeed wrong, and there were indeed many flaws.

But first things first, and what's more, he had already spent a lot of time dealing with Valo, so why bother with such a trivial matter!

On the big screen in front of him, an old police detective, about thirty or forty years old, was projected.

Well, you can still be so old after entering the sea of ​​​​stars. Your actual age should be fifty or sixty years old.

Qin Yue glanced at it and didn't recognize it. He really didn't know much about the police detective system.

"Qin Yue, classmate Qin, right!" the police detective asked with a smile: "We just stopped a murder case. You don't seem to be nervous now. Are you not afraid that the prisoner has an accomplice and will be retaliated against later?"

"." Qin Yue was speechless. Her tone sounded like she was caring about me, but I'm not a new student, so this wasn't a greeting.

He simply pointed at his nose and said, I think something is wrong with you. After doing such a big thing, and you are still so calm now, there must be something wrong with you.

"I'm not the murderer. It's not good for the detective uncle to treat me like this!" Qin Yue asked back.

"Huh?" The middle-aged police detective was stunned for a moment, then sat up.

This young man doesn't seem to be ignorant of the world!

Normal children cannot understand the second meaning of my words.

Therefore, the way of speaking can be changed.

"Since you understand, I won't talk nonsense!" the detective asked seriously: "Can you explain why you, who have never attended Professor Lin Huaguang's class, went to his class today and happened to be sitting next to the murderer? You can stop him the moment he takes action? Don't tell me it's an accident, I won't believe it! We just installed cameras in the classroom, and every move you make is recorded!"

This kind of thing must be clarified. Assassination is terrible, but what if the assassination is a trap!

According to normal logic, Qin Yue, who saved people, would be commended and his status would be greatly improved. He might even be accepted as a disciple by Lin Huaguang, and then naturally enter the highest level of academia.

So what if everything was planned and Xiao Tian was an abandoned son who deliberately died to pave the way for Qin Yue?

This possibility is logically self-consistent!

Even because of this suspicion, Qin Yue will be excluded from the core of Xinghai and will no longer be able to enter the upper echelons.

Therefore, Luo Feixiang must figure it out, not only to prevent greater dangers in the future, but also not to delay a young man's future just because of a misunderstanding.

"Yes, I did not take Professor Lin's class. I went there specifically today just to stop this assassination!" Qin Yue nodded simply!

"Huh?" Luo Feixiang was stunned for a moment: "What did you say?"


Luo Feixiang suddenly thought of something!

During the previous meeting, did they discuss that there might be a chosen one who entered the sea of ​​​​stars, and that his talent might be prophecy?

"I can't explain too much to you. I can only say that I have no ill intentions. It's up to you to believe it or not!" Qin Yue said seriously.

The main thing is that he doesn't know how to explain it, so he can't tell the truth!

Am I born again?

He didn't mind saying it, but he was afraid that the insider would leak the secret. Then Vallo's importance to this side might be different!

Once the army reaches the border, the immigration fortress will truly become the immigration fortress of the earth's civilization.

"This" Luo Feixiang fell into a trance after hearing such an unabashed answer that seemed to be full of secrets.

Could it be him?

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