"It seems that these two students have somewhat different ideas. One is in a non-carrier formation, and the other is in a regular formation!" The guest host said while looking at the big screen, wondering in his mind, could this be the case? A classmate, is he a battleship party?

The war between the battleship party and the aircraft carrier party had already begun when the aircraft carrier was born.

However, following the massacre of the battleships docked in Pearl Harbor by the neon aircraft carrier during the Battle of Pearl Harbor, and the siege of the Yamato by the US aircraft carrier, this discussion seemed to be over. Naturally, the aircraft carrier had the last laugh.

Of course, the most fundamental reason for the elimination of battleships is the emergence of long-range missiles and nuclear bombs.

However, when the battlefield environment came to the universe, the battleship party stood up again. They believed that in the universe environment, the problems of battleships with slow steering, slow speed, short range, and inability to detect enemy ships were no longer a problem!

Because there is no resistance in a vacuum! The battleship is very easy to move!

Moreover, there is no arc of the earth in a vacuum. All enemies can see it with a space telescope. In a vacuum, artillery shells fly without any resistance. The speed can be very fast, and the flight trajectory is a straight line. It can hit ultra-long-distance targets. Things to achieve.

On the other hand, aircraft carriers are far less convenient than battleships because carrier-based aircraft have a short range, a small bomb load, and require a pilot.

After all, the best weapon in space is the electromagnetic gun!

Can you fire a railgun from an airplane? No way!

Fire a cannon and your plane may be shaken to pieces!

Of course, no matter how many advantages battleships have, they still cannot be used in the Blue Star Corps. As for the reason, can you tell me why?

Let’s come and watch the game!

"Hey, are these two people having a conflict? One fleet set off, and the other actually went to He Boxing. What are you going to do? Are you going to hide and seek with Zhou Qiong? But you landed on a planet with the space fleet "Hide and seek, are you sure you're not a target?" The commentator felt that he could no longer explain it. The first game was already outrageous, but fortunately, it can be said that even if you take the wrong approach, you can still make it right.

But what about this one, where two people are directly in conflict? Or divide the troops directly?

The leaders in the audience also frowned one by one. They regard these high school students as their treasures. Otherwise, why would such a busy man as the leader of the fleet come here?

Unexpectedly, this is it?

He didn't see the quality, he only saw people who just wanted to show off their abilities!

But does the military need such people?

What the army needs is unity!

"Chief, calm down, it will be solved in a few dozen minutes anyway," Bai Shiqi comforted him. He was also a little dissatisfied. It seemed that he would have to talk to someone from the education department later. Not to mention that you taught each student to become a god of war. At least You must have a sense of teamwork!

"Huh, huh?" Qin Yuan was originally dissatisfied, but more importantly, there was a student on the stage whose surname was also Qin!

Aren’t you embarrassing Qin?

But as he looked at it, he noticed something was wrong.

This child doesn’t seem to be that simple!

On the big screen, the fleets of both sides had seen each other, and they immediately began to accelerate and rush towards each other!

But in the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides has shortened to 0.002 light seconds.

Then, one of the parties opened fire directly!

It was Qin Yue who opened fire. He had 160 cruisers in his hands. Although they were not comparable to battleships, they were still considered low-end battleships.

Unfortunately, there are not many electromagnetic guns equipped on the battleships, only four on each ship.

"Huh?" Zhou Qiong immediately felt something was wrong, because a full 160 ships under her command sounded the alarm!

"Lock 160 ships at the same time! And with such precision, such hand speed, and such judgment!" Zhou Qiong immediately controlled the warship to dodge.

The flight speed of the electromagnetic gun is Mach 120, and the distance of the electromagnetic gun is 0.002 light seconds. The electromagnetic gun takes 15 seconds to fly!

Such a long time was enough for Zhou Qiong to comb her hair, wash her face and then come back to continue the operation, so the shells naturally missed and were easily dodged.

But Zhou Qiong had already become serious, because she could tell from just that move that this opponent was different from the previous two!

No, it is even different from all the opponents he has played against before!

He is strong!

In the eyes of a true master, whether an opponent is strong or not can be judged within ten seconds of laning!

"Are you saying hello to me and asking me to be more serious?" Zhou Qiong shook his head. There is no need for this. No matter what opponent it is, I will go all out!

Speed ​​up and pursue!

She doesn't think that such an opponent can be solved with naval guns alone. A large part of her combat power comes from the aerial fighters carried on the aerospace carrier. Therefore, she must close the distance and engage in a close dogfight!

Then, she watched the enemy ship in front of her circle around, and then started to escape?

No, not running away, he wants to fly my kite!

No wonder you didn't choose the space carrier. The space carrier is the slowest and can easily be overtaken by the rear ship when flying a kite.

Cruisers are not the fastest either. The fastest ones are assault boats, but assault boats have a small ammunition capacity and a small electromagnetic gun port. They typically have low attack and low defense, and do not have the ability to execute this tactic. Destroyers and frigates have similar problems. , only cruisers can achieve both speed and weapon power!

But the cruiser's defense is still a bit poor. Although it won't be able to withstand a single shell, it will explode if dozens of rounds are fired!

But there are also frigates!

Qin Yue had a threshold space of 75,000, and only 32,000 were used for the 160 cruisers. The remaining 43,000 were all replaced by frigates, a total of 260!

Frigates are not used to protect, they are used to patrol, guard, clear obstacles, and eliminate threats in advance!

If it were in real reality or in the star sea, there would be people on the frigate. If Qin Yue used the frigate like this, he would have to go to a military court!

But this is a simulated battle. Qin Yue can use it however he wants. The frigate is used to protect and block cannonballs!

"It's a bit tricky!" Zhou Qiong frowned. The kite tactic can be said to be an enduring and timeless tactic. The more modern the more useful it is.

From Genghis Khan's use of this set of tactics to conquer Eurasia hundreds of years ago, to the sixteen-character guerrilla mantra of "when the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we advance, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we fight" during the Anti-Japanese War, to modern beyond-the-horizon War, information war.

It can be called kiting, it can be called guerrilla, it can be called pulling, but at its core, it is all a tactic!

That is, let me hit you, but you can't hit me!

This tactic fully makes people realize the importance of information and technology, and also verifies the simple and cruel fact: "If you fall behind, you will be beaten!"

And this backwardness refers to the backwardness of information, technology, and speed, but in the final analysis, it is still the backwardness of technology.

The battleships used by Qin Yue and Zhou Qiong have the same technological level. The information on both sides is transparent, and there is no information lag. The only lag is in speed!

Zhou Qiong had to consider the speed of the space carrier and move forward in a coordinated formation without destroying the formation. Because of this, there was a speed difference between her and Qin Yue, and then Qin Yue flew a kite!

"What to do!" Zhou Qiong's brain began to think quickly.

The best way is naturally to launch missiles and rockets. The speed of such weapons is definitely faster than that of battleships!

But since she is the one pursuing and Qin Yue is the one escaping, her rockets can easily be intercepted by Qin Yue, and the result may not be great!

If Qin Yue is good at math and has first-class ability to intercept missiles, he might even be able to escape unscathed!

But guessing is not reality after all, you have to try!

Zhou Qiong deployed the rocket launch system on the aircraft carrier, aimed directly at thirty cruisers, and then launched!

Thirty rockets fly at a speed of 14.1km/s, which has exceeded the speed of the second universe and is close to the speed of the third universe, 0.002 light seconds. It only takes 40 seconds to catch up with Qin Yue!

Rockets and electromagnetic guns are different. After the electromagnetic gun is launched, it cannot turn and can be easily avoided. However, there is a guidance system on the rocket. It will not stop until it reaches the target and can only be intercepted manually!

In 42 seconds, the trajectory of thirty missiles was accurately determined and then intercepted!

Can you do it?


Almost at the moment when thirty rockets were launched, Qin Yue's side, thirty guided missiles were launched from several frigates. Twenty seconds later, sixty missiles collided in the air, creating thirty brilliant flowers. fireworks!

"This!" Zhou Qiong narrowed his eyes!

Even her expression, which had not fluctuated all year round, was a little shocked when she saw this scene!

What is this concept?

According to the internal data of the Tianquan Fleet, it takes an average of 3 to 5 missiles to intercept a missile. In other words, to intercept 30 rockets, a conservative estimate would require 150 missiles!

Taking into account the presence of decoys and sub-warheads in the rocket, this number will continue to expand, and it will be safe to launch 1,000 interceptor missiles!

If a weapon like a close-range anti-aircraft gun, which fires tens of thousands of bullets a minute, is used for defense, 30 rockets would require 15,000 rounds of bullets to intercept.

And this data requires people, with the help of computers, to coordinate defense with multiple people!

And what did this Qin Yue do? one person! Only thirty rounds!

The interception rate is 100%!

And he released the interceptor missile just as the rocket took off, causing the rocket's decoys and sub-warheads to be wiped out halfway before they even had time to deploy!

"Is that human being?"

"Is the student's settings a little too wide? Are there self-aims?"

Bai Shiqi was shocked when he heard the muttering of Chief Qin Yuan next to him.

What about self-aiming? Apart from having more troops and being able to fight two against one, there is no bonus for the students!

It's not a system problem!

This is a real operation!

So, who is this Qin Yue? How could you do such an outrageous thing and you were broke before?

Bai Shiqi took out his notebook and started to retrieve the files, but only after doing so did he realize something was wrong.

Who is this Qin Yue? Why is his profile so brief?

Not only is the date of birth missing, but also the parents’ names and ID numbers. A lot of information is missing, including hobbies and interests. There’s a lot of information filled out in a mess!

Who cares whether you like to eat coriander or not?

In addition, this is the information archive when I logged into Xinghai. How could someone register such outrageous information?

"No, his file has been modified. Even I can't see it. Is it top secret?"

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