In the Dark Island Star District, a dark area with no people or galaxies, a star gate slowly opened, but it did not fully open. Instead, it stopped expanding when the diameter was only 5.5 meters.

Then, a flying saucer flew out quietly.

Later, the star gate quietly disappeared again.

"This is really convenient." Bai Langlang witnessed this scene. Although Qin Yue told him about the role of the Star Gate, he was still a little surprised when he actually saw this scene.

And he immediately thought of the strategic value of the Star Gate.

For example, deploy tens of millions of warships in the ruins, and then drop them behind the enemy through the star gate.

"I know what you are thinking, but do you think others can't think of it!" Qin Yue saw Bai Langlang's eyes and laughed: "It takes time for the star gate to load the coordinates and then expand it, and it cannot be closed midway, and more than a dozen In minutes, advanced civilizations can already launch a large number of fleets at the gate of the star gate!"

"But isn't the Star Gate invisible and invisible?" Bai Langlang asked.

"There are special methods for detection, and the technology content is not high. We have already mastered this technology!" Qin Yue said lightly: "Mature civilizations will install instruments in all star regions to detect sudden appearances. The star gate fluctuates, and guerrilla fleets will be deployed among several star sectors to take precautions at all times!"

"That is to say, the time it took for the Dark Island Star Area to be obtained was too short, and this area is considered to be the edge area of ​​Valo and is relatively backward. They had no time to arrange it!" Qin Yue said.

"Behind..." Bai Langlang pondered this word.

"This is lagging behind. In fact, you can tell by looking at the star map where the solar system is in the Milky Way?" Qin Yue opened a star map, a star map in reality.

"Suburban." Bai Langlang looked at the map. The solar system is located on the Orion cantilever of the Milky Way, 26,400 light-years away from the center of the galaxy.

"Actually, it's not considered a suburb. Using the capital city analogy, we are in the fourth to fifth ring roads. If we use the city analogy, we are considered a second- and third-tier city!" Qin Yue said: "But the sea of ​​​​stars encompasses not only a galaxy, but also a larger As for galaxies like the Andromeda Galaxy, compared with these super galaxies, we are absolutely rural!"

"The closer you are to the center of the galaxy, the richer the materials and resources are. This is true in reality, and this law is also followed in the sea of ​​stars! Therefore, the resources here are at the rural level. First-level materials are everywhere, but second-level materials are everywhere. It’s rare anymore”

Bai Langlang nodded, so that's it!

However, where do you know these things from? I have also been looking at various documents left by the Circular Civilization that have been screened by the Golden Crow, and I have not seen these things!

The Sun flies extremely fast, mainly because of the force field protection, which is equivalent to cultivating the true energy of the spacecraft. It can not only improve the defense, but also improve the stability of the entire flying saucer.

Its current flying speed is 3.37 million kilometers per hour!

Is it fast?

In fact, it’s not fast either, that is, only 930 kilometers per second, which is still far from Sun Wukong’s 54,000 kilometers per second!

Not long after, the flying saucer finally approached a galaxy.

The already fast speed was affected by the stars and became a few minutes faster. However, neither of them paid attention to this problem. Instead, they looked at the spaceships coming and going in the star system and fell into deep thought.

"This is the Qinghai Galaxy. It's only been a month." Bai Langlang looked at the picture from the telescope, a little unbelievable.

He was familiar with this galaxy. After all, the country had incorporated the map into the game.

But the once clean and natural galaxy now seems to have become a construction site, with engineering fleets everywhere mining, transporting, and then transporting it to the edge of the star for construction.

This galaxy originally had a huge asteroid belt, but now there are almost one-third fewer meteorites in this planetary belt!

Moreover, the colors of some of the dug stars have changed, which means that these Varro people have dug up the entire surface of the earth!

"Is this building a planetary industrial center?" Bai Langlang asked.

Such a large-scale construction is certainly no small undertaking!

"It's almost the same. This is a planet-level shipyard, specially used to manufacture warships!" Qin Yue said.

"Why are you building a battleship? Damn it?" Bai Langlang clenched his fists.

Your neighboring country is intensifying its military strength, and you know who it is targeting!

His neighbor is the earth, so he must be building warships to attack the earth!

Moreover, one galaxy is building a planet-level shipyard. How many galaxies are there in the entire Dark Island sector? How many planet-level shipyards can be built?

The threat is too great!

"Let's go!" Qin Yue waved his hand, and the flying saucer circled this galaxy and headed to the next one.

"It seems that we have to deal with Wallow quickly, otherwise we may be gone at some point! At the rate of their military expansion, we might not be able to handle it!" Confrontation with Wallow is a matter at the national level. Bai Langlang joined the Heavenly Civilization largely to repay his grandmother's kindness, and did not intend to actually fight against Valo.

I just clicked on it with the idea that if I can fight, I can't.

After all, you don’t know the pain until the knife hits you!

But it wasn't until now that he really saw the Valor people's mobilization capabilities, construction capabilities, and troop preparations that he became nervous.

This is not a picture I have seen on TV, news, or media before. This is something that actually happened around me, and I saw it with my own eyes!

Qin Yue nodded: "Indeed, the mobilization ability and execution ability of the second-level civilization are quite exaggerated."

As for what else to express?

There's no need, no one understands Vallo better than him, so there's no need to express any emotion, it's meaningless.

After bypassing the Qinghai Galaxy, Qin Yue passed two or three more galaxies, but this time he didn't go up to take a look. After all, he knew what was going on inside even without looking.

"Are we going to the North Sea Galaxy?" Looking at the trajectory of the flying saucer, Bai Langlang also saw the destination of the two of them.

"Well, the star of the North Sea Galaxy is the brightest in the entire Dark Island Star District. Although its affiliated planets are considered uninhabitable planets by us, they are just right for the Valor people. There is a high possibility that This galaxy is where the Star Master of the Dark Island Sector is located!" Qin Yue said.

This is actually not a guess, but he knew it was here early on, but he was just deducing the process based on the results.

Bai Langlang praised repeatedly, this boss seems to be really powerful!

Not only does he have outstanding commanding ability, he is also very technical and logical thinking ability. It seems that he is also a good hand in planning.

With such a divine teammate, this heavenly civilization seems to have a bright future!

"We're here!" Qin Yue's voice interrupted Bai Langlang's thinking.

He looked up and saw through the telescope that there were also many transport ships in this galaxy, but there were far fewer than the previous one!

More importantly, all the planets in the entire galaxy still maintain their original appearance. Only the fourth planet, which is a blue-green planet, has some silver man-made buildings on its surface.

"This planet, Titan?" Bai Langlang found the information.

Titan, located in the North Sea Galaxy, is the fourth planet from the inside to the outside of the North Sea Galaxy. It is also the solid planet with the largest diameter, mass and density in the North Sea Galaxy.

It is 196 million kilometers away from Bohai Star. It rotates from west to east and orbits Bohai Star at the same time. It is 6.64 billion years old and has two natural satellites, one named Giant Eagle and the other named Giant Spirit.

The diameter of Titan is 1.33 times that of the Earth, its surface area is 1.77 times that of the Earth, its volume is 2.35 times that of the Earth, and its surface gravity is 2.1 times that of the Earth.

Because it is far away from the star, the surface temperature is low, with the highest temperature being 17°C and the lowest temperature being 156°C. In addition, the gravity is high, so it is classified as an uninhabitable planet.

However, it is well suited to the Waro people.

"Turn on stealth mode!" Qin Yue said softly.

With a burst of light distortion on the surface of the flying saucer, the originally silver-gray flying saucer seemed to have suddenly lost its color and slowly disappeared into the sea of ​​stars.

Not only is it simple optical invisibility, the force field on the surface of the flying saucer can also attract all kinds of electromagnetic waves, ensuring that it cannot be detected by optical microscopes or various types of radar detection.

The engine at the tail of the flying saucer was also shut down at the same time. The entire flying saucer relied on inertia and stellar gravity to quickly approach Titan.

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