Qin Yue's home is in the suburbs of Zhengjing City. Her father is an engineer at a nearby steel plant, and her mother, Li Xueling, is a Chinese teacher at Zhengjing Sixth Primary School.

There is no holiday in elementary school yet. They both took leave to pick up Qin Yue. After getting home, they have to go back to work.

Qin Yue tidied up her room, then lay down on the bed and entered the sea of ​​​​stars again.

Ripples appeared in the dark space, and spaceships appeared one after another in the Dark Island Star Area.

During this move, Qin Yue moved all the industries located on Jialan Planet that took two months to build.

There are no traces left on the entire Jialan Planet. The mines that were dug and the roads that were built were restored to their original state by Qin Yue.

The pyramid used to open the ruins was also destroyed by Qin Yue.

It is guaranteed that the Jialan Planet that people on Earth will see when they come here is a primitive planet that no one has ever visited before.

"This is the galaxy you want, the White Sun Galaxy, the Lanwu Galaxy, and the Gaotian Galaxy. Your troops are stationed here and are not allowed to go out without orders.

If you need any goods, you can notify us through Yuelu and we will deliver them to you. We will give you 35% of the Zhanjin every year. Your task is to raise a strong army and help me win the Moran Talent Selection Competition three years later! "Molan Yunze said to Qin Yue through the communicator.

"Yes!" Qin Yue nodded.

"Three years, we have built such a powerful fleet in two months. What will happen in three years?" Bai Langlang is very optimistic. It only takes one year to build a planet-level industrial center in the ruins. It can be built, and a planet-class battleship can be born in one year!

When a battleship enters the planetary level, it is no longer called a battleship, but a starship!

In three years, they can have two starships in their hands!

Zhanjin's production is expanding year by year. In three years, it can produce about 100 tons. Each Shanzi ship requires 50 kilograms, and 2,000 Shanzi ships can be installed!

When the time comes, it will definitely not be a problem for the two starships to cooperate with the 2000 Shanzi ship to defeat Moran Yunze!

"That's true!" Qin Yue shook his head: "But after defeating Molan Yunze and the Molan family, defeating the Molan family, they also have the Mountain Lord, the King of Heaven, and the Supreme Sky above them!"

Bai Langlang was speechless: "Well, then when can we take action against Moran? Do we really have to wait until the number of our starships exceeds one million and we can confront Wallow head-on??"

"This is the interstellar age!" Qin Yue shook his head: "A war is inherently protracted. Don't worry. Instead of worrying about this, you might as well think about it, why do I care so much about the Dark Island Star Region?"

"Huh?" Bai Langlang thought for a while: "Isn't it to gain development space?"

"There is also room for development in the Tianqin Star Region. There are 9 galaxies in the Tianqin Nebula, but I can only have the resources of three galaxies in the Dark Island Star Region!" Qin Yue replied.

"Ah, this." Bai Langlang nodded: "This, this is the truth, then why don't you engage in large-scale development outside Jialan Star, but instead want to enter the Dark Island Star Area?"

"Do you really want to surrender to Valo?" Bai Langlang definitely didn't believe it, but Qin Yue kept telling lies, and sometimes he didn't know which one was true and which one was false!

"What are you thinking!" Qin Yue shook his head: "I came to Dark Island just because there are secrets in the Dark Island star area!"


Just like Qin Yue went straight to Jialan Star because there are ruins on Jialan Star, the Dark Island Star District also has secrets!

Otherwise, why is the Dark Island Star District so much dimmer than other star districts?

You know, there are 86 stars in the Tianqin star district and 141 stars in the Ziwei star district!

As for the Dark Island Star District, there are only 47!

Is this normal?

Qin Yue looked at the star map and recalled scenes from his previous life in his mind.

In 2322, Bai Langlang defeated Moran Jie. This was Earth's first victory in the war against Valo, but with it came Valo's attention.

The earth's indigenous civilization, which was never looked down upon by Valo, has turned into a very threatening civilization with huge potential that can catch up with technology in three hundred years.

Even in the face of a flanking attack by two civilizations, Valo still sent a powerful civilization to attack the earth.

This war lasted for two thousand years.

Eventually, Vallo was gone.

It was not that the earth won, but that Valo failed to withstand the attack of the two civilizations and was ultimately destroyed.

The opponent of the earth has also changed from Valo to the more powerful Black Thorn Civilization.

After all, Qin Yue had two thousand years of experience and was already the captain of a fleet. When he led the troops to regain the Dark Island sector, he was attacked by the Black Thorn civilization fleet. In the end, in order not to leak the secrets and because he was really unbeatable, Qin Yue Yue chose to lead the team and crash into the star.

But unexpectedly, someone actually placed a disguised ruin door on the star!

Qin Yue stayed in the ruins for more than two hundred years. When he came out of the ruins, the earth had been destroyed and he had completely withdrawn from the star sea.

From then on, Qin Yue became a wandering civilization, taking the fleet and the remaining brothers on the fleet, while looking for ways to purify his spiritual power and rebuild his own sector, while looking for the Black Thorn civilization, waiting for opportunities to take revenge.

This journey lasted tens of thousands of years.

Qin Yue sighed: "Let's go, it's not time to explore yet!"

When he made the expedition, he also brought a serious second-level fleet and a starship. It took more than two hundred years to penetrate the ruins.

Going in now is completely seeking death.

The fleet was stationed in the Lanwu Galaxy.

There is a terrestrial planet here with a gravity similar to that of the Earth. Its surface temperature and atmosphere composition are also very similar to those of the Earth. After slight modification, it can be transformed into an environment suitable for human life.

Qin Yue named it Kunlun, and then built a main base, a reception building, a planet-level ore refining center, an ore ship production center, a fighter aircraft and warship production and assembly center, a mountain-shaped ship production and assembly center, and a smart ship production and assembly center on this planet. Brain production center, various weapons production center.

The entire planet will be transformed into a huge factory by Qin Yue!

Countless mining ships will set off from here to three galaxies, excavate meteorites and planets, and then transport them back.

After refining, part of the ore will be used to build various battleship parts, and part will be sent to the Circular Ruins to build starships and planet-level industrial centers.

When the planetary industrial center is completed and the first starship is born, it will be one year and two months later, that is, September 2022.

It is now June 28, 2021. Qin Yue came to school carrying a schoolbag with only a few changes of clothes and a few books.

The Seven-Star Army Aerospace University is located in Jiuquan City, Gansu Province. It was originally called Nanfeng Aerospace City and was where the older generation of scientists studied giant mushrooms.

Because there used to be a garrison here, the dormitories are complete, the training facilities are complete, the airport is complete, and all kinds of weapons are complete. In addition, the city's secrecy system can be extended and continued to be used. In addition to the various slogans on the walls, the seniors have stayed Various traces of life are also very convenient for carrying out patriotic education.

Therefore, when the higher authorities decided to establish a Seven-Star Army Aerospace University, this aerospace city that had lost its role due to the birth of aerospace battleships was remembered again at this moment.

After some repairs, it became a university.

Qin Yue got off the train and saw the bus coming to greet the students at the station door.

Normal universities start at the end of August or September and start on July 1st. This is the only one.

"Hello, are you here to report to the school?" A scholar-like young man came to Qin Yue holding a sign and asked.

What does it look like to be a scholar?

He was wearing glasses, squinting his eyes, a little bald on top of his head, his hair was messy, and he was wearing a simple plaid shirt.

"Ah, I am!" Qin Yue nodded quickly.

Although he has a sophon, it does not hinder his respect for these scientists.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Bo, and I'm here to greet you!" The scholar stretched out his hand to help Qin Yue carry his luggage.

"No, no, no, I can do it myself!" Qin Yue was shocked, he knew Zhang Bo!

But I don’t know if it’s the same one!

"You are waiting in the car now. Our car will wait until 11 o'clock at noon. If you are hungry, there are boiled eggs on the car, and there is also a steamed stuffed bun seller down below. You can buy some!" Zhang Bo introduced.

"Okay!" Qin Yue nodded and watched the driver open the suitcase, stuff the luggage in, and get in the car.

There were already more than a dozen people sitting in the car. Qin Yue glanced around and was surprised to see an acquaintance: Bai Qing

I never thought that one day my place would become a disaster area.

My second uncle's cowshed was washed down by the water, and the ground next to it was washed open. Then the cow was washed in and couldn't get out.

Because the soil was too soft and the rain was heavy, a group of people couldn't help it out. The cow was lying on its back in the crack, and it was difficult to feed it, so I fed it two cans of Jiajiahong.

As a result, when I went back the next day, I found that it was already dead. I don’t know whether it was starved to death or drowned in water.

It's a pity that we have no water or electricity today. When I ran over to take a look, my phone was out of battery, otherwise I would have taken a video.

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