"Qin Yue's grades are all here since the first grade of primary school." Xiao Li put down a pile of files.

"Qin Yue was born in 2004, went to primary school in 2010, junior high school in 2016, and high school in 2019. He is no different from other students. He did not repeat a grade or skip a grade." Ye Changgeng first looked at the time, and then looked at the grades.

In the first grade, there were four exams, and the first three were all 0 points. I don't know if there was no record or for some other reason. When it came to the final exam, it suddenly became 100 points.

Chinese and mathematics, 100 points each.

Then in the second, third, and fourth grades, the scores were all above 95 points, but the questions in the lower grades were simple, so we couldn't just look at the scores, but also the rankings.

There were 135 students in Qin Yue's grade, and Qin Yue's grades were stable at 30~40.

In the fifth grade, Qin Yue's grades jumped up and entered the top 10 in the grade, and then maintained it until the sixth grade.

In the first year of junior high school, multiple primary schools were integrated together, and Qin Yue's grades were ranked 40-50 in the grade again. However, in the final exam of the first year of junior high school, he was in the top ten in the grade, and then in the top eight in the second year of junior high school, and in the top five in the third year of junior high school. In the high school entrance examination, excluding the sports scores, his grades ranked second in junior high school.

However, Qin Yue's grades were not high in high school. He was not in the top 100 in the grade and could only enter the ordinary class. However, in the first semester of the first year of high school, he was in the top 70 in the grade. By the end of the first year of high school, he was in the top 50 in the grade.

This is why he entered the key class when the second year of high school was divided into classes.

Then the key point came. From the second year of high school, Qin Yue's ranking began to fall all the way, from the top 50 in the grade to 80, then to 120, and finally stabilized at around 200.

Overall, Qin Yue's score is a Z-shaped, which has been very high in the early stage. At the beginning of the second year of high school, it has fallen all the way, but it has not fallen too much, and then it has remained stable all the way.

"What is the level of the college entrance examination for Zheng Jing No. 2 Middle School?" Ye Changgeng asked.

Xiao Li immediately heard the sound of keyboard clacking, and soon he turned his head: "According to the data released by Zhengjing No. 2 Middle School in previous years, they have 440 to 500 students passing the undergraduate line every year, and 200 should be hovering around the first-tier line"

"In this case, Qin Yue is not stupid? If he follows the learning enthusiasm of the first year of high school, even if he can't go to Tsinghua or Peking University, he should be at the level of Renmin University or Nankai University!" Ye Changgeng felt that he was cheated.

"So, where did the report saying Qin Yue is a fool come from?" Ye Changgeng frowned and flipped through the information.

Soon, he found it.

It was submitted by Luo Feixiang, saying that Qin Yue used to be the last in the class

In theory, the last in the class is a fool, right?

But Luo Feixiang's report did not say that Zhengjing No. 2 Middle School is a key high school, nor did it say that Zhengjing No. 2 Middle School actually has a key class, and Qin Yue is the last in the key class

As a result, the beginning is wrong, and everything else is wrong!

"Shit!" Ye Changgeng scratched his head. So they tried hard for two months, thinking about how to contact the prophet and how to get along with him, but they found the wrong person?

"So, Qin Yue is the prophet?" Xiao Li asked.

"Nine out of ten!" Ye Changgeng nodded: "He should have awakened in April, just a few days before the exam, and everything after that was a matter of course."

Rubbing his face, which was numb from staring at the screen for a long time, Ye Changgeng sighed.

It is true that after searching for a long time, you will never find it, but you will find it without any effort. From today on, the work of the Second Agricultural Cooperation Group will no longer be a headless fly!

"Then what should we do, contact him?" Xiao Li asked: "If we had contacted him earlier, this metallic hydrogen would be ours!"

"Hey, we are a collaborative team, why do we need this!" Ye Changgeng's face darkened: "Metallic hydrogen can only play its greatest role if it is placed in the Academy of Sciences. As for whether to contact him or not."

Ye Changgeng was also a little entangled, because according to previous speculation, the prophet believed that there was a traitor among the internal personnel

and the Chosen One was too important.

Wait, traitor? The Chosen One is very important?

Fuck! What have I done?

Ye Changgeng was suddenly confused, I guessed the identity of the prophet!

The identity that the prophet has been hiding was guessed by me!

He suddenly had a chilling guess.

What does prophecy mean? It means that he knows what may happen in the future!

And what if it predicts his own death? Then will he try his best to avoid it?

So the prophet tries not to contact government officials and silently plays the role of a good student. Does it mean that if he contacts them, there will be unexpected dangers in the future?

So, keeping his identity mysterious is the most important thing, and it will not affect his service to the country!

From Metal Hydrogen's behavior this time, it can be seen that he has no anti-social and anti-human tendencies. Instead, he has been committed to contributing to mankind, such as Metal Hydrogen.

On the contrary, it was Ye Changgeng who came to collaborate, but he was obsessed with finding out the identity of the prophet!

What happened after he figured it out? His hidden identity was known by you, known by Xiao Li, and recorded by the battleship recording system working automatically next to him. Once a secret is known by others, it is no longer a secret and will be discovered sooner or later!

I ruined the prophet's plan!

It is impossible to just say that you will not leak secrets. This is not a confrontation between people. The enemy's torture can be resisted by tenacious will and overwhelming hatred.

Is this a confrontation with aliens, or aliens with very advanced technology?

What if aliens have some kind of brainwashing or memory scanning technology?

"Team leader, what's wrong with you, team leader?" Xiao Li saw Ye Changgeng's face looking a little ugly and asked quickly, "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"I'm fine." Ye Changgeng thought for a while, and his expression kept changing, from anger at the beginning, to confusion, to relief at the end.

"Xiao Li, how many people are there in your family?" Ye Changgeng asked.

"Oh, what's wrong with my parents, grandma, one brother and one sister?" Xiao Li asked.

"It's okay." Ye Changgeng nodded. It's good that he's not an only child, and I feel less guilty.

He took out his cell phone and called Chang Lao.

When Xiao Li saw it, he hurriedly left to avoid suspicion, but Ye Changgeng shouted: "Don't leave, you should also listen."

He didn't think Xiao Li would be a mole, but he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

He could still stare right under his nose.

"Xiaoye, what's the matter?" Mr. Chang answered the phone and looked at the time. Xiaoye knew my work and rest time, so he called me at this time. It seemed like there was something important!

Ye Changgeng's face appeared in the screen. Chang Lao only glanced at it, and then he was shocked.

Xiaoye is only in his forties this year and has used genetic optimization fluid. He usually looks like a young man in his twenties. Why is he so haggard now and even has white hair on his head!

"Xiaoye, what are you doing?" Chang Weisi quickly said with concern: "Although you are busy at work, you must pay attention to your health. It is not good to collapse your body from exhaustion!"

"Chang Lao, listen to me!" Ye Changgeng shook his head and said: "Abolish the Second Agricultural Cooperation Group. We don't need such an organization, and neither does the prophet. Keeping his identity secret is the greatest benefit to him. collaboration”

"Xiaoye, what's wrong with you? Are you too stressed?"

"The Agricultural Cooperation Group has too much authority, and our domestic surveillance is too strong, so sooner or later we will catch traces of the prophet's identity, but if the enemy gets these things from us,"

Chang Weisi was stunned, and his expression immediately became serious, yes!

The prophet made it clear that he wanted to hide his identity, and they also established a second agricultural cooperation group. Although they didn't make a big fanfare, they could still detect it as long as they were willing.

This isn't a disservice.

"Then, let's have a meeting to discuss the elimination of the second team." Chang Weisi said, "I'll contact Cao Yi."

Ye Changgeng's face suddenly turned bitter: "Chang Lao, it's too late."

"Why is it late? Wait, don't you already know?"

A relieved smile appeared on Ye Changgeng's face, and he turned to look at Xiao Li: "Xiao Li, will you blame me?"

Xiao Li is not an idiot to be able to enter the second collaboration group. Through this simple conversation, he already understood.

Only the dead can keep secrets.

"Team leader, I respect all your decisions!"

"Xiaoye, Ye Changgeng, don't, it's not to that level yet, maybe you" Chang Weisi immediately became anxious. Ye Changgeng's father and he were old comrades in arms, and it was through his recommendation that Ye Changgeng could serve as the second agricultural cooperative Deputy leader of the group.

Of course, this is not a case of pretending to be self-serving, because Ye Changgeng is really good at work and has a very firm belief, otherwise he would not be able to pass the review.

But I didn't expect that his faith had become so firm. Why didn't I expect that this deputy team leader was actually a life-threatening talisman?

"." Ye Changgeng did not answer, but saluted at the screen.

Then, the self-destruct password was activated.

This ship was specially designed for the second collaboration team. In order to keep it secret and prevent it from falling into the hands of the enemy, a self-destruct code was also set up. Not only could it blow up the ship, but it would also release a large amount of nuclear radiation when it exploded, killing Biological cells prevent the memory from being read.

Various electromagnetic equipment on the spacecraft will also be impacted by powerful electromagnetic particles, instantly washing them into chaos.

In order to prevent someone from escaping and going offline directly, after entering the self-destruction password and clicking the confirmation button, the explosion will occur immediately without counting down to three, two, and one.

From battleships, to pilots, to various electronic devices.

From biological information to electronic information, there will be no trace left behind.


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