Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 9 News about the Joint Entrance Examination

5:30: Get up.

6:00~6:20: Running

6:25~7:00: Morning self-study

8:00~11:30: Morning class

11:30~1:30: Lunch, lunch break

1:40~5:20: Afternoon class

6:20~9:30: Evening self-study

This is the course schedule of Zhengjing No. 2 Middle School. There are no breaks, club activities, or extracurricular entertainment.

Zhongzhou Province is a major college entrance examination province. With the encouragement of childbirth in recent years, the number of candidates every year has approached 1.4 million. However, Zhongzhou itself does not have any good universities, and universities in various regions have very few enrollments in Zhongzhou Province. As a result, Zhongzhou’s Candidates, you are so tired.

After Qin Yue returned to the classroom after breakfast, she felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the classroom.

Returning to his seat, his tablemate Luo Shengxing came up to him: "Did you hear that?"

"What?" Qin Yue asked.

"The country is preparing to distribute genetic medicine, and our school is also participating!" Luo Shengxing said mysteriously.

"Oh?" Qin Yue blinked, it turns out it's just these days!

Qin Yue looked at the excited faces of his classmates and thought that they all knew the news.

Thinking about it, news that even Luo Shengxing could know is not considered gossip. It must have spread throughout the school!

"There are not many potions. I estimate they will be distributed according to test scores. Do you think you can get them?" Qin Yue asked.

"Ah this." Luo Shengxing's face turned bitter. Yes, I'm just a bad student. It seems that even if the school distributes potions, it has nothing to do with me!

"Hey" Luo Shengxing sighed, turned around, picked up the book, and started cramming.

"Zhizi, scan my book and build a high school knowledge base!" Qin Yue shouted in his heart.

"Yes!" Following Doctor Ding, another software called "High School Knowledge" appeared on the Sophon interface in front of Qin Yue.

"Comfortable." Qin Yue smiled. Although he no longer needs spiritual potions to upgrade, he can give them to others!

A potion is a quota, and because this potion is bound to you, you can naturally pull someone into your team.

This is something that has been planned for a long time, but there is a prerequisite for this, and that is to get a good score in this exam.

Accompanied by the soothing sound of the piano, a Chinese teacher wearing a gray suit, long skirt, and black stockings walked in.

"Attend class!"

"stand up!"

"Hello teacher!"

The Chinese teacher’s surname is Qu and her given name is Qiuyue. She graduated from Beijing Normal University and is a graduate student.

He is tall and thin, with a round face, beautiful appearance, and a very fierce temperament.

But Qin Yue's only memory of her was that she wasn't very good at math. She remembered paying the book fee once, and Qu Qiuyue had to calculate three numbers for a long time, but in the end she still couldn't figure out the result, so she used the calculator that came with her phone to solve the problem. .

Qu Qiuyue knocked on the table and said, "Before class, I want to announce something.

There will be no holidays this Saturday and Sunday. We will have a joint examination. This joint examination will be shared with Zhengjing No. 1 Middle School, No. 3 Middle School, No. 4 Middle School, No. 5 Middle School, No. 6 Middle School, Zhengjing City Direct Middle School, and Zhengjing Experimental Middle School. A set of papers, and Xinghai class will also be included in the exam. At that time, the theory class score will account for 75% of the total score, and the Xinghai class score will account for 25%. The test scores of all candidates will be ranked together.

This exam is very important and may affect your life. I hope you will treat it carefully."

I'm coming!

The students who used to lament when they heard about the exam, this time their eyes lit up and their spirits were high.

There have just been rumors, and now the joint entrance examination is about one's life. Isn't this just a clear indication that this joint entrance examination is related to genetic medicine!

"Okay, calm down. The exam is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Why are you so excited now? Open the book and turn to page 46. Let's continue studying."

"My old husband knows that he can serve as an official, his behavior can be compared with that of his hometown, his virtue can be compared with that of a monarch, and he who conquers a country should think of himself like this." The sound of Lang Lang's reading rang out.

"Did you hear that? This is the joint entrance examination for eight schools. Although my grades are not that good in No. 2 Middle School, among these eight middle schools, I can't be considered among the top 20%!" Covering his face with a book, Luo Shengxing whispered: "Qin Yue, do you think I still have a chance?"

"Well" Qin Yue couldn't bear to tell him that there were only 800 medicines in Zhengjing City. The teachers took away 300 medicines, leaving only 500 medicines for the students!

And these 500 are not all for high school seniors, but also for high school sophomores and seniors.

Calculated, you have to be at least among the top 100 in the city to qualify for a potion.

What is the concept of being in the top 100 in the city? Zhengjing is a big city for college entrance examination. Every year, 200 people get into Qingbei. Grabbing the medicine this time is even harder than getting into Qingbei!

"Don't think about it, study hard. If you work hard for ten minutes now, you might be able to raise one point in the exam. One higher point can overwhelm thousands of people!" Qin Yue comforted: "Besides, the medicine will only get better later." Come more and more, if it doesn’t work this time, there will be a next time!”

Although it is said that the state attaches different importance to the first batch and the second batch, it is comforting!

Besides, if you get the medicine later, you will not necessarily lag behind those before you. After all, the star sea is too big and there are many development opportunities. There are too many people who come from behind in hundreds of years.

Luo Shengxing nodded, but soon felt something was wrong.

Why are you comforting me? Your grades are worse than mine. Why are you so calm when I am as nervous as a dog?

He wanted to ask as a joke, but after looking at Qin Yue who was quietly flipping through a book over there, Luo Shengxing closed his mouth again.

He always felt that this deskmate seemed to have changed at some point.

He became a little afraid to joke.

Qin Yue is quickly integrating knowledge in the software.

What is the concept of Spirit 2.0? Ordinary people on earth have a spiritual power of 1. Those great powers, such as Einstein, Von Karman, Tesla, Qian Lao, etc., generally have a spiritual power of around 1.2 to 1.4.

Mental strength 2.0 is basically equivalent to a monster-level smart person, just like taking NZT-48. Photographic memory is the basics, and the quick summary, induction, and organization of knowledge are all done with ease. Most people need to take this high school course. It takes three years to study, but a genius needs several months to study. With a mental intensity of 2.0, one day is enough!

This is why the country wants to popularize genetic medicine, because this is an opportunity for all people to become supermen, an opportunity for China to rise, and at the same time, it will leave other countries behind without even seeing the exhaust fumes.

It also reflects how dangerous this universe is.

Such a smart person is just the foundation for entering the star sea. How outrageous must those advanced civilizations be?

Therefore, the country needs more smart people to come in and work together to enhance the strength in the star sea, while also developing the real earth and driving technological advancement.

The time in the morning flies by in a blink of an eye.

At noon, Qin Yue, who was originally satisfied with one bowl of rice, ate three large bowls this time, and bought a pack of chocolates from the supermarket before leaving.

Not only did he consume too much energy in the morning, but there was also a reason: there was a Star Sea class in the afternoon, and he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to recruit a genius.

That is a real genius. You will never be able to defeat him without using up some brain cells.

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