Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 90 Auxiliary Machine

"TT? What do you want this for?" Wang Jinyan felt strange.

TT is a communication software based on Hongmeng system. In reality, it is operated by Tengtu Company. In Xinghai, it was also personnel from Tengtu Company who entered and developed the same type of TT, and adapted the functions according to the actual needs of Xinghai.

What should Qin Yue say? Tengtu and other companies that control public opinion will help the evil in the future, help VUO import a large number of bad values, create all kinds of confrontations, all kinds of fear, and promote 996, 007 and other working time concepts that violate labor laws. , causing people to prefer singles more and more, and the birth rate to fall again and again?

They may not mean it, just for traffic, but a world that is prosperous, harmonious and beautiful, where people live and work in peace and contentment, and are united is not popular because everyone works together and is busy building socialism.

Only arguments have flow, and only opposition has flow.

Therefore, as long as they pursue profit, they are destined to embark on a path that is detrimental to the country and the people.

"Is this difficult?" Qin Yue asked.

"Well, it shouldn't be easy. After all, we are a legal country, and Tengtu is not a state-owned enterprise. Taking TT over like this is tantamount to robbery!" Wang Jinyan said: "But if you have money, you can try to buy it. Your We are now looking for ways to enter industrial production of metallic hydrogen. If this crystalline carbon alloy can be produced, you will not be short of money, just buy it when the time comes!"

"But will he sell it?" Qin Yue shook his head, there was no time.

Now the country is calling on government personnel to enter Xinghai. The next step is college students, the next step is the staff of various state-owned enterprises, and finally the farmers.

The whole process will not take more than a year!

As for metallic hydrogen, he did not provide an industrial production plan. From experiment to conclusion, it would take half a year to a year. Crystallization of carbon-titanium alloy might be faster, but it would still take three to five months.

By then Xinghai TT users will exceed 100 million, only a fool would sell such a large amount of traffic!

"Forget it, I'll develop one myself!" Qin Yue closed the chat window and shouted: "Zhizi, Zhizi, come out to work. Let's make a TT three hundred years from now. Well, the name needs to be changed. , Tengtu’s boss’ surname is Teng, so he’s called TT, and my surname is Qin, so I’m called QQ!”

"Okay!" Tomoko quickly derived the information in Qin Yue's mind about TT three hundred years later, and then began to infer the implementation methods of various functions based on the information.

The current TT is embedded in the Hongmeng system, and the Hongmeng system is embedded in the Xinghai system. You can chat after opening the Xinghai system. It is very convenient, but it is only convenient for chatting. In the future, people's demand for TT will not only be used for chatting.

For example, the Xinghai system does not have a camera. If you want to video chat with someone, you have to use a mobile phone or computer.

Therefore, the future TT will be embedded in an independent aircraft.

This aircraft not only has all the functions of a mobile phone, but also integrates body parameter scanning, gas composition analysis, odor analysis, parameter calculation, battleship control assistance, animal, plant and mineral information, and maps. It is also equipped with an electromagnetic gun, which has certain combat capability.

It can help explorers explore the environment and collect information when entering a strange planet, and can provide simple rescue when the explorer is in trouble; when the explorer encounters an enemy, it can take the initiative to fight off the monster; when the explorer is bored, it can Chat with the explorer; when the explorer wants to do something beyond his ability, it will issue a warning; set up a table and it can even play table tennis with you!

It is a good helper for explorers and a good partner for future interstellar adventures!

Its name is called the auxiliary machine!

Although this kind of thing has good functions, it is really difficult for people nowadays to make it.

Forget about ordinary technology. It can withstand various harsh environments and fly freely. It definitely cannot use propellers or wings. It must use anti-gravity technology or radiation engines.

But there is no anti-gravity technology. In terms of function, the size of the auxiliary machine is at most the size of a laptop. It is impossible to build such a small radiation engine now!

Because of this, as long as this thing is built, it will carry out a dimensionality reduction attack on TT. Regardless of whether your TT can import real-life data, real friends, facing an auxiliary machine that can save your life, will you buy it?

When Qin Yue opens the function of importing TT friend information, it will be over!

Qin Yue's previous production line for making Eve is still there. With a slight modification, that is, adding a screen to Eve's smooth belly and a VR projection equipment, everything will come together.

As for TT's database, the Hongmeng system is transparent to Qin Yue. How secret can TT be?

That is one afternoon.

When Wang Jinyan hurriedly came to Qin Yue with the printed thesis, he saw Qin Yue holding a white, round-headed and cute robot in her arms.

"What is this?" Wang Jinyan is quite old. The moment he saw this robot, he actually felt like falling in love with it!

It’s not because the robot is cute, it’s mainly because the robot has natural lines and perfect proportions, but there are no rivets or traces of welding on the whole body. The whole body shows the beauty of industrial manufacturing, which made him, an old professor of science and engineering, feel unbearable when he saw it. !

"Eve, the auxiliary machine I made." Qin Yue let go of her hand, and Eve flew up automatically, floating in front of Wang Jinyan, and then a gentle voice came from her round head: "Hello, Academician Wang, I am Eve.”

"This" Wang Jinyan looked Eve up and down, looking at the head first. It should be a processor with a black display that can display Emoji expressions. There is nothing strange about it.

Look at the belly again. Is there a tablet attached to the monitor on the belly? There’s nothing strange about this!

But what is the blue flame spraying under Eve's butt? How come it is so close and can't feel any temperature?

"Eve has all the functions of a mobile phone, and it has a built-in analysis system that can analyze air components. It has a built-in scanning system, and with a huge database, it can identify plants, animals, and minerals. She can lift an object weighing 2.58 tons. She His hands are two electromagnetic rifles, equipped with 20 rounds of bullets, which can kill most conventional beasts in the star sea." Qin Yue introduced.

Wang Jinyan looked at Eve spinning in the air, and suddenly felt that the energy production of crystallized carbon titanium alloy was not a big deal.

From the time Qin Yue asked herself, to the time Eve was born, was it half a day?

Is this what genius is?

Wang Jinyan even began to doubt life. Did we all call ourselves geniuses in the past?

"Well, are you going to use this to replace TT?" After thinking about it, Wang Jinyan felt that it would be better not to discuss scientific issues with Qin Yue, which would only increase the blow.

Qin Yue nodded: "Everyone will be born at each space station and landing point of the planet. When the time comes, I will open a store at each landing point. I won't sell it. I will give everyone one for free! No matter how popular your TT is by then, It’s no use!”

"Ah this." Wang Jinyan was speechless, this move is so amazing!

If you sell this auxiliary machine, many people will choose it, but some people will definitely reject it because it is too expensive.

But now, it’s free!

Who can say no to a free auxiliary machine!

"Isn't the cost a bit high? Also, why are you so persistent in TT?" Wang Jinyan asked.

"The cost is not high." The workers are all robots, the electricity used is nuclear fusion, and the mines are all unowned objects dug from meteorites. Where does the cost come from?

"As for why we are targeting TT so much?" Qin Yue thought for a while and said: "TT is a private company with a foreign investment background. I don't trust them. What we have to fight are aliens.

When facing aliens, you can never be too careful, and how can you use a software that may cause thunderstorms at any time?

Especially those foreigners, they are determined to destroy China! Nothing is strange! Academician, don’t watch so many foreign movies about fighting aliens. If there are real aliens coming, they will be the first to cry and go up to hug their thighs. Can you believe it?”

Wang Jinyan nodded. After all, he has been fighting against the United States for so many years in real life. He knows the opponent very well. Don't look at the bragging in the movie. Foreign countries have always been short of what they want to shoot. There are heroes in the movie who respect black people, and there are heroes in reality. The power of being subdued; in the movie, when there is an epidemic, Americans save the world, but in reality, when there is an epidemic, Americans cannot save themselves with words; in the movie, when a disaster occurs, Americans work hard to rescue, but in reality, only one cat is saved, and the cat is still lost. .

In the same way, if the foreigners who struggled to resist aliens in the movie really encountered aliens,

What is the antonym of resisting vigorously? Passive surrender?

"That's it." Wang Jinyan thought for a while. He didn't have any feelings for TT at first. This is it. What's the use of it if you don't use it?

But Qin Yue is one of our own, and TT is an outsider. Isn’t it clear at a glance how to choose!

Besides, the auxiliary machine does look very cute. Anyone who doesn’t need to explore would want one, let alone those who really need it.

"TT has a large network of connections. If you were to launch the auxiliary machine, you might be under a lot of pressure. I will go back to my last report and launch it in the name of the Academy of Sciences?" Wang Jinyan thought for a while and asked.

Doing this is also good for the Academy of Sciences. At least it can let the public know what the Academy of Sciences is busy with, and save them from saying that the Academy of Sciences only spends money and does nothing.

"How about I cooperate with the Academy of Sciences to establish a company?" Qin Yue said.

"Okay!" Wang Jinyan nodded. There are still quite a lot of companies under the Academy of Sciences. It doesn't matter if there is one more.

The main reason is that Qin Yue's scientific research speed is so amazing. God knows what else he can invent in the future. If others cooperate with the Academy of Sciences to open a company, they are benefiting from the Academy of Sciences, but if the Academy of Sciences cooperates with Qin Yue to open a company, they are benefiting from it. Qin Yue’s light.

If we don't take the opportunity to bind them together at this time, what will happen if Qin Yue runs away later! Wouldn’t it be regrettable to death?

"I'm going to report to the dean right now!"

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