Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 98 The History of the Rise of Valor Civilization

"Hmm?" Qin Yue was a little stunned for a moment when he saw this question that was so full of life.

To be honest, isn't it that advanced civilizations care about how to break through technology, how to build more powerful warships, and how to expand their territory?

After thinking about it, Qin Yue found that he didn't seem to know much about Valo. Valo blocked the information of the Earth side so badly that the Earthlings could only get a little information about Valo from the battlefield.

Before they could get a deeper understanding, Valo had been destroyed.

Putting aside the idea of ​​making money, Qin Yue looked up information on the Internet and began to study Valo's history and culture from the beginning.

After all, if you want to defeat your enemy, you must first understand your enemy.

He didn't worry about being invaded by culture or anything like that. This is a science fiction world, not a Cthulhu world. There is no such thing as thinking that can make people weird. In addition, Valo is only a second-level civilization, not a sixth-, seventh-, or eighth-level boss.

The reason why Valo can culturally invade the Earth is not because of how excellent his culture is, but because the gap in strength between the two sides is too big, so many people on Earth are brainwashed by Valo. Cultural invasion is never a single act, but is accompanied by the crushing of science and technology and military strength. If the strength of the two sides is reversed, it is not certain who brainwashes whom.

But people who are truly culturally confident will not fall for your tricks even if the strength of the two sides is very different.

Qin Yue was lying in the command cabin of the battleship, with his eyes closed as if he was sleeping, but his mind was wandering in Valo's network. All kinds of information and knowledge were quickly absorbed into his mind like flowing water.

Valo civilization was born 24 million years ago. The relics that can be found to prove the birth of Valo civilization existed 17 million years ago. The earliest text discovered by Valo civilization was born 14 million years ago. The first book of Valo was called "Sky Festival", which was written 11 million years ago.

Valo planet is huge, with a high and far atmosphere. There is also a super large satellite circling Valo planet where civilization was born. Because the Wallo people have excellent vision and the satellite is too close to the planet, they can see the landforms on another planet as soon as they look up!

The primitive Wallo people did not know what a satellite was. They thought it was a god in the sky patrolling the world, and named the satellite the Supreme Sky. The first day of each appearance of the god was set as the day of sacrifice.

"Sky Festival" is a book about the rituals of worshiping the Supreme Sky.

The origin of the name Wallo is also because of this book.

Wallo is the transliteration of the earthlings. The word Wallo means the sky in Wallo language.

Therefore, the real name of Wallo civilization is the Sky Civilization. Later, the Wallo people developed technology and knew what a satellite was, but this term was used. It not only became a symbol of civilization, but even the supreme ruler of Wallo began to call himself the Supreme Sky.

The name of a civilization has more or less some historical background and cultural origins.

For example, if the Qin State joined the Star Sea, the name of the civilization would definitely not be Earth Civilization or Chinese Civilization, but Great Qin Civilization. The supreme leader of the civilization was also the emperor, not some secretary-general. 9 million years ago, the first dynasty recorded in history was born. Its history was very short, but it brought a new idea to the tribes on Waluo. From then on, the tribal era ended and Waluo entered the dynasty era. The dynasties attacked each other, resulting in a larger and larger territory and better weapons. Finally, 1.2 million years later, Waluo finished the Stone Age and entered the Bronze Age. 600,000 years later, from the Bronze Age, it entered the Iron Age. 5 million years ago, the populous Waluo continued to migrate and began to set foot on other continents. Some people crossed the ocean to avoid war and took root in more distant places, and finally developed a culture and civilization that was very different from the main continent. Four million years, three million years, two million years, one million years.

Vallo stayed in the Iron Age for four million years. The explanation given by Vallo scientists is that the gravity of Vallo's planet is large, the pressure is high, water is not easy to boil, iron is not easy to melt, and smelting various metals is very difficult.

This is also the reason why it was so slow to enter the Bronze Age.

As we all know, boiling water is the first step to steam civilization, gas civilization, and even the universe.

But Qin Yue, through studying history, feels that pressure is certainly a reason, but the more important reason is that the leaders above, that is, the Supreme Sky, block the thoughts, solidify their own rights, and prevent people from studying science.

Otherwise, if everyone finds that the sky is just another continent, not a god, how can we guarantee our authority? We claim all day that the Supreme Sky is the child of the gods, and we manage you by the order of the gods, but you find that the gods do not exist at all?

The current Supreme Sky lineage claims to be the oldest bloodline, so it is also maintaining the various ideas of the Supreme Sky in ancient times, and these historians dare not tell the truth.

But the writing of high-end writers is always multifaceted. People of different ages, classes, or different worldviews can read what they want from it.

The turning point happened 970,000 years ago when an alien spaceship landed in Valor.

This civilization is called the Revelator, and its real name is unknown. Anyway, this civilization used its own life to complete the revelation for Valor.

Their technology is very advanced, but their bodies are weak. However, due to the huge gravity of the planet where they live, the Valor people's cell density is astonishing. If placed on the Revelation Planet, they would be equivalent to all of them being little supermen.

The Revelator captures the Valor people to work as workers and use them for entertainment. Because the Varor people have been brainwashed by the Supreme Sky for many years, they appear to be gentle and submissive. They are very strong and have much higher IQs than pets. Once they are introduced, they become more powerful. Welcomed by the humans of the Revelator Civilization, they were introduced in large numbers. Not only were they kept as pets in every household, but many jobs that the Revelator Civilization itself was unwilling to do were also assigned to the Valor people.

In the later stages, they even began to allocate weapons to the Warro people and send them to fight!

However, among the Wallow people who were captured back, there were many Wallow people who were very smart and were deliberately taken away. They mastered the Apocalypse's technology in a very short period of time, and contacted the Varro people who had been exposed to the culture of the Apocalypse's civilization and whose thoughts had changed. They secretly formed an association and began to launch a counterattack against the Apocalypse.

Relying on their good physical fitness, they used the weapons of the Revelators, and their combat power was several times stronger than the Revelators. However, the Revelators had long been lax in their armaments and vulnerable due to their reliance on the Valor people for combat.

As we all know, the technological weapons of civilizations at level one and below rely heavily on physical fitness.

910,000 years ago, the power on the planet Revelator had been reversed, with the Varro people becoming the majority and the Reveler people becoming the minority.

In 900,000 years, the last batch of 1,800 members of the Revelator civilization were imprisoned in the zoo.

At this time, all their parents had been killed, and they had no education since they were young. The Walo people put them together with animals, fed them raw meat, lettuce, and injected them with drugs that suppress their brain power all year round.

The most important time for brain development in childhood is treated as an animal education. When they grow up, they really become animals.

870,000 years ago, the Varro people of Apocalypse began to counterattack Valor, and soon Varro was defeated. The Varro leaders on Apocalypse took over the Palace of the Sky and became the new Supreme Sky.

This time, they are no longer suppressing the development of technology, and they have the Apocalypse as a testing ground. All the original difficult problems on Valo are no longer a problem.

Then, nuclear fusion stuck them for 440,000 years

It wasn't until 430,000 years ago that the first Varro entered the star sea.

And this Wallow man is not as selfless as Daozhang Zhang. Instead, he uses Xinghai's ability to rapidly develop his own technology and power, and bares his fangs to the contemporary sky.

Finally, 350,000 years ago, in the final battle, he knocked down the highest sky.

Then he became the new supreme sky.

At this point, Valo has entered the Star Sea Era, and Valo's history has also opened a new chapter.

Therefore, the current Supreme Sky is no longer the original one, but the third generation of Supreme Sky.

Because the name Supreme Sky has been passed down in Valor's history for millions of years, not only the people of Valor recognized this name, but even the rebels recognized the weight contained in this name.

After the birth of the third generation of Supreme Sky, he divided the 28 people who raised armies with him into the 28 Heavenly Kings. Since then, Valo began a dual online and offline expansion model.

Conquer other civilizations' star sectors online, and invade our own star sector offline, seize their planets, and exterminate their entire race. Only a part of them will be left behind, turned into animals, and put into the zoo as a warning to future generations.

Then 220,000 years ago, the story changed again.

Valo discovered the Verota civilization.

The people of Virota Civilization are peaceful in nature and do not like fighting. The men are quite talented in scientific research, while the women are good at management.

You know, the people on Earth progressed from the Bronze Age to the Space Age in less than 10,000 years, but it took Wallo hundreds of thousands of years, which shows how low the scientific research level of the Waro people is!

As for what Virota is good at, it would be equivalent to a genius in Valona!

It would be a waste to kill all of such a civilization!

In addition, Valor's power had been expanding at that time. The star sea was so big, and the Valor people were not good at management, so they couldn't take care of it at all!

Therefore, Valor's first subsidiary civilization was born.

Since then, Valloben's pace of development, which had begun to slow down, has accelerated again, and the subordinate races have become more and more expanded. No one follows the rules that were broken tens of thousands of years ago, and no one studies the history of the animals in the zoo. Now, everyone is starting to compete with each other to see who has more subordinate races and whose subordinate races are more awesome.

"Huh" Qin Yue rubbed her temples.

With a history of nearly ten million years, there have been so many stories, so many characters, so many heroes, so much suffering, so many generosity and tragic songs, so many tragedies and tragic stories, and so many long-lasting love between children.

If you look at it as a person, you will definitely not be able to bear such a large amount of information. Your thoughts will be 100% substituted into the history of Wallow, and then you will become a spiritual Wallow person.

But Qin Yue didn't feel anything. He had read too much, whether it was history or novels. He had already developed the ability to read other people's history as a story. After reading it, he sighed and put it down.

"So Valo's civilization potential is not high. After entering the star sea for hundreds of thousands of years, it is a second-level civilization. If it is given to the earth for 100,000 years, wouldn't it be possible to become a god?" Qin Yue sighed.

Unfortunately, what the earth lacks most is time, and there are too many civilizations that Wallow conquered later, so he has a lot of knowledge.

If it were Varo who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago, I heard that a civilization could develop to a level close to the first level in ten thousand years? Then we will definitely use all the power of civilization to destroy you!

What? Why do you think Qin Yue is still level three after tens of thousands of years?

Qin Yue led a battle fleet at that time, and there were no scientists in it. Later, he fled all the way, and he was the only one left in the fight.

Living is a luxury, and I am still studying crappy technology.

Besides, Qin Yue also said before that Qin Yue lacks basic knowledge and cannot study technology.

Squinting his eyes and looking at the Radha star outside for a while, Qin Yue cleared his mind and gave his brain a rest.

Then, start from the book you just read to analyze Valor's weaknesses and what points can be exploited.

PS: The Lada coins in the previous two chapters were changed to Varo coins.

I'm crazy. Where did the Moran family get the courage to print money privately? Wallow isn't dead yet.

In addition, the melting point of bronze is 800°C and the melting point of iron is 1538°C. In terms of ease of processing, a civilization will definitely develop bronze metallurgy first and then iron.

The melting point of aluminum is only 660°C, but aluminum reacts with oxygen to produce alumina, which has a melting point of 2053°C, so aluminum cannot be refined by fire alone.

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