The squad leader of the mobile unit in the Western Theater is not a position.

The squad leader just means that you are the best recruit at the moment, and you have nothing but a squad leader badge.

But if you can secure the position of squad leader, the benefits of squad leader will come when the recruiting period is over.

Recruits can take the rank of Private First Class, ending their private status.

As for the recruit squad leader, he can directly become a first-class soldier, and one step ahead is a corporal.

After appointing the squad leader, Sim called a roll, then led the team to run for five kilometers, and then let the recruits of the third squad go to eat.

The training time for the recruit period is from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, and from 14:00 pm to 18:00 pm, and occasionally there will be emergency assembly exercises at night.

"May I ask a question, sir."

After breakfast, Aiwen followed Sim to foreman the badge, and Aiwen couldn't help but said on the way.

"I allow you not to use your honorific title during the break."

"Just tell me if you have any questions."

Sim gnawed on an apple and said without looking back.

"Instructor, since I was in the first year of high school, I have come to base L to participate in training every holiday."

"But this time I enlisted in the army, I didn't even see a familiar face. Do you know what's going on?"

Aiwen nodded and asked in a low voice.

Aiwen's words stunned Sim for a moment, and then he laughed, "No wonder your fighting skills are so high, so you are a seed player."

"As for your question, I can answer it. It's not a secret."

"As I said before, I should have gone to kill insects, to Cecilia, where insects have invaded."

"A resource exploration team brought back the bug eggs, and when the base there was discovered, the number of bugs could no longer be contained."

"The officers of many bases have gone to the federal headquarters, and the combatants are also preparing for battle on the fleet. We cannot give up that planet of advanced life."

Hearing this, Aiwen suddenly realized.

As far as the current intelligence collected by the Federation is concerned, the Arachnis Zerg does not have a biological starship, and the invasion is all about parasitism.

Worker bees carry eggs and place them in areas where humans are present.

When humans enter a planet with Zerg, they may step on insect eggs as soon as they land, and even when transport ships land, the tripods may be stuck with insect eggs.

When leaving the Zerg planet and returning to the planet of human life, the eggs will fall off the ground, and then hatch small bugs and drill into the ground.

By the time humans discovered it, the bugs had already hatched in countless batches.

This trick is very difficult to deal with.

Because the insect eggs are not as big as a grain of rice at the beginning, although there are scanners for detecting life, the machines are not perfect, and fish will always slip through the net after a long time.

"Well, that's not your concern right now."

"All you have to do is train well, and maybe you'll have a chance to kill bugs as soon as your recruiting period is over."

"The bugs have been too active recently, and the Federation should strike back fiercely!"

Seeing that Aiwen fell silent, Sim waved his hand.

He knew that Aiwen must be thinking about killing insects at this time, because he also thinks about it every day, but it is a pity that it is not his turn this time.

Chatting and chatting, the two had already walked to the instructor's room.

"See you later, instructor."

Aiwen took the squad leader's badge thrown by Sim, put it on, and turned back to the playground.

On the first day of the recruit period, the morning time is very tight.

After gathering at 7 o'clock, there are lectures, fighting, and a short long-distance run. The remaining time is only enough for dinner, and after eating, the formal training begins at 8 o'clock.

The training for recruits is simple and rough.

Stamina, marksmanship, fighting, throwing, obstacle running, but these are gone.

After the recruit period, there will be a lot more training items, and then it will not be as easy as it is now.

But the ease in Aiwen's eyes is simply torture in the eyes of other recruits.

After four hours of endurance training, most people are exhausted.

In the middle, there was even a little skinny man who couldn't hold on and clamored to quit, and was directly pulled by Sim to sign the discharge papers.

"I love downtime!"

"Damn Sim, I really want to kill him."

"I support you, if you can."

After lunch, everyone rushed into the dormitory in a swarm, and fell on the bed.

Most of the people were complaining about the hard training, and the one who yelled the most was Big Black, whose hand was cut off by Sim.

His bones have been connected by a military doctor and covered with a protective shell of medical solution, so he can fully recover before training in the afternoon.

As soon as he started scolding Sim, someone beside him laughed.

Da Laohei's name is Mike. He is the tallest and strongest person in the third class, but he has a pair of big eyes. He looks very cute and has no momentum.

"You want to kill Sim?"

"I suggest you ask the amazing Aiwen, he may teach you how to do it."

At this time, Old A sat beside Mike's bed and patted Mike's injured right arm.

Hearing Old A's words, Johnny also joined in the fun and said, "Aiwen is a real monster."

"He defeated the military training instructor when he was in the freshman year of high school, and then he was specially approved by the L base. He can go to the base to participate in training during the holidays. He is already a veteran."

"And he also has telepathic ability, and he got all excellent grades in the high school graduation examination. He could have gone to the Strategy Academy and the Starfleet Academy."

"He is a legend in our academy, and the dormitory can be filled with beautiful girls who have had sex."

Aiwen: "???"

Aiwen, who was smoking in bed, was a little confused by the wave of old A and Johnny.

Dude, did you make a mistake!

My template is the pinnacle of debut, can't it be better?


(Updates are all hard work. There are already ten chapters in 20 hours. The most fearful thing is that there are no data and comments. After all, no one has written about this topic.)

(After seeing the comments, I am full of energy. At least some people like this theme. Thank you for your support.)

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