
Three minutes later, the practice field turned green.

A soldier insect target was erected in the central area of ​​the exercise field, and the sensor screen on the insect's head lit up three numbers.


"Shet, how did Sim get 280 points when he was a recruit?"

After seeing the results, Jamie cursed angrily.

"This is normal. The speed of the live ammunition target is much faster than that of the induction target. Our previous attack rhythm will become the biggest weakness."

"Okay, check the gun with the muzzle down, and we will go out after confirming that the ammunition is empty. I can guarantee that the other teams will not get 200 points."

"After practicing a few more times, we will definitely break Sim's record."

After checking the guns, Aiwen greeted the team members.

He was sure that he could get thirty-five points or more, but this was a team exercise, and one person was not strong enough.

His gun use ability is 7 points, the instructor level is about 8 points, and ordinary recruits can have 5 points is not bad.

"Good job."

"That's a high score for a recruit who's participating in a real combat simulation for the first time."

"Riko, it's the second team's turn, and it's also one minute."

After walking out of the practice field, the first team was praised by Sim, and then Sim asked the second team to prepare.


Johnny was full of energy, and ran to the gate of the exercise area with his team members to prepare for the battle, talking about their tactics in a low voice.

The performance of the first team just now, they watched through the glass, and felt the speed of the live ammunition target was almost the same.

With preparations in advance, they have a good chance to surpass the first team and win the first place.


As soon as the red light came on, all ten people from the second team rushed into the exercise area.

Aiwen couldn't take his eyes off, wanting to see how many points the second team can score.

The tactics used by the second team are different from those of the first team. They use individual soldiers and scattered tactics, which is called whatever you want to play, without thinking about your teammates, and the rhythm is very fast.

The advantage of this tactic is that the individual's attack vision is better, and there are more target choices in front of him. The disadvantage is that it may block the attack vision of teammates.

This tactic is also useful for training, and dispersion is the most dangerous in the face of insect swarms.


At this moment, Aiwen was taken aback suddenly.

Through the protective window, he saw Breckenridge in the arena stopped, his gun still on the ground, and he was fiddling with his head.

Seeing this situation, Johnny quickly approached Breckenridge to inquire about the situation.

The tactical rhythm of the second team is very fast, and they have enough time to adjust their status. After all, they only need to fire one clip in 300 seconds.

"Damn it, it's terrible!"

Seeing this situation, Aiwen suddenly recalled a small plot in his mind.

In the original Starship Troopers movie, a recruit dies during a live-fire drill.

Because the time is too long, he has long forgotten the specific reason. He only remembers that Johnny helped the recruit take off his helmet, and then he was killed by mistake by a teammate who made a mistake.

If it wasn't for Johnny being the protagonist and being whipped later, he wouldn't have thought of it.

"Oh, Shit!"

"Fack! Fack!

Almost at the same time he recalled this incident, there were bursts of exclamations around him, as well as Sim's angry roar.

Aiwen opened her mouth slightly, staring blankly at the practice field.

He remembered correctly, something really happened.

Johnny pulled Breckenridge to the right and helped Breckenridge take off his helmet to check.

But they blocked an obstacle slope and blocked a female soldier behind.

The female soldier seemed to curse at them, jumped over them, and rushed up the obstacle slope.

An accident happened at this time.

A bug target pops up on the wall to the right of the obstacle ramp.

The speed of the soldier insect target was very fast, and it directly hit the right waist of the female soldier, pushing the female soldier down the obstacle slope in an instant.

This time, the female soldier directly changed from holding a gun with both hands to holding a gun with one hand.

She seemed to be trying to grab the rifle firmly with one hand, but she actually squeezed the trigger when she was exerting force.

Because it fell to the right, the muzzle went to her front right, where Johnny and Breckenridge were.

The remaining bullets slanted out, hitting Johnny and Breckenridge directly.

Johnny's back was facing the muzzle of the gun, and the back armor and helmet blocked the bullets, but Breckenridge, who was squatting opposite Johnny, was facing the muzzle of the gun in profile.

In the blink of an eye, a big hole exploded in his forehead, and red and white sprayed on Johnny's face.

Seeing this kind of scene for the first time, Aiwen was a little stunned, feeling a little sweaty in his hands.

The same goes for the other recruits, who didn't react when they saw this scene.

At this moment, Sim and the two corporals who had issued the weapons started to move.

They shut down the operation of the exercise area for the first time, and then rushed in hastily.

"Medical soldiers!"

As soon as the protective wall was opened, everyone heard Johnny's shout.

"Riko, Vasalia, what have you done?"

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!"

Sim snatched the rifle from Johnny and Vasalia and kicked them both to the ground.

After glancing at Breckenridge's head, Sim said with a sullen face, "Dean, go and call the medical soldiers in."

"Neil, take back all the weapons. After the inspection, Alves leads the third team to run around. Don't stop without my order."

"Johnny and Vasalia, follow me to Captain Diggory."

Breckenridge is hopeless, and finding a medic is just a necessary procedure.

(The beginning is a bit long-winded, please forgive me, there will be a lot of Zerg in the follow-up, if you have recommendations, you can leave a message in the comments column, similar to aliens and the like.)

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