"Bugstar is just different..."

On the way to the P star base, Aiwen carefully checked the surroundings.

The bombing of the flying troops just now wiped out all the bugs in this area.

The number of insect corpses is very large. At first glance, it looks like a wave of corpses. The wave of corpses forms a carpet and covers the entire surface.

This is the real worm planet, there is no other life except worms.

"Squad 7 is under attack, call for reinforcements!"

After walking quietly for about ten minutes, the communicator finally heard a voice.

"follow me!"

Aiwen waved his hand and took the lead in running.

The seventh team is located in a valley.

The outside of the valley is a few low slopes, and the inside is the foot of a cliff.

There are several wormholes at the foot of the cliff, and a large group of soldiers and insects ran out of the wormholes, besieging the seventh team in the valley.

When Aiwen arrived with the first team, several other teams also arrived.

"Squad mode, fire freely!"

"Don't waste your time here, I'll get them in three minutes!"

Aiwen yelled in the 17th team channel, and Gatling started directly.

"Rookies, follow me!"

"Kill the bugs!"

Hearing Aiwen's order, all the team leaders moved, leading their team members to rush towards the swarm of soldiers.


There are many soldiers and insects, but there are also many people in the fourth action team of the tough guy unit.

The firepower of one hundred and twenty guns was unleashed, quickly suppressing the momentum of the soldiers and insects, causing them to retreat steadily.

"Nuclear team, blow up the wormhole."

Seeing the swarm of soldiers retreating towards the wormhole, Aiwen led the first team and ran down the hillside, directly reaching the wormhole with firepower.

"Timed ten seconds!"


The members of the nuclear bomb team took out the mixed explosives one after another, communicated with each other, and threw the mixed explosives into the wormhole together.


Not far after the troops had withdrawn, the mixed explosive exploded.

The cliff was piled up of hard soil and rocks, and when it was blown up by a few packets of mixed explosives, it collapsed immediately, producing a large amount of flying rocks and dust.

"Keep going!"

Aiwen checked it carefully, and after seeing that there were no traces of wormholes, he directed the team to leave the valley.


At this moment, there was a muffled sound under his feet, and the tremor of the ground was also transmitted.

"Tank beetle attack!"

"Listen up, everyone, occupy the heights!"

Aiwen didn't panic at all, while commanding the team, while leaving the uplift of the earth, at the same time switched Gatling to high-frequency mode.

The Tank Beetle is good, but only good.

He has fought countless times with tank beetles in the virtual training cabin.

When facing a tank beetle, the most effective way is to hit the tank beetle's head against its attack vision with national strength.

Attack is the best defense!

As long as your offense makes the opponent have to defend and prevents the opponent from attacking, then you will not lose!


In just a few seconds, several tank beetles appeared in the valley.

They broke through the ground, and their huge size completely occupied the small valley.


Aiwen yelled, and he was staring at a tank beetle that raised its head and wanted to attack him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless grenade explosions sounded, and several tank beetles in the valley were immediately hit hard.

This is the tactic assigned by Aiwen to the team.

Once a tank beetle appears around you, immediately use the grenade to carry out a concentrated fire attack and kill the tank beetle in the shortest possible time.

After a round of concentrated fire, the tank beetle team was directly wiped out.

Let alone a tank beetle, even a real heavy armored tank would not be able to withstand the concentrated fire of a hundred people's grenades.

"Take them to dessert!"

Aiwen put away Gatling and put on the rifle, and walked in the original direction.


Behind him, a group of team members moved quickly, replenishing each tank beetle with a grenade, and then gathered into a large force to keep up.

The old players were used to seeing big scenes, so they didn't pay attention to this encounter at all, and even felt it was boring.

The new team members are different, it is so exciting to participate in the mission for the first time.

They all thought that they came to the right place, the tactical team was really cool, every teammate was like a ruthless killer, and they felt full of security.


Two hours later.

Aiwen led the team out of a canyon and came to a hilly area.

It took a total of three hours to walk ten kilometers.

Originally, it would not take so much time, but considering that the brain worms set a trap here, Aiwen was very cautious when he was on his way.

Never take flat areas, only take dangerous places that can be used as a solid point.

"Sir, I see the base!"

Detective Phil ran to Aiwen to report and handed out the telescope at the same time.

"Full speed ahead!"

Aiwen glanced through the binoculars and ran with the team.

With his eyesight, he saw the base in front of him as soon as he stepped out of the canyon, and that base was also the only base on Planet P.

Backed by perilous peaks and hills, facing clearings and canyons, it is a perfect holding point.

However, the scale of the base is very small, just 690 circles surrounded by steel skins, and the area is not as big as a football field.

In fact, this is an outpost, and the base is just a lip service.

At six o'clock in the morning this morning, when Lieutenant General Amos was inspecting the base, he was attacked by a swarm of insects and his whereabouts are unknown.

The task of the fourth action team of the tough guy force is to rescue Lieutenant General Amos.

"Sir, the situation is not good!"

When approaching the base, Dum whispered something in Aiwen's ear.

The open space outside the base is full of corpses of bugs.

The distribution range of these insect corpses is very even, which shows the scale of the insect swarm that hit the base.

The most important thing is that the gate of the base was knocked open, and there was still a lot of insect corpses blocking the gate. One can imagine how bad the base is inside.

He believed that Lieutenant General Amos had been eaten away by bugs.

"Not always."

Aiwen raised the corner of her mouth and shook her head slightly.

Lieutenant General Amos is still alive, he is the bait left by the brain worm.

Cerebral Worm's plan is very simple, to trick the rescue team here, find Lieutenant General Amos, and learn from Lieutenant General Amos that this is a trap.

When they fix the communication server, the brain worms will send a swarm of worms to kill them.

Cerebral worms do not need them to be alive, they only need them to send back information to let the high-level human beings know that there may be intelligent worms here. .

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