Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Status: First Class Private at L Base in the Federal West War Zone.

Attributes: Strength 18, Spirit 18, Speed ​​20, Stamina 18

Skills: melee combat 7, gun use 8, starship driving 6, telepathy 7

Items: F18 set*1, R18 set*1, J18 set*1, T18 hemostatic needle*3

Life Energy: 20

A minute later, Aiwen looked at the refreshed system panel.

400 life energy, he increased the speed to 20 points, increased the stamina to 18 points, and the strength and spirit remained unchanged at 18 points.

As for the skill bar, he didn't even think about it.

Adding a little skill requires 1000 life energy, he can't afford it at all, he might as well practice it first, maybe he can increase a point or two through training.

The use of firearms is like this. He trained it from 7 to 8, saving a full 1000 life energy.

Now, he only needs 600 points of life energy to bring all his physical attributes to the peak of human beings at 20 points!

"My lovely bug..."

Aiwen thought in his heart, closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

After the recruiting period is over, there will be a personnel allocation to determine the whereabouts of the leading soldiers.

There are three possibilities, one is the original base for joining the army, the other is the colony star defense base, and the third is the space combat base.

His rookie performance was very good, and he should be directly assigned to the space combat base.

At that time, wherever you need support, go there, and the life energy will burst!


The next day, all three classes got up early.

Before seven o'clock, everyone finished their breakfast and went back to the dormitory to pack their luggage, because they were going to gather at the main square of the base at eight o'clock.

"Aiwen, do you know how the bases are allocated?"

"I wonder if we can kill bugs in the future."

Johnny leaned over to Aiwen, he just wanted to kill the bugs for revenge, if he couldn't kill the bugs, then it would be pointless for him to stay.

"Add me, I want to kill bugs too."

Old A heard Johnny's words and squeezed over.

Aiwen nodded and said: "The assignment is arranged according to the training results of the boot camp. You should know that Sim holds a folder every day."

"What's written there is our performance and grades, as well as the instructor's judgment on your talent. For example, Tizzy is very good at communication technology."

"The results of the three of us are very good. In the past, we would have stayed at the base to continue our training. Now we might be sent to the space battle base."

"Cosmic battle bases refer to space fortresses, like those fortresses on Qinshihuang and Zeus, all of which perform combat missions."

Johnny nodded thoughtfully, and then asked:

"If I am not assigned to the base, but I want to go, what should I do in this situation?"

"Application for changing bases!" Aiwen smiled.

"Johnny, don't worry, the mobile unit most welcomes people who are not afraid of death, and everyone can apply to join the combat base."

This is also his way out.

If he can be directly assigned, then go directly. If the base wants to keep him to continue training, then he will apply for a change of base.

Compared with asking for a fight, avoiding a fight is much more troublesome, and the review is also stricter.

It’s okay if you don’t want to go to the battlefield, but you have to show other talents besides combat, and then the base will protect your life.

"It's just what I want!"

Johnny finally breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

After chatting for about half an hour, Sim arrived with his deputy, Braunski.

"Pick up your ears, guys."

"I don't like parting, so..."

"Check the assignment results from the public screen. Those who are assigned to other bases should go to the main square to board the plane before twelve o'clock."

Sim said flatly, his expression was not very good.

Sim's words directly ignited the third class dormitory, and everyone gathered in front of the public screen, scrambling to check their assignment results.

"Instructor, do you want to stay at Base L?"

Aiwen walked last, and asked Sim when passing by.

"That's right." Sim managed to force a smile, and sighed, "Captain Digory won't let me go. I may have to be an instructor for a few more years."

"Alves, help me kill more bugs, don't die on the road, I'm here waiting to hear your legendary story."

"thanks, I will."

Aiwen and Sim hugged and whispered at the same time: "My legend needs you, and I need an all-around soldier to help me."

Sim is from the West War Zone, and he advocates individual heroism, but he is not disgusted, because he is a wall, and he can become a superhero in the eyes of others.

"Come on, I'm waiting to salute you, private class!"

Sim laughed and patted Aiwen hard on the back.

His past was very similar to Johnny, the bug took everything from him, but the nickname Almighty Soldier confined him to the position of instructor.

"I will, sir!"

Aiwen responded firmly and squeezed in front of the public screen.

Enter the name and private password, and rows of small characters appear on the corresponding small split screen.

【Aiwen Xia Alves】

[Federal Western War Zone Ares Cosmic War Fortress, First Squad of Tough Guys]

"Tough guy unit?"

"Professor Zarak's elite unit..."

"The old professor is reliable, I thought he forgot me..."

After seeing her assigned unit, the corners of Aiwen's mouth gradually turned up.


ps: For niche topics, I beg you all to vote for some flowers and comments, thank you! ! !

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