Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 19 Go All Out, Don't Back Down!

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Status: First Class in the Tough Guy Army.

Attributes: Strength 18, Spirit 18, Speed ​​20, Stamina 18

Skills: melee combat 7, gun use 8, starship driving 6, telepathy 7

Items: infantry armed *1, hemostatic needle *3

Life Energy: 20

(In the future, the panel will be as simple as possible, without watermarks, as long as everyone can understand it.)

After taking his seat, Aiwen glanced at the panel, and his identity has been updated to the tough guy unit.

Thinking of being able to report today, Aiwen shrank back in his seat, planning to catch up on sleep.

After all, the tough guy army is not as easy as the new barracks, and they may have to participate in training just after reporting.


"Preparing to convert hyperdrive, five, four, three...."

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Aiwen vaguely heard a sound coming from her ear.

Looking at the time, it was already 12 o'clock in the western theater time. After sleeping for nearly three hours, the transport ship was finally about to set off.

When the announcement counts to one.

A red energy cover appeared outside the window, and the outside of the energy cover was full of light and bright spots of the monster Lu Li.

"let's go!"

Aiwen felt a little light in her body, so she closed her eyes again, waiting for the finish line.

When he opened his eyes again, the transport ship had already arrived at its destination.

It took almost an hour, because the Ares Fortress is in orbit between Saturn and Uranus, 2 billion kilometers from Earth.

In non-combat missions, medium-sized transport ships are only allowed to accelerate to double the speed of light.

Aiwen queued up to disembark with her luggage.

Looking around, the platform was already crowded with people.

He looked around and found that he didn't see any familiar faces, so he simply didn't wait for Johnny and the others, and joined the queue and walked forward.

After leaving the boarding area, Aiwen came to the inquiry hall.

[The area where the tough guys are stationed is the No. 9 training ground on the W floor, and you can take the special track elevator on the W floor in the inquiry area to get there]

"The training ground is okay..."

Aiwen frowned, and entered the track elevator on the W floor.

Two minutes later, the elevator stopped, and the W floor seemed to be a dedicated training area, like an oversized gym.

The deeper you go, the higher the specifications, from a public training ground to an independent training ground.

Soon, Aiwen found the No. 9 training ground.

The gate of the No. 9 training ground is closed, and the words that the training ground is in use are still lit on the door screen.

Aiwen rang the doorbell, but there was no response after waiting for a minute, so she unlocked it with her ID card and pushed the door open.

"Huaken, if you dare to fall behind, I will kill you!"

"Brad, run for me, is your leg broken?"

As soon as he entered the training ground, Aiwen heard an almost roaring taunt.

The interior of the No. 9 training ground is a square shape, and the left and right sides are divided into two shooting ranges, which divide the training ground into an H shape.

There are two rows of I characters and one vertical. The two rows are the dormitory area and the obstacle playground, and the vertical is the armed area and the fitness area.

Aiwen tidied up his military uniform and walked quickly to the obstacle playground.

The sound came from the playground, and the members of the tough guy team were running an endurance run at this time.

"Reporting from First Class Alves, sir!"

Walking to the edge of the playground, Aiwen stood at attention in a military posture.

The staff sergeant who led the queue to run around glanced at Aiwen and shouted: "Rookie, if I were you, I wouldn't stand there stupidly, it will only waste more time for you!"

"Yes, sir!"

Aiwen quickly returned to the dormitory area, found Zhang Kongbu to store her luggage, and then changed into training clothes to join the training team.

This run lasted for a full two hours, until a second lieutenant arrived, and the training team stopped, and the second lieutenant took them to the armed area to line up.

"stand at attention!"

After standing for about a minute, the gate of the training ground was opened, and the second lieutenant then ordered to stand at attention.

Immediately afterwards, a lieutenant in combat armor stepped through the gate and came to the front of the soldiers.

"Jean Zarack!"

Aiwen's eyes lit up. This lieutenant, who seemed calm and self-assured, was the highest officer of the tough guy army and his former high school history professor.

Zarak's height seems to be less than 1.8 meters, but his sharp eyes are matched with combat weapons, showing an extraordinarily strong aura.

He scanned the queue and finally stopped in front of Aiwen at the end of the queue.

"There's only one rule here."

"Go all out and don't back down, understand?"

Zarak stretched out his mechanical left arm, pointed his index finger on Aiwen's heart, and spoke in a calm tone.

"Understood, sir!"

Aiwen replied loudly, Zarak is this kind of straightforward person, he knew it when he was in high school.

"Welcome to the tough guys." Zarak nodded, returned to the front of the queue, and said, "Relax, listen up."

"Assemble at boarding ground No. 2 in fifteen hours. I will tell you the mission details after boarding."

"Hannah, take the newcomer, he will take Kevin's place."

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