Training Ground No. 9.

The early training of the tough guys is in full swing, and there are slogans and shouts everywhere.

Outside the gate of the training ground, three figures slowly approached.

"Major Zarak, this military achievement is too easy."

Those three were none other than Zarak, along with his deputies Locke and Peter.

Locke and Peter were filled with emotion. They never expected that in just ten days, Zarak would pass from a lieutenant to a major, and they would also pass from a second lieutenant to a captain.

Two Pluto slaves, one level up!

"The top leaders of the Federation don't think so. Compared with the accurate information of Californium Metal, this military achievement is nothing at all."

"I have to remind you that there are more captains in the Federation than there are stars in the sky. Put your mind right and do what you need to do."

Zarak clapped the folder and suitcase in his hand, and looked at the two deputy.

"Yes, sir!"

Locke and Peter hurriedly stood at attention, suppressing the flutter that had just risen in their hearts, and the slightly slack will condensed again.

"Very well, now it's the young man's turn."

Zarak nodded in satisfaction and handed Locke the folder and suitcase.

Peter stepped forward immediately, opened the gate of the training ground, and trotted to the playground area.

"Standby, stand at attention!"

The players on the playground immediately stopped training and automatically lined up.


"The unit's recent missions have been completed well, and the Federation directly issued a reward order, followed by Lieutenant Locke's announcement."

Zarak walked to the front of the queue with a smile on his lips.

Locke pulled a table from the fitness area and opened the suitcase on it, facing the queue members.

Everyone saw that there were brand-new epaulet boxes inside the box, and it seemed that there were quite a lot of them.

This is about to be promoted!

Almost instantly, many smiling faces appeared, and the atmosphere in the queue became very brisk.

"It seems that you all guessed it."

Locke first smiled, then sternly shouted: "Amanda Hannah, get out!"


Hannah knew what was going to happen next, but she was going the cool-girl route, and she maintained a grim expression at this point.

Locke took out a military medal box from the suitcase, and said loudly:

"Sergeant Amanda Hannah, because of your outstanding performance in multiple mission operations, the Federation issued an award and promoted you to Second Lieutenant."

"Go all out, don't back down!"

Hannah took the military badge box, and instead of shouting the slogan of the Federation, she shouted the slogan of the tough guy army.

Locke smiled and didn't say much, since the Federation didn't care anyway.

If it weren't for Major Zarak's desire to use this to motivate the players who have not been promoted, he wouldn't have to engage in such a small ceremony at all, and just distribute them directly.

As Zarak said, the captains are all Federation shrimp, let alone the captains.

"Sure enough, I want to be promoted, high-level people are particular about it!"

Watching teammates walk out of the queue one after another, Aiwen also looked forward to it, and it will be his turn later.

The military exploits this time were actually all due to the first Pluto operation.

The high-level federation decided the reward at that time, and then gave the tough guys a chance to make meritorious service, so that the tough guys could earn another credit for defending the base.

It sounds good to say that the tough guy troops brought back californium metal information, and then landed on Pluto for the second time, defending the Pluto base.

It can be regarded as setting an example, rewarding the heroes, and inspiring other troops.

Ten minutes later, Locke finally called Aiwen's name.

Aiwen took a few deep breaths frantically, and walked up seriously. He felt as if his mouth was going to cock up, and he was very happy in his heart.

A minute later, Aiwen returned to the queue.

As a hero in the first team's operation Pluto, he jumped directly from corporal to sergeant.

Happy to be happy, but still expected.

When the tough guys perform missions, they must be equipped with portable recorders to record all the action process. He killed the tank beetle alone, which is an obvious hero.

The only pity is that he was only a private first class, even if he skipped three ranks within half a month, he is still only a sergeant Xiami.

People with high military ranks are very comfortable this time.

The highest officer in the team, Zarak, Locke, and Peter, commanded a trio, from a lieutenant to a major, and from two second lieutenants to a captain.

The members of the first team were all promoted to one level, becoming three sergeants, four sergeants, and four second lieutenants.

Of course, it's not just the troop command and the first squad.

Twenty or thirty people from other teams were also promoted.

Their promotions are regarded as opening the back door for the Federation.

The federation brought up the annual military merit review to the present, and mentioned all those who are capable but not qualified.

From Aiwen's point of view, this is probably one person who attains enlightenment and ascends to heaven.

Everyone thought that after the promotion ceremony, they had to continue training, but Locke had no intention of disbanding the team, and gave Zalak the main position.

"The fortress has issued an order, and the tough guy troops will start expanding today."

"We're going to build a tough guy unit two and three, led by Captains Locke and Peter."

"The engineers will come over during the lunch break and open up the No. 8 and No. 10 training grounds as the living training areas for the two new teams."

"The newcomers will arrive to report within 24 hours. Before that, the two captains need a group of team leaders."

"If you think you can do it, then apply to them. They are responsible for reviewing and screening, and the minimum standard is a sergeant."


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