"Heavy gunner in place!"

The moment the transport ship landed, Quentin, the deputy captain next to the cabin door, shouted, and at the same time put his hand on the button to open the cabin.


Aiwen rushed to the hatch and lifted Gatling up.


The cabin door opened in the next moment, and after seeing the situation outside, Aiwen Xiaosong breathed a sigh of relief and walked out directly.

The area around the island in the middle of the lake has been plowed by bombers, and there are not many large-scale insect swarms.

A few soldiers and insects who were lucky enough to escape the bombing also ran away after seeing the human transport plane.

But Aiwen knows that they are not necessarily afraid.

Because there may be brain worms and queen worms on Ocean Star.

These two kinds of bugs are highly intelligent bugs, they can command the swarm to act, and they are bugs that can play tactics!

If you chase after it all at once, you will probably fall into the trap of the bug.

He glanced around, and there was no battle for the time being.

Like their team, other teams also went down to the ground in transport ships, and now they have surrounded the entire lake and are observing the enemy's situation.

"Form a horizontal line and push forward!"

"The nuclear bomb team is ready to bomb directly when they see giant plasma worms!"

After guarding the spot for about a minute, all members of the main team of the tough guy army assembled, and at the same time Zalak received an order from his superiors and began to lead the team forward.

"Alves, I think this place is good."

"They are all plants that I have never seen before. Look at that tree. Its waist must be twenty meters wide."

Rex walked next to Aiwen with a big pineapple, and commented on the plants here as he walked, just like a tourist.

"Believe me, this is not a good place, you just feel new."

Aiwen glanced around and rolled her eyes.

Only 46% of the surface of Neptune is land, and the remaining 54% is water.

The proportion of water and land is not low, but Neptune is rounder than the ancestor star, and the terrain is not much different, so the surface of the water depression is formed.

Almost every time you walk out, you will encounter a small lake.

And the plants here, the appearance is really not flattering.

They all grew out of the water, small trees that looked like thick kelp, big trees that looked like waxed cucumbers and were covered with strange black moss.

"Call for backup, this is Sagittarius Two, call for backup."

At this moment, a distress signal came from everyone's communicator.

"This is the first action team of the tough guy unit."

Zarak signaled everyone to be alert, and then opened the public help channel to reply.

The help channel is a range communication, if you can receive a help signal, it means that the person calling for help is nearby.

"The swarm of locusts is here, black locusts that I have never seen before."

"They're very fast, we can't get rid of them, and we've lost three fighters."

Sagittarius No. 2 explained the situation, his tone became more and more urgent, obviously the battle situation was not very good.

Zarak didn't even think about it, and replied loudly: "Track the location of the signal, come to me, and let the tough guys take care of them!"

"You all heard it, locusts are coming, look for cover!"

With a big wave of Zarak's hand, he also fell into a small pool and found a tree as a cover.

"You're right, it's really nice here."

Aiwen and Rex stood on both sides of a cucumber tree, with their guns pointed in the air.

Hearing Aiwen's words, Rex laughed and said, "Of course, without these trees, the locusts would have taken all our heads."


The two had just chatted, and there was a sonic boom in the distance.

"Tough guy army, we will hover over you, please be careful of locusts!"

Looking closely, several small black dots appeared in the sky, and they became bigger and bigger in their eyes, and there was a voice on the help channel again.

"Everyone is ready to open fire when the fighter plane passes over the sky!"

Zarak gave an order, and everyone behind the bunker raised their guns.


Accompanied by more and more obvious sonic booms, the flight team quickly passed over the heads of the crowd.

And behind the buttocks of the flight team, followed by a group of black locusts.

These migratory locusts are black and there are countless numbers. Gathering together can be said to block out the sun and block out the sun.

"Rex, do it!"

Aiwen let out a loud shout, and set Gatling to low-frequency mode to activate.

At the same time, countless gunshots sounded around, and everyone was shooting into the air.

As soon as a string of bullets was fired, Aiwen's eyes lit up.

One 50 life energy!

Feelings are a high-end version of migratory locusts, no wonder they fly so fast, even the color is different from ordinary migratory locusts.

With just one glance, Aiwen fell in love with the black locust.

So he stopped looking at the system prompts and started outputting with all his might!

The speed of the black migratory locusts is very fast. Originally, the muzzle could not keep up with them, but their target was the flying squad.

The flight team chose to circle in the air, and they circled accordingly.

Locust swarms are staggeringly numerous, so misses are almost non-existent.

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