Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 48: Enter The Body Of The Transport Worm!

After a short wait, the flight team arrived.

The flying team moved a lot without any intention of hiding. When they were far away, they fired small missiles at the Shizhu mountain group.

With just one face-to-face encounter, the flight team knocked down several stone pillar peaks.

Seeing this, the locust swarm instantly exploded.

They rose to a higher altitude and gathered into a group, rushing towards the flight team.

At this time, the flight team was not interested in fighting, and after throwing a few missiles to completely anger the locust swarm, it turned and left.

The locust swarm circled in place for a while, and finally caught up.

But not all, the locust nest still left a group of migrating locusts.

Apparently, they guard transport bugs.

"The Ninth Team and the Tenth Team stay here, you are responsible for the investigation, don't take the initiative to open fire."

"The other teams follow me and approach the transport bug at full speed!"

Zarak made a decisive decision and led eight teams to charge.


However, the goal of nearly a hundred people in the eight teams was still too big, and they were spotted by the locusts staying in the sky as soon as they charged.

They hissed to inform their companions, then lowered their altitude and rushed towards the tough guys.

"Battle in the bunker, advance as fast as possible!"

Zarak yelled, stopped next to a boulder and fired.

Just now, the flying team knocked down many stone pillars and peaks, and the rocks that fell on the ground could just serve as shelters.

When facing migratory locusts, not having a bunker means you are dead.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The crowd's charge slowed down, and they began to attack the locust swarm with rifles and grenades.

Here the situation has reached a stalemate.

In the case of a bunker, it is difficult for migrating locusts to kill, but there are too many migrating locusts, and it is difficult for people to kill migrating locusts.

"Major, the situation is not good!"

"There are also locusts coming from other directions, and there are a lot of them!"

Suddenly, the Ninth Squad who stayed in place sent a warning.

When everyone looked up, black spots appeared everywhere in the sky, and they were getting closer and bigger.

"Sir, look at the transport bug's tail!"

Just when Zarak was about to push forward, Aiwen's voice rang in his ears.

Zarak turned his head and saw that the transport bug had moved.

On its left tail belly, a black carapace lifted up, revealing a large black hole, and many migratory locusts flew out of it.

Seeing this, Zarak's eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Attention everyone, go to the Transport Wormtail at full speed."

"Go straight into its stomach, we're going to make a hole out of its stomach!"

Following Zalak's order, the team of nearly a hundred people moved instantly.

Aiwen put away Gatling and switched to a rifle, walking and fighting with the crowd.

The transport worms opened their exits, intending to use more migratory locusts to trap them to death in this piece of broken rock.

But this also gave them a chance, a chance to avoid the locusts and directly attack the belly of the transporting insects.

But this road is not easy to walk.

Aiwen, who was running in the middle of the team, saw that several people died in the front row during the charge, and their heads were cut off by migratory locusts.

The blood sprayed from the neck of the headless corpse even spilled onto his face.

No way, when advancing without cover, the locust swarm is the nemesis of the infantry.

Small fighters can cooperate with infantry, but the base is now encountering a swarm of insects, so it would be nice to send a flying team to help attract the swarms of locusts.

Two minutes later, the hard-boiled troop with a reduced staff of more than a dozen finally arrived at the transport Wormtail side.

"Machine gunner, quickly clean up the interior!"

"Yes, sir!"

Following Zalak's order, the machine gunners of each team got into the belly of the transport bug, and Aiwen was among them.

The tail of the transport bug has many round carapaces.

Those carapaces can be opened, like an upside-down car trunk, and you can get inside the transport bug just by climbing on the carapace.

At this time, the tail and abdomen of the transport insects are full of migratory locusts.

They all wanted to rush out from the exit, but they bumped into more than a dozen machine gun ports.

The machine gun team opened fire with full firepower, and the bullets they fired were like barrages, covering them with a net directly, smashing all the locusts in sight.

"Guys, move on!"

The machine gunner of the second team is Second Lieutenant Duncan. He is the captain of the second team and the highest ranking person in the machine gun team.

After taking a look at the situation inside Wormtail's belly, he ordered everyone to push forward, while he stayed where he was to meet his teammates outside.

After receiving the order, Aiwen and others moved forward.

At this time, Aiwen finally had time to observe the interior of the transport bug.

It's nothing new, it's about the same as he guessed.

It is very similar to the interior of the starship, except that the floor is made of hard meat, the bulkhead is made of hard meat, and there are many large and small blood vessels in yellow and green.

Judging from the fleshy ceiling that is only two or three meters high above the head, there are many layers in the stomach of the transport bug.

What they are in is only the lowest exit for troops.

After advancing about 20 meters, everyone stopped and defended in place.

The space at the back is enough for the team to use, and then we have to see what Zarak has to say.

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