Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Status: Sergeant of the Tough Guy Army.

Attributes: Strength 33, Spirit 33, Speed ​​33, Stamina 33, Energy 0

Skills: melee combat 8, gun use 9, starship driving 7, telepathy 13

Items: Individual Combat Mecha*1, Ammunition Source Supplementary Pack*1 (90%)

Life energy: 5220


When resisting the bug swarm, Aiwen glanced at the panel, and felt beautiful in his heart.

He finished firing Gatling's ammo just now, and used the ammo source supplement pack to perform an automatic reload.

Judging from the item prompt, it is 10% for Gatling to replenish ammunition once, which means the cost is 1000 life energy.

1000 life energy makes up a large chain barrel, which is very cost-effective.

When I set off, my life energy was only a little over a thousand, but now it's over five thousand.

About one thousand of them were shot with rifles and grenades, and the remaining three thousand were all shot with Gatling, and the harvest far exceeded the cost.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing like this when you are on a mission.

"Major Snape, take your men into the cave!"

After another hard swipe, Aiwen heard Zalak's shout, and knew without looking back that Zalak must have broken through the rock wall.

After all the members of the Starship Troop entered the cave, the members of the Tough Guy Troop also began to retreat, and then retreated into the cave one after another.

The cave can only accommodate one person to pass through, and the bugs can't get through at all.

They can dig rock walls with their claws, but everyone will not give them the time and opportunity to dig walls.

A few rounds of bullets were swept out, and the soldiers and insects crowded outside the entrance of the cave were completely dead, becoming an obstacle blocking the entrance of the cave.

"Stay away from the cave, GO!"

Paul of the nuclear bomb team stuck some small impact explosives on the rock wall and urged everyone to go deep into the cave.

This is Zarak's order. Just in case, their nuclear bomb team needs to loosen the rock wall and seal the hole completely.

Regardless of the situation in the cave, it was better than facing an endless swarm of insects.


After following the cave for a few sections, the nuclear bomb team pressed the detonator to completely block their way.

The mountain trembled twice, but it didn't affect their position.

This cave extends steeply downwards, so the terrain is getting lower and lower, and the surrounding area is getting more and more humid. The original footprints of many soldiers and insects have disappeared here.

A huge cave appeared in front of him.

The cave is a circle as a whole, and there is a shallow lake in the center, but at a glance, there is no opening, and it looks like a dead cave.

But this is obviously impossible. If this is a dead hole, then how did the soldiers leave footprints on the road.

"Over the head, Major!"

Investigator Sidney ran to the middle of the lake, circled around carefully, and finally pointed to the position above everyone's heads.

It turns out that the two holes are stacked together, one above the other.


Zarak pointed with two fingers, and immediately a group of people climbed up the cave along the bedrock.

"Major, there are traces of soldiers and insects in the cave, and there is a lot of space ahead."

"Go ahead and investigate, the others will go!"

Zarak nodded and began to arrange the team to go to the hole.

They had no way out, not to mention traces of soldiers and insects, even if there were traces of tank beetles in the cave, they had to drill in.

At this time, Aiwen walked up to Zarak and said in a low voice, "Sir, I sensed that those people are in this cave."

"There are still soldiers and insects inside, but the killing emotion is not very strong, and the number should not be many."

"Humans and soldiers?"

Zarak froze for a moment, a little unresponsive.

People and soldiers and insects are in the same cave, and there is no movement of fighting?

However, he still chose to trust Aiwen, which allowed the team to speed up the hole.

In fact, not only him, but even Aiwen himself can't figure it out.

In his induction, those people stayed with the soldiers and insects, and despair was born in their hearts, but the desire to survive was still strong.

But the soldiers and insects near them were unexpectedly calm, and had no intention of killing.

This situation is like being captured by soldiers and insects.

But how could a lunatic like Bing Chong, who is eager to kill, survive... Wait, no!

Thinking of this, a look of surprise flashed across Aiwen's face.

Cerebral worm!

Cerebral worms might be here!

Cerebral worms like to eat human brains, and they eat them alive.

So when the worms have the opportunity to catch humans alive, they will bring the humans to the brain worms and let the brain worms eat the freshest human brains.

If the cerebrates were really here, then everything they encountered along the way could be explained.

The transport worm's wings and abdomen were completely damaged, and now it can't even fly.

The brain worm has a very high IQ. It chose to give up the transport worm and let the transport worm help it attract the attention of humans, while it quietly hid here.

The brain worm hid here, and his bodyguard, the worm tide, naturally followed.

Whenever Amy Snape's starship crashes in another area, the swarm will not bother them, because the swarm needs to guard the brain worms nearby.


"The income may be a bug with a unit of tens of thousands. Do you want to find a chance to kill it..."

Aiwen licked his lips, his heart moved.

He wanted to persuade himself to be more stable, but he couldn't suppress the idea once it arose.

Let the bullshit orders die, life energy is the most important thing!

As long as he "accidentally falls behind" and "accidentally" breaks the action recorder, no one will know that he killed the brain worm.

This is nothing uncommon, and there are not a few people who were separated from the team during the battle and survived in the end.

The same is true for the action recorder, something that can be smashed by a fall, and it will be enough to make up a combat report when the time comes.

"Just do it!"

"Find a chance to escape!"

After making up his mind, Aiwen climbed up the cave, planning to observe the terrain first.

Once the terrain is higher, the environment has changed.

The lower caves are damp and damp, and people will feel stuffy when staying in them. The upper caves are much fresher and cleaner, no different from common caves.

After all members climbed the upper cave, the team began to move forward.

There are many traces of soldiers and insects here that are very new, which means that there were many soldiers and insects walking here not long ago, so the speed of the team's advance is very light and slow.

Although soldier insects have a strong ability to sense heat, they cannot stay together all the time.

When the soldiers and insects are distributed far and near, at least they will not attract all the soldiers and insects at once.

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