Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 66 Destroy The Eggs, And The Harvest Is Huge!

Aiwen controlled the mech and ran over it all the way.

He would stop every few steps, buy a small barrel of cheap gasoline from the life energy mall, open the lid and throw it into the pile of insect eggs.

These insect eggs are not eligible to eat guns and explosives, and burning them with fire is the most cost-effective way.

"I rub it, it's a big hair!"

When she was about to walk out of the wormhole, Aiwen became excited.

He has the habit of checking the balance after shopping.

After buying gasoline just now, he checked the balance and found that the balance was wrong. Twenty-six barrels of gasoline cost 520 life energy, but the balance only dropped by more than 400.

After reading the prompt, I realized that the eggs are also considered as life energy.

He walked all the way just now, but the mecha crushed a lot of eggs.

The life energy of insect eggs is one-tenth of that of adult insects, that is, the life energy of soldier eggs is 1 life energy, and the life energy of worker bee eggs is 3.

The value is not very large, but the amount of eggs here is huge!

He couldn't figure it out after careful calculation, but the total number of eggs here is definitely in tens of thousands. It may be a bit conservative to say that there are 50,000 eggs.

Not to mention bee eggs and locust eggs.

Even if there are only soldiers and insect eggs here, fifty thousand soldiers and insect eggs, that is fifty thousand life energy!

Aiwen was overjoyed, and quickly bought a few barrels of gasoline in plastic barrels, and threw them into the worm hole, not letting go of even a crack in the floor!

After finishing all this, Aiwen lit a cigarette, took two puffs and popped out the cigarette butt.


The raging fire rose up, covering the entire worm egg hole.

The sound of the eggs bursting was accompanied by the unique burning sound of the fire, and Aiwen's heart beat rapidly at this moment.


The balance of life energy has gone crazy!

"Destroy a soldier egg, gain 1 life energy."

"Destroy a worker bee egg, gain 3 life energy."

"Destroy a tank beetle egg, get 10..."

The refresh rate of the prompt panel was so fast that his eyes could not keep up with it. It was like tens of thousands of people swiping bullet screens there, and all the news disappeared in a flash.

"Let's go, next level!"

Aiwen punched excitedly, then controlled the mecha to turn around and move forward.

He really wanted to stay here and see how much life energy he could harvest in the end.

But the brain worm is still waiting for him, he has no time to waste waiting, anyway, not a single worm egg can escape from this hole, so it will be more exciting to watch it later.


Not long after setting off, several soldier insects bumped into them head-on.

"Go to hell!"

Aiwen didn't even fire the gun, the huge metal arm of the mech waved, and the soldiers and insects in front of him were hammered and paralyzed on the ground, unable to even get up.


After trampling them to death one by one, Aiwen speeded up.

He has a weapon on his body, so the soldiers and worms he encounters in the future will try their best to prevent him from approaching the location of the brain worm.

The more soldiers and worms he encountered, the closer he was to the brain worm.

"Chi..... ho!"

As he expected, there were more bugs in the next cave.

The space here has become even bigger, almost as big as a football field. Not only are there soldiers, there are even several tank beetles.

They all turned their heads to the east, as if they were finally waiting for you.

"found it!"

Facing the soaring swarm of combat power, Aiwen did not panic, but cheered up.

There's a huge hole in the rock wall to the west, big enough for a tank beetle to get through.

When his enemy arrived, several soldiers and insects escaped from the swarm and slipped into the cave.

It's obvious!

They are going to inform the brain worms!

So what to do now is very simple, kill the bugs blocking the road, enter the big hole, and kill the brain bugs all the way!


A familiar voice came, and Aiwen manipulated the mech to take a few steps back.

The tank beetle was indeed troublesome. When the ultra-high temperature corrosive liquid was sprayed, he could only dodge it honestly.

But he wasn't helpless.

Do you know what a heavy war mecha is?


Aiwen used a heavy machine gun to attack the soldiers who wanted to approach him, put away the other heavy machine gun, and then replaced it with the heavy howitzer that came with the mecha.

Although he had never seen such a large grenade gun, he could tell from the caliber of the barrel how powerful this grenade gun was.

The barrel is so big that you can put your fist in it.



Aiming at the nearest tank beetle, a grenade blasted out.

The explosion sounded, and the tank beetle's brain disappeared immediately, turning into pieces of meat and splashing around, killing several soldier insects.


Feeling extremely relieved, Aiwen pointed the muzzle of the grenade gun at the next tank beetle.


The worms in the cave also found that Aiwen was difficult to deal with, and rushed towards Aiwen.


Aiwen didn't panic at all, and after killing another tank beetle, he took two steps back calmly.

It is really troublesome to charge so many bugs together.

But there is a retreat behind him, the entrance of the cave is only six or seven meters wide, a heavy machine gun can hold it firmly, and the swarm will attack him with their heads?

Just move two waves back and forth as simple as that.

In less than a minute, the soldiers and insects in the cave were almost killed by him.

Only a few scattered defeated soldiers were left, and the tank beetle was so slow that it had just rushed over.


As always, the tank beetles were bombarded with grenade guns, and the soldiers were hit with heavy machine guns.

After knocking out the bugs in the entire cave, Aiwen fed a few tank beetles, and then quickly ran to the cave to the west.

The high-temperature corrosive liquid of the tank beetle is very dangerous, so he can't be distracted by watching the system prompts, so he can only make up a few extra knives.

The more this kind of time, the more you can't be careless.

It's a good deal to spend more ammo to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

After entering the cave, the scene in front of me changed drastically.

The cave was dug very flat, and it was really similar to a tunnel dug by hand, but it was not so smooth.

There are a large number of small holes on the rock walls around the cave, and even on the roof of the cave.

The combination of these large and small caves makes this mountain look like a beehive.

In front of the largest main cave, there are several soldiers and insects standing.

They watched Aiwen enter the main cave helplessly, but they didn't have any intention of attacking, and ran away quickly after two glances.

"Thanks for leading the way!"

The corner of Aiwen's mouth raised a bloodthirsty arc, and he manipulated the mech to chase after him.

The biggest weakness of the brain worm is that it is afraid of death.

There are always soldiers and insects around it!

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