Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 91: Another Favorite Bug Swarm!

There is not much rest time, after waking up all the wounded and giving them simple treatment.

The tough guys assembled in the canyon and moved on.

The canyon is not very long, and with the addition of a gun line stretched several hundred meters in the middle, the team walked out of the canyon in three minutes.

At the end of the canyon there is a wind-eroded plain.

Except that there is no yellow sand, it is no different from a desert. There are wind-eroded hills and slopes everywhere, and the sun is like waves.

At the end of this wind-eroded plain, there is a group of hills.

That hilly area is the final area of ​​this reconnaissance mission.

There are relatively few high-lying landforms on Tofite Star, so the task of the tactical troops is very light. If everything goes well, a reconnaissance will only take half a day.


Not long after entering the plain, Aiwen felt his head turn cold.

He felt a strong killing emotion, and the killing emotion he could perceive was still growing rapidly.

This means that the soldiers and insects are coming, and there are a lot of soldiers and insects, and they are getting closer and closer!

"Sir, although the tide is coming!"

Thinking of this, Aiwen shouted at Zalak in front.

"The second team 17 is responsible for the left wing, the third team is responsible for the right wing, the first team is responsible for the front, and the former wounded are responsible for the rear."

"Hurry up and form a defensive line!"

Hearing Aiwen's words, Lark immediately began to arrange the defensive front.

Aiwen's telepathic ability has made several achievements, so in the tough guy army, no one will doubt the authenticity of Aiwen's words, Zarak is no exception.

Zalak did not choose to go up the hill to defend, but chose an open field.

Because the hillsides here are common double-sided slopes, which can attack upwards in four directions, and the claws of the bugs are very sharp and will not be affected by the terrain.

On the contrary, they will be affected, and the hillside is not easy to walk on.


Just after the defense line was formed, soldiers and insects rushed over from all around the plain, and the number increased as they went further. This was a large-scale insect swarm.

There are not only bugs in the bug swarm, but also a large number of Tofite stars.

They all held compression glue guns or voltage guns, and were wrapped in the tide and rushed forward.

"Mystery solved."

"Those Tophet Stars who disappeared in the city are all mixed with bugs."

Looking at the hundreds of Tofite stars in the swarm, Sim couldn't help but said.

"They're bugs now, too."

The corner of Aiwen's mouth raised, waiting for the approach of the insect swarm.

The Tofeites don't want to mix with the bugs. The problem is that they are all controlled by the parasite and become the exoskeleton of the parasite.

"Sniper, get rid of those Tofeites for me!"

At this time, a new order from Lak came.

Hearing his words, the snipers in the second position all took off their high-precision mirrors from their leg armor, formed sniper rifles and started shooting.

"Olier, change with me!"

Aiwen directly used the principle of bringing it over, and brought over the sniper rifle that Olier had assembled.

His gun use ability has 9 points, which is already a sharpshooter in mobile units.

But after a few shots, Aiwen's interest dropped a lot.

I can't kill it!

A rifle can kill a Tophet, but not the parasites on their back spines.

It seems that after returning this time, he got a foldable heavy sniper from the armament department, which can be hung on the side of the chain barrel in the future, anyway, he can carry it on his back.

After a short wait, the swarm was approaching.

The distance between them and the line of defense of the tough guys is only a few tens of meters.


When the swarm was only 20 meters away from the defense line, the Lak regiment ordered an attack.

This is a plain, and there are no bunkers around.

So they need bug corpses as cover, build a wall of bug corpses, and then expand the defense line, it is absolutely no problem to block small-scale bug swarms.

Even if there was an accident in the middle, they left a piece of land in the middle of the defense line, which was enough for a medium-sized transport ship to land.

Fight if you can, withdraw if you can't!

More than three hundred and forty people opened fire, and the attack of the insect swarm stopped immediately.

The soldiers and insects in the front row instantly became a sieve, and then became an obstacle to hinder the companions, and the protracted battle began at this time.

Aiwen is in a very good mood, because he can farm life force again.

Just look at these cute bugs.

Each of them represents 10 life energy.

He only needs to kill a mere 55,000 of them, and he can accumulate 800,000 life energy, and buy the white flashes at a 10% discount in the mall.


Thinking of this, Aiwen became very angry.

There are still 11 days left to refresh the 10% off product, but he only has 250,000 energy now, no matter how hard he swipes, he can't get to 800,000.

Although he had decided to give up before, he would still open the mall every day and take a serious look at the mech called White Flash.

If a person has no goals and pursuits, how is it different from a salted fish!

"Hey guys.

"You seem to be in trouble, but I may not be able to help, because I'm flying a transport ship, not a bomber."

At this time, a joke sounded on the range channel.

The dropship Zalak had called earlier had arrived and was now hovering over their heads.

"No, you can help."

"Woodlow, the armament on the ship should have been replenished, right?"

The corners of Zarak's mouth raised slightly, and he replied to 910 with meaning.

"Good idea, you have to thank those dedicated armorers."

Hearing Zarak's words, a smile appeared in the voice of the pilot Woodrow.

Not all planets have flat land landing areas. In order to deal with special terrain and water drop, the transport ship does not only have a hatch and an exit hatch.

Under each seating area of ​​the main cabin, there is a secret delivery port.

Once opened, the seat can be airborne, including the weapon box next to the seat.

To put it simply, it is a comprehensive airdrop!

Thinking of this, Woodrow began to pull up the altitude, and at the same time shouted on the range channel: "Guys, you better stand away, and don't ask me for medical bills if you get hit."


Ten seconds later, the transport ship rose to a height of 100 meters, and rows of round holes opened up at the bottom of the ship.

Hundreds of seats and armed boxes fell from the round hole, and under the action of the base buffer, slowly landed towards the ground.

"Pay attention to the head, avoid the airdrop."

"From now on, you can play to your heart's content, we have plenty of ammunition."

"Woodlow, we didn't get it done so quickly, I think you can make another trip."

Seeing the airdrop Zalak that was about to land, he clenched his fists heavily.

This battle is not that hard to fight!.

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