"The tenth team of the three teams stayed, and the rest followed me.

"Listen well, don't hesitate after seeing the enemy, the front row is covered by firepower, and the rear row is supported by grenades.

Zarak left three small teams at the entrance, and then walked into the passage with a large force.

The passage is steeply downward, and the height drops below the surface after walking for a while.

At this time, forks and rooms began to appear on both sides of the passage.

There is not much space for the fork in the road, so Zarak did not choose to take the fork in the road.

For the room, check it carefully.

These rooms should be the storage rooms of the Tofit Stars, because there are all kinds of tools in them, even tools like hammers.

Zarak is not interested in this basic tool at all, and he doesn't even recycle it.

Ten minutes later, the team came to an underground plaza.

The square is about 300 square meters, and there are many soldiers and insects wrapped in glue that look like blue Amber.

If you look to the left, you can still see several holes that have been dug out in the metal wall.

It can be seen that the base was breached from here. At that time, the Tofit star had fought with the soldiers who dug holes, but they lost in the end.

"Blow up the hole."

Zarak stuck his head into the hole and looked, 440 is indeed a hole dug by soldiers and insects from the traces.

The inside of the wormhole is very wide, as big as a room, but there are many bends, and it is hard to see where it leads. It is safest to blow it up directly.

After dealing with the wormhole, the team moved on.

"Sir, why don't you leave?"

At this time, Sim, who was walking behind Aiwen, found that Aiwen had stopped, and he almost ran into it.

"It's okay." Aiwen froze for a moment, then shook his head.

His telepathic abilities sensed things again.

But the perception is not very strong, maybe the distance is too far, or the mood swings are not strong enough, so I can only try again when I get closer.

After crossing the square, everyone walked into a passage again.

This passage is very long, and it becomes wider as it goes further back, like a trumpet, with a light blue light shining into the passage at the end.

Walking to the end of the passage, everyone opened their mouths.

A huge cave appeared in front of him. The whole cave was an upright column, which looked like it had been dug out by a giant drill.

There is no metal protection on the rock walls of the cave, but natural rock formations.

(bhdi) These rock formations are very strange, and they are glowing with a light blue shimmer, like luminous stone mines and fluorite mines.

Surrounding the glowing rock wall, a metal walkway is built against the wall, forming a spiral downward staircase.

"Locke, check it out."

Zarak frowned and said to Locke.

There is no artificial light energy here, so the rock wall is not a light-absorbing mine.

But rock walls can naturally produce fluorescence...

This shows that these stones have their own radioactive elements and belong to radioactive minerals.

There may not be many people who have a deep understanding of radioactive elements, but it has another name.


With a nuclear in the name, elementary school students will think it is very dangerous.

The fact is also true, this element is indeed very dangerous, the most common nuclide family is beryllium, hexagram, uranium, thorium, radium.

Beryllium and plutonium are extremely poisonous. If you stick a little in the morning, your body will be completely necrotic at noon, and you will have dinner directly at night.

Then these two elements are deposited in phase, which can release the neutron source energy. The most famous use is nuclear weapons and aviation fuel.

Uranium, thorium, and radium are not far behind. What they join is the atomic energy industry. Everyone calls them nuclear energy, and they are important materials for making nuclear weapons.

Radioactive elements are either high-energy fuels or high-energy nuclear materials, and it is no wonder that they are not dangerous.

Moreover, the intensity of fluorescence emitted by the rock wall is no worse than that of a warm light, and the content of radioactive elements carried on it is absolutely extremely high, dangerous enough to explode.

"Sir, we may be in trouble."

"It's a highly explosive fissile material, they're a lot like organic fuel for starships, but they're very poorly stable, like phosphorous with its own radiation."

After Locke checked the rock wall with the instrument, his face became a little ugly.

"So we can't shoot?"

Zarak frowned, feeling the pressure on his shoulders suddenly increase.

This is not the base of the Tofeite Stars, but the mine of the Tofeite Stars, a strategic nuclear mine!

The Tofites have glue guns and bugs have claws, but they only have guns that cause sparks.

Once the nuclear material mine is detonated, the entire hilly area will be blown up to the sky!

"Sir, I don't think the situation is that serious."

"Radioactive minerals contain only primitive elements, and their radiation may be very strong, but it is difficult for ordinary elements to react with them."

"Just like a nuclear bomb, unless we bombard it with high-energy neutrons, even if we bake the nuclear bomb for three days and three nights, the nuclear bomb will not explode, and at most it will cause a nuclear leak."

"As long as we don't take off the armor, otherwise it will rot into a meatloaf within half an hour, and finally become a glowing skeleton."

At this time, Aiwen silently raised her hand.

He was sure that Locke and Zarak had been the same scumbags as Johnny when they went to school.

"Are you sure?" Zarak was silent for a while, then asked again.

"I'm not 100 percent sure, but the tools of the Tophets are metal."

Aiwen shook her head.

He didn't know much about nuclear materials, but only read some basic introductions while reading books.

But what is certain is that the radioactive minerals here are difficult to cause a reaction, at least it will not cause a reaction with a metal tool.

"Metal tools..."

Zarak froze for a moment, then smiled rarely.

If the collision of sparks alone could cause the reaction of radioactive minerals, then the Tofite star would have been blasted into powder long ago when they dug.

As the commander-in-chief of the team, he actually missed the clues he saw on the road, which was a low-level mistake that shouldn't be made.

After the near-miss episode, the team moved on.

The road further down is not easy to walk. They need to set foot on the spiral mine road and walk to the bottom of the mine pit.

Difficult to go refers to time-consuming.

This spiral mine is very large, probably more than a hundred meters in diameter.

With a diameter of 100 meters, the length of a spiral mine tunnel is 314 meters.

The bottom of the spiral mine tunnel cannot be seen at a glance, but there are at least 20 spiral mine tunnels that can be seen.

That is to say, the road that can be seen is six kilometers long, and the road that cannot be seen is not known how long.

This trip will take 70 to 80 minutes to get the bottom line.

After all, it is impossible for them to run, it is too dangerous. .

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