Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 101 Assimilation Policy

(ps: Chapter 2, thanks to book friend 20201013184258194 for his 100-point reward, book friend Don’t Forget. Chuxin’s 200-point reward, and Wenzimaster’s 500-point reward, as well as other book friends’ monthly tickets and recommendation votes for their support.)

This was his biggest move in the six years since time travel. It was because of this that he almost caused civil strife in the Netherlands. Those businessmen who wanted to control the direction of the Netherlands have been co-opted, suppressed, merged, and eliminated by him. The integration of rights was completed in their father and son.

Although the Parliament has taken some away from them over the years, secretly, William is holding on to them tightly.

Tolbeck and many others were amazed by the ability of these two hands to grasp it.

After the East India Company was forcibly disbanded at the request of Britain and other countries, William completed the collection of the descendants of the remaining members. Among them, the current Minister of the Navy, Jan Peter, and the Minister of War, Peter Derong, are descendants of the East India Company.

It was precisely with their cooperation that in just a few years, the royal family truly took control of the highest power in the Netherlands, instead of the previous hundreds of years of joint management of the country by merchants and the King of the Netherlands, which was even used by others. Laughing at the suggestion that the King of the Netherlands is just a puppet.

Following Mark Rand's explanation, William IV understood the cause and effect.

To put it simply and clearly, the supplier provides high subsidies on top of government subsidies, plus the opportunity to work in a weapons accessories factory with good wages, which perfectly persuades immigrants who have relocated from the mainland.

This group of people was smart and calculating when it came to fighting.

Suppliers are naturally not angels. They will not only pay for benefits without making money. That is impossible. If the factory is built in Jakarta, Java, or even the closer Sulawesi, the freight cost of thousands of kilometers will be higher than these subsidies. Quite a few, and in terms of competitiveness, they lag behind their counterparts on the Paradise Peninsula in terms of delivery time.

This is disadvantageous to them, so it makes sense that they are all vying to build factories on the Paradise Peninsula.

"The population migration in Jakarta should not be too slow. There are more than 2 million indigenous people. These people are laborers. Jongleur, these people should all move. We can't think about the oppression before. Now there are On the other hand, we should give them certain rights politically, but the prerequisite is that they must be loyal to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

"The Ministry of Education has set up a special organization to print new educational textbooks aimed at assimilating their sense of identity. In terms of education, they must be required to treat their children like those in the Netherlands, enter schools for Dutch education, and slowly assimilate their nationality A tendency toward self-reliance. Increases their sense of Dutch identity.”

Education Minister Lüde Bales nodded and said: "It has been implemented for the past five years. Now there are more than 1.5 million primary school students in East India, and the number of secondary school students has reached 800,000. The newly established University of Jakarta and other Surabaya universities as well as Other colleges and universities have completed more than 100,000 students and graduates, and the current literacy rate of the entire East Indian population has reached 20%.”

"Yes, but if we continue persistently, as long as their assimilation project is completed, the Netherlands' status in the world will change dramatically.

They were the link between Australia and the southeastern peninsula to the north, the Kingdom of Siam and the lands to the west of it.

At present, European countries have not set foot in it. As long as the Netherlands obtains the identity of these tens of millions of people in East India, then using them as a fulcrum, it can pry open the hearts of the indigenous people in other places and complete the acceptance. The Netherlands can easily contact them. Increase trade volume and completely open up the Dutch market there,

In fact, after making them put down their guard, it was easier for us than other European countries to gain possession of their national territory and incorporate them.

As for skin color, we can increase our bloodline there, that is, we can practice native Dutch men there to increase the spread of bloodline and reproduce the population. I shouldn’t need to say this, you all understand.”

Everyone here is a man, so they naturally understand what it means.

William IV reminded: "But please note that the Netherlands also implements a civilized system of monogamy, so don't become the target of legal sanctions."

Everyone nodded, naturally agreeing.

“The economic model of the Far East cannot be too single. Let’s do it this way. The north is almost a country with a large population. There is a hungry market for bicycles and textiles, so accessories production can be carried out there.

In short, it is to develop industry. I want to make it as industrially developed as the local area. This is also the reason why I started education there. With a group of indigenous people who have gone to school, the Netherlands can be more efficient on the road to industrialization. Far"

"Now that the Northern Territory and Queensland have joined the Netherlands, we can bring these two places into the development track of the Far East. The mainland of Europe is too easy to get close to war and can easily cause instability. Therefore, in the future, the Far East will be the Netherlands. The development direction that will remain unchanged for the next 50 years.

I named this policy "Front Shop, Back Factory"

Seeing that everyone didn't understand, he explained: "It's an industrial product made in East India, but brought to the mainland and implemented a strategy of selling in Europe."

"Therefore, that side will become our rear area. The 60,000 troops must always be alert to the danger of being invaded. The same security work as on the mainland will be implemented there,"

William IV sternly ordered the military personnel: "Let me tell you military soldiers in the Far East, if anyone dares to invade our territory and bully our citizens in the Far East, there is no need to directly arrest and arrest them." If you resist, behead first and report later."

"It's Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, this time we have a joint exercise with the Russian Empire's navy. What scale will we dispatch to participate in this exercise?"

William IV looked around and saw the person speaking was Chief of Staff of the Navy Joseph Katz.

"Naturally, the scale cannot be small. If it is small, it will appear that this exercise is stingy and will make other countries laugh. It is better not to hold it. Let's use half of the local navy."

Half of the Dutch navy was dispatched, with a total tonnage of 90,000 tons, which is considered the largest. Fortunately, the situation in Belgium has become mild recently, and the transaction with the United Kingdom has just been completed, so the navy can be drawn out.

And more importantly, the other side of the exercise is the Russian Empire. If the Netherlands is attacked at this time, it will also be an attack on the face of Tsarist Russia. Alexander, who values ​​face most, will naturally not be easy to offend. Even Napoleon III, I think, He would not choose to annoy Alexander in this way at this time.

What's more, the Netherlands is still an ally of France, and it is even more impossible for the United Kingdom, because the negotiations related to South Africa are still being held in Paris, but the people who execute the negotiations are the deputy foreign ministers of each country who remain there.

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