Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 1059 Aftermath of the Mexican War

On January 9, 1882, the newly elected Prime Minister of the Netherlands Jules Danetang stated in Melbourne that his cabinet government would help American countries strengthen law enforcement security and defense capacity building, including the Commonwealth of the United States, which had just shown goodwill to him. ,

Experts and scholars interviewed assessed that the Socialist Cabinet government's help is expected to focus on providing training. Although the United States will have strategic concerns, it will not be able to openly oppose it.

When the members of the Thirteen Latin American Group of Nations respectively sent congratulatory messages to Jules Danetang, Jules Danetang expressed the above 5,000 words. This includes reaffirming mutual understanding and support on issues involving each other's core interests; the Netherlands firmly supports Latin American countries in choosing the republican path of development and supports countries in safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity; Latin American allied countries reaffirm their support for the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Global interests, and insisting on the leading position of the Netherlands in the Group of 13 Latin American countries, the 12 Latin American countries unanimously believe that safeguarding national security and political stability is of great significance, and resolutely oppose the practice of undermining legitimate political power and instigating chaotic internal politics of each country, and oppose any use of Use formal excuses to interfere in other countries’ internal issues.

Jules Danetang said that his new government will work with the twelve Latin American allies to jointly build the South Pacific Economic Circle as a new starting point, accelerate the development of the global southern economy, accelerate the docking of development strategies, promote trade liberalization and facilitation in the South Pacific, and expand industries and investment cooperation, promote the construction of the Netherlands-Latin America transportation corridor, support the construction of Netherlands Europe and the Netherlands Far East, focus on Latin America energy development relations and ensure regional food security, and jointly create a new situation of deeply complementary and highly win-win cooperation.

On January 10, 1882, Jules Danetang met with the heads of the embassies of the four Latin American and Twelve Allied countries in the Netherlands at his residence in Melbourne. In his speech there, he called on the Netherlands and the Twelve Allied countries to maintain strategic mutual trust in the Holy Lake. We will always provide clear and strong support on issues involving core interests such as sovereignty, independence, national dignity, and long-term development; we will continue to advance the internal economic, political, and military development of the Group of 13 and be at the forefront of all aspects of the world. Fully unleash the potential of traditional cooperation in economy, trade, production capacity, energy, and transportation.

Jourdanetang also jointly stated with the heads of these embassies that they will firmly safeguard the core and critical role of the common interests of the thirteen countries and the interests of allies in maintaining international peace, security and sustainable development of member states, and oppose any intrusion into member states.

Giardanetang even disclosed a conversation with the Mexican Ambassador to the Netherlands, saying that after his new government came to power on February 20, the first thing he did was to declare the Austro-Hungarian Empire's invasion of Mexico illegal. The government would also announce major steps to support Mexico's fight against the invasion.

Obviously, Jourda Netang wants to adopt a foreign policy that is different from the Lyndon administration.

His words indicate that the new Dutch cabinet government will be more tough on the outside world. He did not say what measures he would take, but no one would let a newly-elected prime minister lay off his guns. After all, he no longer had to face voters' votes.

Some scholars have previously assessed that although the United States currently has the capabilities, it is not willing to take big steps to provide traditional military security to avoid falling into regional security disputes.

But this is the Lyndon government, and Lyndon's cabinet is a coalition cabinet government, so the voice is smaller.

Now it has been replaced by a new cabinet formed by the Socialist Party formed by Jules Danetang, which is in full power. It is inevitable to be strong.

After all, both the Senate (Upper House) and the House of Representatives (Lower House) are controlled by the Socialist Party, and they are also followed by the supportive Old Christian Party. Under such circumstances, the Netherlands will become even tougher in the next four years. After all, the Socialist Party has no other parties. The checks and balances of the government.

As long as the interests of the royal family are not touched, the Socialist Party's domestic and foreign policies will be given the green light all the way.

Many experts and scholars have said that Giorda Netang's call for the ambassadors of the twelve Latin American countries was intended to reduce the doubts of the American Commonwealth, but it was also a sign of the dispersion of the cohesion of the Latin American group after Mexico was invaded by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Stop falling effect.

After all, the Netherlands, as the leading country of the group, watched its members being beaten indifferently, so who would believe in the binding force of the Dutch Covenant in the future.

Therefore, this time Jules Danetang is obviously sending medicine to stabilize military morale to these allies.

Jules Danetang also said at the meeting that the Netherlands will expand its economic and trade relations with the 12 Latin American countries, advocate the establishment of an energy development partnership with the 12 Latin American countries, expand energy cooperation, and accelerate the advancement of the Netherlands and the 12 Latin American countries. China's shipping routes will be constructed, the two sides will expand cooperation in mineral trade and develop the energy industry chain.

On the other hand, Dutch commentators assess that a prime-presidential meeting mechanism between the Netherlands and 12 Latin American countries will be formed during the formation of the new cabinet government of Jules Danetang.

There is even news that the fixed meeting place will be in New Zealand.

Jules Danetang said, "The organization we formed is not offensive, but defensive. The Group of Thirteen has formed a common position in some political fields, which to a certain extent checks and balances those who are hostile to us and our allies. Ambitious countries must curb their impulses to prevent political pressure on us and our allies."

Jules Danetang also announced to the ambassadors of the twelve member countries in Melbourne that his new cabinet government will announce a provision of 100 million Dutch guilders (10 million pounds) to the twelve member allies shortly after its establishment on February 20. ) financing support and free assistance.

"In short, the Netherlands is willing to help the twelve Latin American allies strengthen law enforcement, security, and defense capabilities. We will not infringe on their sovereign rights. On the contrary, we will support the sovereignty of the allies to strengthen their self-defense capabilities."

Jules Danetang's words make people feel that a storm is coming in Latin America. Austria-Hungary has been advancing to occupy Mexico for more than half a year, but the progress is slow, mainly because the twelve allies support guns and ammunition to Mexico, and the route is On one side of the Pacific Ocean and on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Austro-Hungarian warships roamed, so some in the Pacific Ocean were extremely safe under the escort of Dutch warships.

Therefore, the Mexican government received a steady stream of support, coupled with the tenacious resistance of the Mexican army, so the Austro-Hungarian offensive was very difficult and the effect was naturally very poor.

Many people are also paying attention to the fact that the new American Republican President Garfield has been pro-Dutch since he took office. It is expected that Garfield will arrive in Melbourne on February 20 next month to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new prime minister. At the same time, he will It is very likely that the specific operations and purposes of the Netherlands in Latin America will be explained to Jules Danetang.

Jules Danetang will also comfort him and the new American government.

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