Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 1156 The special envoy from Lyon came to visit

When the news of renewed war between the northern and southern regimes in France spread throughout Europe and both sides of the Atlantic, it caused shock around the world.

Especially in the German Empire.

It is well known that the German Empire supported the separatist forces in southern France, the Third French Republic. It was only to check and balance Napoleon III's control of the Second French Empire in Paris. It was also to prevent the reappearance of a unified France in the southern part of the German Empire. They were the same as the United Kingdom. , but there is no intention to let southern or northern France agree to the land of France.

Since receiving the news that the Napoleon III government in Paris had sent troops south to Chalons, German Prime Minister Bismarck, who was expanding the presence of the German Empire in Latin America, was in a bad mood.

The Third Republic in southern France at least occupies half of France's territory, and even the French Marseille fleet in the Mediterranean is under their control, but the fleet on Corsica serves the Second Empire of Napoleon III.

Is the Thiers government in the south too cowardly to just give up on Chalons, a city that can advance or retreat?

The correct way to operate is to send troops directly from Lyon to strengthen the garrison in Chalons, and then fight with the Second Empire army in the north to cause a lose-lose situation. In the end, Napoleon III was unable to have the manpower and material resources to attack in the west or east, or even Paris. A rebellion broke out and was forced to abandon the offensive in the eastern region. The French Third Republic in the south was also forced to join the war because of this. In the end, it lost nearly half of its troops and was unable to provoke the north. All parties involved the British, Russian, French and Austrian gentlemen, as well as the Netherlands, Spain and other countries. With the impetus of , the war stopped again, and then concluded that they should be the losers?

Even in order to stop the war, both sides will give some benefits to the mediating country. For example, Napoleon's Northern French Second Empire gave the mediating country some overseas colonial control rights, while the south gave other mediating countries some preferential market access treaties, etc.

Bismarck had already written the script, but the Thiers government in the south did not follow its own script from the beginning, which made all his efforts in vain. The south controlled Chalons and surrounding areas and was occupied by the north.

You must know that this place was handed over to the Third French Republic after the German Empire personally defeated the Second Empire of Napoleon III. Now it is just surrendered like this. Is Thiers willing?

He was embarrassed, why would Bismarck get angry again?

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, here comes Mr. Mesip, the special envoy of the Thiers government."

The secretary's voice rang in Bismarck's ears. Bismarck turned around, waved his hand and said, "Invite him in."

The special envoy of the Third Republic was actually almost an ambassador. However, because the German Empire was unwilling to completely fall out with the Second Empire in Paris, it did not fully recognize the other party's national status, so it only called the other party the special envoy.

Just by nature, he is actually the person in charge of the embassy.

After a rational exchange of greetings that was commonplace, Bismarck impatiently turned the topic to the French internal war.

"I wonder how far your internal situation has developed now?"

Messip couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart when he looked at Bismarck, who didn't give him a good look.

But his face still revealed some battlefield conditions.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, what do you think of the Second French Empire?"

Bismarck rolled his eyes at the other party. The French southern government sent people to him at this time in the name of negotiation, but in fact he was asking for support.

Bismarck would not refuse the other party, because this was a good opportunity to increase the influence of the German Empire in France.

"Mr. Mesip, there are some people with different interests in every country. They have different interests and do not seek each other. These nations can strive for independence and establish their own national power. I sat down on the first day of the year in 1862 It has been the 20th anniversary of the Prime Minister of Prussia now. I am more insistent on this idea. Therefore, I still think as you talked to President Thiers before that the French Third Republic can be independent of France as a whole and can work in parallel with France. The Second Empire established two different countries, which I think is always a good choice.”

Bismarck looked at Messip with a smile.

Mesip's face remained unchanged, but inside he was shocked.

In fact, he had already made huge waves in his heart. This is to make France fall into separation forever. This is not our German Empire, so you don't feel bad?

As one of the most powerful countries in Europe, France has been the hegemon on the European continent many times in the past few decades. Even at sea, France is one of the most powerful countries.

If we continue to follow what Bismarck said, then after France becomes two countries, it will always be able to be forcibly split into two countries as a power between a first-rate and a second-rate country or a powerful country that can challenge Britain's hegemony. Being a first-class and second-class country is definitely an unacceptable choice for the proud French people.

Even the special envoy of the Third French Republic to Germany had begun to feel dissatisfied with Thiers's separatist approach.

However, although Bismarck was in a strong position, his mission was not specifically to listen to Germany's opinions and instructions and then convey them back to Lyon.

At least Thiers' propaganda slogan in Lyon was to one day capture Paris and create a new France, rather than Bismarck's permanent separation.

Therefore, the southern government will not choose to give up the northern territory easily, at least on the surface.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I think this issue should be handled on a case-by-case basis. There are too many mountains in the Chalon area, and we are in the mountainous area in the south, so it is very difficult to supply supplies there. On the contrary, the north of Chalon is mostly plains, and Chalon is not far away. Even in the territory controlled by the north, supplies are very easy, so we were caught off guard by this sudden march from the north. Of course, we were a little lax in our preparedness.

However, our President Thiers has also said that the Northern Territory is an integral part of France, and we will not make any concessions on this issue easily. "

Seeing Bismarck's displeasure, Messipp tightened his heart, and then said: "How about we discuss other issues, for example, we are willing to increase the liberalization of Germany's import of industrial products in exchange for Germany's full support for our weapons program. Suppress the regime of Napoleon III, and we can cooperate on Latin American issues. In this regard, our two countries should have more common languages."

Messip has studied many recent foreign policies of Germany. Among them, Germany is very coveted in Latin America. However, the Netherlands, Britain, and Portugal have been entrenched there for many years, especially since more than two-thirds of the countries have formed an alliance with the Netherlands. This is very important to Germany. I am even more envious.

Messip naturally saw the key points of the problem and watched the goal kick.

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