Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 33 The sword of the Three Kingdoms points to the Indian Ocean! (Asking for recommendation vo

Although the European countries are already wary of the British Empire's long-term intentions, currently only Prussia, France, and the Netherlands are engaging in strategic competition and hard power competition with the British Empire due to the dispute between Belgium.

Even more provocative and inclusive in their approach.

Because many people have seen that many of the current battles with the British Empire are similar. Only with joint cooperation can the British Empire put aside its warships and calm down to solve them together.

February 17, 1862, just three days before the European Royal Marriage Conference.

The Netherlands, France, and Prussia officially announced the establishment of a trilateral security cooperation relationship. The name is called the "Tripartite Agreement." The term of the agreement is five years. After five years, the three parties will decide whether to renew the agreement.

Its establishment marked a major shift in the balance of geopolitical power in Europe.

According to the agreement, the three countries will strengthen the sharing of security information and technology, as well as strengthen technical exchanges among the three countries in shipbuilding, science and technology, and industrial bases.

The first step in the tripartite agreement was for the Netherlands to sign the Indian Ocean Maritime Alliance with Prussia and France. The three countries will support each other in their Indian Ocean colonies and territorial claims.

He also reiterated that when countries other than the three countries fight, they will support each other when they violate international rules.

This was obviously set up to deal with the British Empire.

The second measure is that the Netherlands and France will launch accelerated cooperative production of steam ironclads and export them to the King of Prussia.

Prussia will purchase 4 steam ironclads from France and 2 steam ironclads made in the Netherlands in the next five years. The prices in British pounds are a total of 800,000 pounds and 380,000 pounds respectively.

The Netherlands will increase its imports of steel from the Kingdom of Prussia, worth 100,000 pounds.

France is also increasing its imports of Prussian industrial products. The import amount is about 200,000 pounds, and the period is five years.

At the same time, the three countries simultaneously announced their condemnation of Belgium's Leopold I and the Belgian government's suppression of local governments, and the three countries retained the power to use force to support local governments in Belgium.

This move made the British Empire furious. This move triggered a series of assessments of the impact of this tripartite agreement in many countries. Even the completion of the tripartite agreement may have more chain reactions in the region than many people expected.

Other countries, including the British Empire, have not yet begun to express their stance, but the German Confederation has begun to engage in internal strife.

On the same day, the Kingdom of Austria, which had been guarding against the Kingdom of Prussia competing for the leadership of the German Confederation, together with the Kingdom of Bavaria, the Kingdom of Saxony, and the Duchy of Baden, announced that the Kingdom of Prussia had formed an alliance with other countries without the consent of the German Confederation Parliament, and therefore did not agree with the validity of this agreement. sex.

At the same time, he expressed doubts about whether Prussia's many interests in the German Confederation would be damaged, and might push the German Confederation Parliament to pass a bill to punish the Kingdom of Prussia.

But what is dazzling is that other countries in the German Confederation also followed suit.

The Kingdom of Hanover, the Principality of Württemberg, and the Principality of Luxembourg, both members of the German Confederation, announced their support for the Kingdom of Prussia, while condemning Austria, the Kingdom of Bavaria, and the Principality of Baden, accusing them of abusing the German Confederation Parliament. The three countries announced that they would prevent any attack on the Kingdom of Prussia. Attack in Parliament.

"I have also observed Princess Alice for a long time, and I found that she is too virtuous and caring."

Viscount Palmerston paused and said sharply: "If she is under the care or care of His Majesty or another relative, such a daughter-in-law must be a good wife, but if she joins other European royal families, especially if she is prepared to participate If she gets involved in political struggles between countries, I think she won’t be able to withstand it.”

"Look at her answer: The person she likes is William IV. I hope Britain and the Netherlands will put aside their prejudices and share peace in the North Sea and the English Channel."

Viscount Palmerston criticized: "This has revealed information about his = her character, that is, she has the idea of ​​​​sitting back and watching the situation develop, and this is unacceptable to His Majesty and us. If Princess Victoria In this case, the Kingdom of Prussia would already be monolithic, and there would be no talk of being pro-British."

"You mean?" When Queen Victoria thought of the current situation of her eldest daughter, Princess Victoria, she felt the same way and immediately had the intention of converging with Viscount Palmerston.

"Princess Alice has such a kind temperament that she can be a peaceful princess of a large country or the queen of a small country. However, if she marries into a country that is fighting for power, especially those countries that don't care much about the influence of the British Empire, then her skills will I doubt it"

Queen Victoria took a deep breath and asked, "Where's Helena's child?"

Not to mention, although it does not mean recognition, it means that Libra is leaning towards his side.

Viscount Palmerston knew that the Queen had been persuaded by him.

"Princess Helena, Princess Helena is smart enough, but with all due respect, she scores very high in shrewdness. Look, she also likes William IV. The answer above is that she believes that the Anglo-Dutch marriage will It creates worries in the east and north of France and makes them afraid to act rashly, thus ensuring that the British Empire is worry-free!"

Viscount Palmerston touched his long beard and said calmly and haughtily: "The British Empire has never relied on, and would never think of relying on the marriage of princesses to develop relations with other countries."

Indeed, Britain is so powerful, why does it need to do that, not to mention, who can afford the consequences of offending her.


She thought of her answer.

"Your Majesty." Viscount Palmerston's hand was shaking as he held the answer in his hand, and his eyes showed a hot light. He, who had always been calm, actually revealed a scene that Queen Victoria had not seen for many years. He said: "Princess Louise This answer is the most eye-catching among all the answers, she actually thought of it."

"It's because she's so stunning that I don't want her to marry abroad." Queen Victoria paused. Seeing Palmerston in a daze, Queen Victoria explained: "This child has been born smart since he was a child. Among his father's nine children, he is the favorite She is also the one who always takes her with me and teaches me personally. She can learn everything in one go and can be called a child prodigy.”

Palmerston had heard some rumors.

"I can control other people, but as for her," Queen Victoria said with a wry smile, "This child's thinking is too out-of-the-box. To be honest, it's hard for me to control her."

Viscount Palmerston looked surprised.

With a thought in his heart, he couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, if that's the case, why not let her deal with William IV?"

Deal with it?

Queen Victoria paused for a moment, then came to her senses.

Louise is a very strong girl. If she becomes the Queen of the Netherlands, then the Netherlands may become pro-British. Especially if the descendants have the blood of the British Empire, then it will be a good choice for the British Empire. idea.

So, both of them fell silent immediately.

However, the silence was soon broken, because a piece of news that shocked Europe and even the world spread wildly. Its arrival completely broke the perfect idea of ​​the Queen and Viscount Palmerston.

The two of them were completely stunned when they received the telegram from Prince Edward and Foreign Secretary Russell.

Among the people who were confused was Crown Prince Edward. Crown Prince Edward had just accepted British diplomacy and had not even fully entered the state. He was about to enter the state and show his power to the Netherlands, France and Prussia, but he never thought that they would do it to him first. .

Indian Ocean!

The Three Kingdoms actually pointed their swords at the Indian Ocean!

The four people couldn't help but look at each other, their expressions changed drastically.

third chapter!

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