Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 375 Queen Victoria comes on stage?

Just now, Crown Prince Edward of the British Empire accused the Netherlands of interfering in the internal affairs of the Commonwealth of America. He pointed out that this was an infringement of rights by the Netherlands, which seemed to destroy the image of the Netherlands as a moral model student in Europe.

But now, William IV directly pointed out the British occupation and expulsion of Irish people on the island of Ireland, leaving many British people in power speechless.

After all, no one will deny the truth of this matter, because it is a bill passed by the British House of Commons and the House of Lords, signed by the Prime Minister and the Queen, and has been implemented by the cabinet government for many years.

Even newspapers in various countries have printed copies of it, and there is no way to deny it.

It was even more difficult for Crown Prince Edward to refute.

He couldn't help but look at Disraeli. Obviously, he hoped that the other party would not make things easier for William IV.

William IV continued: "What happens in Ireland is the internal affairs of the United Kingdom, and it is difficult for us outsiders to get involved."

William IV's words made many people breathe a sigh of relief. If William IV continued to talk, it would be embarrassing for everyone. Now that William IV took the initiative not to say anything, it would allow both parties to have steps to go down, but It's the best.

However, did William IV really lead him away so gently and not seek trouble from Britain?

not necessarily.

This was the idea of ​​Queen Victoria and other British political whales such as Disraeli, Russell, and Creston.

"The Netherlands still resents Belgium's departure from Dutch rule. Britain's disgraceful role is difficult for the Netherlands to accept."

Seeing that almost everyone looked embarrassed, William IV was almost done.

"But the Netherlands is a peace-loving country. Although Belgium was clamoring for independence, we did not use force in the end."

Many people couldn't help rolling their eyes after hearing this. Does the Netherlands dare to use force?

Under the threat of dozens of British warships lined up off the coast of the Netherlands in the North Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, the Netherlands did not even dare to let out a fart at will.

Of course, no one would say it, after all, it would look very tasteless.

“The French Empire of Napoleon I caused countless Dutch casualties during its occupation of the Netherlands. The French Empire still owes the Dutch people a blood debt.

Even today, the Netherlands is still facing threats from neighboring countries. In the Netherlands, the African territories, the Far East Dutch territories in the Pacific, and the Alaska Peninsula in North America, it seems that many countries are dissatisfied with the rapid development of the Netherlands and are not interfering with the Netherlands. internal affairs, sabotage and damage the sovereignty and security of the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is also a country whose total population does not rank among the top ten in the world, but spans the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. It is a country with a vast territory. Because of this, the Netherlands has created and has always resolutely maintained the international court with the International Court of Justice in The Hague as the main body. laws and regulations, and are currently promoting the purposes, principles and basic preparations for international relations around the world, resolutely safeguarding the national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of all countries, and resolutely safeguarding international fairness and justice."

"That's very nice. The question is, will the major powers listen to the Netherlands? Take the French Empire's current invasion of the Kingdom of Siam as an example. Even if the Netherlands sanctions the other side, the other side still doesn't take it seriously. It is still in Siam in the Far East. Luo Kingdom struggles in central Cambodia”

William IV looked towards the place where the voice came from, it was Disraeli.

What a good guy, he is indeed a "dog" who is eager to protect his master.

This guy is indeed the leader of the Tory party in British politics, and the question hits home right to the point.

Why does the Netherlands command the great powers?

This question has prompted many British MPs to respond.

Crown Prince Edward also looked happy. Yes, he had known this for a long time and asked this question directly.

But it's not too late.

"I think human nature is very elusive, but it can also be measured."

William IV: “The French Empire is the best place for revolution to germinate in European institutional innovation. I believe the French understand the cruelty of war.

In the past hundred years, the French Empire has been at war for more than 60 years, and it has only been in 40 years without military operations with other countries.

Just like the recent invasion of Mexico and Siam, the name of military intervention is to help other countries improve their living environment and democracy. Even recently, the name in Africa has become that the French Empire wants to surpass Britain in the colonies and become the world's number one. This understanding of respecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity is definitely different from ours. I think the society of the British Empire is also very clear about this, and the people of the French Empire, after personally experiencing the pain of war, think about it100 Three-fifths of the year was spent in war, and how many people became orphans and widows. Therefore, I feel that many people in the French Empire have a compassionate heart, just like the people of the British Empire. "

"As for the threat to the Netherlands from the neighboring countries that the Prime Minister just mentioned, the sanctions led by the Netherlands seem to be ineffective. It doesn't matter. I believe you, Prime Minister, will see it in the future. I believe that the countries around us will be very unhappy to hear this. statement,"

He said that the major countries surrounding the Netherlands are all powerful countries, and a powerful country should have the dignity of a powerful country. If it only fights with the Netherlands, it will appear that the big one is bullying the small ones. I think that for an independent big country that stands on its own, these big countries will completely rely on their own judgment and national principles. develop and implement their own diplomatic strategies independently.

He also said that the Netherlands will treat each other with a sincere heart.

"I feel very lucky to be able to stand here today and speak. Finally, I emphasize that the Netherlands will seek to develop relations with the United Kingdom."

Many people below the podium showed a look of understanding and seemed to be looking at William IV with a sneer in their eyes. Obviously, no matter how the Netherlands tried to quibble, their purpose was to win over Britain to endorse this.

Queen Victoria seemed to be smiling too.

However, William IV broke their thinking and said: ""There is no basis for the Netherlands to form an alliance with Britain, because the status of the two countries will not be equal at present."

It's good to know that when the two countries form an alliance, Britain will naturally take the dominant position. Does the Netherlands still want to control Britain?

“I think the relationship between the Netherlands and the UK should be based on non-alignment, non-confrontation, and non-targeting. The difference with other countries based on ideological divisions is that the two countries can support each other. Of course, the UK forms cliques and forms cliques. Unlike other countries where bloc-politics creates confrontation and divides the Netherlands, the Netherlands is not interested and has no intention of following suit. But the two countries can work together."

"Then William, do you think there is anything left that the UK and the Netherlands can do to cooperate?"

A warm, thick yet sonorous female voice sounded, and the entire parliament fell silent instantly. Many people looked eagerly at the front and center, where Queen Victoria, dressed in a gold and white dress in royal attire, was looking up at the people on the stage. William IV, the question just now came from her mouth.

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