Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 385 The old earl of the Randy family

"After Lincoln liberated the black slaves and occupied the Civil War, he immediately announced that all the debts incurred by the Confederate States during the war would be cancelled. The international bankers who had provided huge financial support to the Northern Confederate States during the war suffered heavy losses.

In order to retaliate against Lincoln, and even more to subvert the new currency policy of the Lincoln regime, I suspect that these international bankers gathered various forces that were dissatisfied with President Lincoln and carefully planned the assassination operation. It can be found that the fanatics who assigned several assassinations were - Molecules are really not a difficult thing to do.

After the assassination of President Lincoln, currently under the control of international financiers, many members of the Congress of the Confederate States of America have declared that they want to abolish President Lincoln's New Currency Deal and freeze President Lincoln's cap on the issuance of new currency at no more than $450 million. .

Some time ago, I had the honor to have tea with Treasury Secretary James and expressed my doubts to him. I asked him how much interest was saved by the $450 million in new currency issued by President Lincoln.

Our Secretary of the Treasury, James, told me that after several weeks of calculations, the answer they came up with is: because the American government’s own currency issued by President Lincoln earned a total of US$4 billion in interest for the Commonwealth of America.

What I can tell you is that the American Civil War was, fundamentally, a fierce struggle between international financial forces and their agents and the American government to compete for the right to issue currency and monetary policy of the American nation."

The "Echo" article reporting on Charles Eliot, President of Harvard University, is simply earth-shattering and makes people know what it means to break the news.

Many things in the world are not coincidences. After the "Echo" exposed that the assassinations of President Lincoln and Seward may have come from the behind-the-scenes pushers such as international bankers, the United States was filled with anger, and many places appeared. As a result of the smashing phenomenon, the originally high status of international bankers suddenly fell into the dust in the Federal Republic of America.

The people of America are very angry. Even in the Confederate States of Southern America, many people have begun to question whether the pro-British policy of the Davis government, including the large amount of war bonds provided to the international financiers, also wants to control their country. conspiracy.

Europe, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

"The report of "Echo" is simply a sharp sword stabbed into the heart of international bankers, so that they no longer have a fig leaf and are exposed in front of the American people. Your Majesty, at present, all the people of America are Full of anger towards international bankers, our plan to suppress international financiers in the Commonwealth of America is going well."

When Earl Randy Alton said this, his old eyes shone with light, and when he looked at William IV, he even showed a look of amazement.

Although he just celebrated his 80th birthday a few days ago, he does not look like such an old man at all. No wonder he always says to everyone he meets that he is not 80 years old, but only 18 years old. He is still young.

The Randy family has become the largest family conglomerate in the Commonwealth of America. His son Randy Blish has become the helmsman there, and the family's power is also booming.

The Randy family has its roots in the Netherlands.

Randy Alton, the actual leader of the Randy family, is still pointing the direction of the Randy family's discovery.

The Dutch East India Company was a sensation in the world in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. It was the most powerful commercial organization in the world at that time, controlling the Netherlands' international exchanges. It was not until the end of the 18th century that due to four naval wars with Britain, the Dutch East India Company After the British annexed its business in other countries, it shrank sharply, its strength dropped significantly, and it was disbanded in 1800. .

But despite this, its structure remains.

The company, which consists of 6 local merchant houses, used to be mainly operated in colonies under the jurisdiction of the Netherlands. Its board of directors was allocated to 4 people from the Amsterdam merchant house, 4 people from the Zeeland provincial merchant house, and one person from each of the other local merchant houses. The 17th representative was elected by small merchant houses. The Amsterdam merchant house accounted for half of the total investment, the Zeeland merchant hall accounted for a quarter, and the remaining four major merchant houses each invested one-sixteenth. This pattern continued until 1857 Year, that is when William IV traveled through time.

As the Crown Prince of the Netherlands, William IV took the opportunity to actively join this team. Of course, the pressure and threats were inevitable, and he became the largest shareholder, occupying half of the shares.

With the addition of William IV, the shares of other parties naturally needed to be reduced.

The Amsterdam Business Hall's share dropped from half to one-fourth, while the Zeeland Business Hall's share became one-eighth, and the other four major business halls also halved to each investment's share of one-thirty-two. .

After negotiating the share, the Dutch East India Company changed its appearance to the new clothes of the Wilhelm Group and appeared internationally.

Therefore, the original seventeen-member board of directors of the Dutch East India Company became an eighteen-member board of directors.

The 18-member board of directors meets three times a year, and the meeting lasts for at least seven days. The work of the board of directors includes the company's annual operating status report, observing the operation of various stores, and preparing accounting books. In William IV's view, it has basically been completed. The prototype of the modern joint-stock company board of directors in later generations.

The history of the Randy family actually followed the rise of the Dutch East India Company. Before the arrival of William IV, the Randy family's position in the East India Company was the 17th member elected every year to maintain small businesses. Struggle on behalf of.

The share was very small, but with the arrival of William IV, and with the help of wooing him, Randy Alton moved closer to William IV, and with the support of William IV, he suppressed dissidents and eventually replaced the four major businessmen. A family from one of the dynasties became one of the 32nd shareholders of the Dutch East India Company.

Later, with the support of William IV, he entered the Amsterdam Business Hall and became the president, occupying 5% of the quarter of the Amsterdam Business Hall. Currently, he helps William IV control the William Group.

William IV looked at the old man and sighed in his heart. He was indeed an old man who had been with the Dutch East India Company for decades. His sharp eyes were definitely unmatched by many people, and they were even better than his loyalty.

The American Civil War, as a later person, will naturally know the reasons. The fundamental reason is actually the same as what the president of Harvard University in the Echo said. It was a fierce competition between the international financial forces and their agents and the American government. The result of the struggle for interests over the country's currency issuance rights and monetary policy.

For more than a hundred years before and after the Civil War, the two sides fought repeatedly to the death on the financial commanding heights of establishing the central bank system of the Commonwealth of America. A total of seven presidents of the Commonwealth of America were imprisoned for this reason. Assassinations and the death of many members of Congress continued until 1913, when the Federal Reserve Banking System of the Commonwealth of America was established, ultimately marking a decisive victory for international bankers.

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