Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 40: Snapping up cheap Alaska with the United States? (Continue to ask for votes)

The three of them looked at William IV, wondering why he mentioned the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Also, how can I help?

They did not believe that William IV was so kind to help them.

But this did not stop them from being surprised, but they were also a little surprised by this proposal, because the Tsarist Russian Empire only had two severely marginalized seaports on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

One is that it must pass through the northern part of Norway, at the northwest naval port of Tsarist Russia on the Barents Sea. Any ship here that moves south will be quickly known by its old enemy Sweden, and the British Empire is also keeping a close eye on the south.

The port in St. Petersburg is even more useless. There are Sweden, Prussia, Denmark, etc. scattered along the way. If there is a slight disturbance, all Europe will know about it.

Vladivostok in the Far East is too far away, and there is a Japanese army and a huge Qing Dynasty in front of it. Although the former is just a backward country now, I heard that the king there is called Emperor Meiji or something, and it seems that he is ready to start. The Restoration reforms pursued the bicameral state management model introduced into European governments.

And most importantly, the temperature in Vladivostok is too cold for people from the Tsarist Russian Empire to immigrate there.

As we all know, the Netherlands has colonies in the Pacific, or territories according to the new claims of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Dutch territories are basically in the Western Pacific and the South Pacific. William IV's cooperation is somewhat exciting.

Wait, he just said the Indian Ocean, could he be mistaken?

So, they looked at William IV eagerly.

William IV did not answer directly, but looked at the Foreign Minister Hesbert von next to him.

The latter took out a rough map, spread it out, and hung it on the wall beside it, exposing it to the three of them.

At this time, William IV approached and pointed his finger at the northernmost part of the North American continent in the Pacific Ocean, and said: "I heard that because of the quelling of the Polish uprising some time ago, the national financial resources of the Tsarist Russian Empire were damaged, and I happened to hear that. "U.S. Secretary of State Seward is currently discussing the purchase of the island with the Russian ambassador to the United States. Is it true?"

"Now that Your Majesty knows everything, we might as well talk openly and honestly, Your Majesty, how are you planning to trade?"

"Haha, it should be said that I asked you how you plan to trade." William IV laughed and said:

"I am willing to offer two options. The first one is that I know that the United States has offered a high price of 7.5 million US dollars, which adds up to 1.5 million pounds.

They wanted to take the Alaska Peninsula and the Alexander Islands.

And I am willing to buy them at the same price of 1.5 million pounds and sign the contract and pay the bill immediately. Of course, as I said just now, the friendship between the two countries is not comparable to that of the United States. I am willing to give us another gift in the Western Pacific. A small island on the Russian Empire”

suck! "

There is also a small island gift!

The three of them couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The sincerity of the Netherlands cannot be underestimated. Although the United States offered the same 7.5 million US dollars worth 1.5 million pounds, they chose to pay it in installments. Counting from the signing of the contract, only half was given in each period of 5 years, which was completed in 1862. The money would not come until 1872.

This made many Tsarist Russians scold the Americans for their displeasure. It was precisely because of this that Alexander II hesitated and did not sign it immediately to take effect.

William IV of the Netherlands was so happy that the money arrived immediately. What’s more, it was heart-warming. There was also a small island to send him as a gift. I just didn’t know that this small island was among the thousands of small islands in the Pacific, dotted with stars. William IV Which one are you planning to send?

They knew the time had come to negotiate.

After looking at each other, Foreign Minister Gorchakov was finally pushed out. Among the three, he was the more professional.

William IV didn't seem to be in the past at all, and smiled at him in a friendly manner.

Gorchakov responded with a smile and said: "Your Majesty, 1.5 million pounds is not a small amount."

Hesbert Feng naturally stood up at this time. After all, Europe is also a severely hierarchical disaster area. After all, even until the 21st century, the British Empire still followed the state where the House of Lords was controlled by traditional forces such as nobles, with little change. It doesn't mean anything.

William IV is sitting at the top, and the first one on the left is Prime Minister Tolbeck, and the second one is Hesbert von. Opposite them, the seats are arranged according to status. The first one is naturally Crown Prince Nicholas, and the second one is Hesbert von. The first is Prince Alexander, and the third is their Foreign Minister Gorchakov.

Hesbert Feng said with shining eyes: "We in the Netherlands are sincere in our transaction with the Russian Empire this time.

Moreover, our two countries have had good relations for generations. With the rapid arrival of this fund, the replenishment of the Russian Empire will be restored faster every day, and we can prepare earlier for various unknown accidents.

"Three of you, I think the Netherlands is a natural ally of the Russian Empire and the fairest trading ally with Russia in hundreds of years."

"Your Excellency is right." Gorchakov praised it first, and then said:

"But as His Majesty William said, friendship generally requires spices. When comparing friendship with other countries, we have received the sincerity of the Netherlands. We just don't know if the spices will make us guests happy."

"Guaranteed satisfaction, how about Nantori Island in the southeast of Japan?" Haysbet Feng said straightforwardly.

But when he finished speaking, without anyone seeing him under the table, he shook his hands and thought to himself: They won't really agree directly, and then say thank you!

He couldn't help but think of the bitter face of the stingy Finance Minister Jan von Cappello, and also thought of the anger of Navy Minister Jan Peter and War Minister Petr de Jong, who were dissatisfied with giving away their territory to others. .

All he wanted in his heart was that the Russian Foreign Minister in front of him quickly rejected this plan.

Although I was worried in my heart, it was really difficult to pretend to be generous on my face.

However, his directness made Gorchakov a little suspicious, especially when he saw that William IV and Tolbek had no emotional changes, so he did not agree immediately and let the deal be concluded. Instead, he asked Something went wrong.

"I don't know, what's the second option?"

As these words came, Hesbert Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The secret passage was so dangerous!

At the same time, he noticed that there was a cool breeze blowing on his back, which was a bit chilly. He realized that he was sweating out of fear.

But that was not what he was thinking about now. He put on the elegant image that a foreign minister of a big country should have, and continued to say in a gentle and elegant manner:

"The Netherlands is also willing to help purchase the Alaska Peninsula and the Alexander Islands, but this time the Netherlands is not prepared to make money transactions with the Russian Empire."

"Then what are you going to do in exchange?"

Upon hearing that no money was used for the transaction, Gorchakov's mood instantly dropped, and the two princes also instantly thought of rejecting the second plan, because they knew that Alexander II, who was waiting in St. Petersburg, was now What a lack of money.

The expressions of the three people opposite fell into the eyes of William IV and the three. They looked at each other for a few times, and after some calculations, William IV continued to hand over the power of negotiation to Hesbert Feng, who said knowingly:

"We are willing to bring the Dutch province of North Kalimantan, which is part of the Dutch island of Kalimantan on the East Indian side, to complete the deal with Alaska and the Alexander Islands."



North Kalimantan!

It turned out to be there!

This time, even Gorchakov couldn't help but look at Crown Prince Nicholas. Obviously in this matter, the final decision is made by members of the royal family.

After all, in the final analysis, the Tsarist family is always the master of the Tsarist Russian Empire. When it comes to territorial issues, it is the master who has the final say.

What's more, Gorchakov, who has become a mature man, is not willing to take this responsibility foolishly.

But to be honest, he still prefers the second option.

Because Kalimantan is a territory with a large population and a tropical climate. If successful, it will also be the first territory of this dimension in the Tsarist Russian Empire.

For the Russian Empire, this would be a leap-forward territorial expansion in the tropical region in hundreds of years.

Moreover, he looked at the area that Hesbert Feng mentioned just now was pointing to. Although that place was only about 70,000 kilometers, which was far smaller than Alaska's territory of more than one million square kilometers, it was just as big as the human population. It was like walking in the desert. At that time, a box of gold coins was no more valuable than a small bottle of fresh water.

This is the status of North Kalimantan in the eyes of the Russian Empire. What's more, everyone knows that the Alaska Peninsula may not be that box of gold in the eyes of King Alexander II.

"Your Majesty, I think we have agreed in principle to the second option," Crown Prince Nicholas said.

However, our Majesty still needs to read the contract in person before deciding whether to make another choice."

"Yes, we are waiting for a reply at any time."

But no matter which plan, in fact, I will send Nantori Island to the Russian Empire. This can be regarded as my respect for the Russian Empire's willingness to continue to be allies with us."

William IV followed up: "If it's not enough, I have a small request. I hope the Russian Empire can help."

As an unexpected surprise, he suddenly arrived at Nantori Island. Crown Prince Nicholas said indifferently: "I guess it's not a big problem."

Even Gorchakov felt that he was getting a bargain at this moment and had the idea of ​​​​compensating William IV, so he did not stop Crown Prince Nicholas.

Sure enough.

Haysbet Feng felt nervous again, because he knew that although the Alaska Peninsula and the Alexander Islands were important, only he and Prime Minister Tolbeck knew about William IV's plan. The small favor that William IV just said was The original goal that spans the entire marriage conference.

"Otto I of the Greek Kingdom seems to have lost the support of the people, so I think someone may need to replace him."

"Who should I replace?"

"What about my father, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, the former King of the Netherlands, William III?"


Just a small favor as promised!

Is this a little help?

The three Gorchakovs couldn't help but twitch. If the king of another country can be regarded as a small help, then what else can the world use to be a big help?

William IV didn't wait for them to shirk, and directly showed his trump card and said: "Actually, before you, I have obtained the approval of Napoleon III, and Viscount Palmerston is the next person I want to meet."

The three of them took a deep look at William IV, as if they got to know him again. Then Crown Prince Nicholas stood up and said: "I think Russia has the obligation to help the Netherlands. His Majesty William III is indeed very suitable to sit here." Get in that position"


Haysbet Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he thought that His Majesty actually said that Napoleon III agreed, his lying ability was really amazing. But when he thought about convincing these three parties, he felt overwhelmed. What should he do?

Chapter two.

Thanks to book friend 20201013184258194 for becoming the first author of this book. Thank you also to everyone else who is casting monthly votes and recommendation votes every day, as well as friends who have collected it, thank you very much!

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