Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 50 Bismarck plays both sides

Seeing everyone's eagerness to move, William IV smiled inwardly. This was the effect he wanted.

"Yes, the method is actually very simple. Sign an agreement and the developed products can provide corresponding commissions to the school based on the revenue."

Everyone is an elite in society, otherwise they would not be able to enter. They quickly understood the meaning.

However, William IV remembered those unscrupulous school management practices in his previous life, so he reminded him, ""

"Other departments can also participate in the school's project coordination and research and development, Bells, remember, this is only for senior students in the university, and you can't just collect wool at any time, and be careful of causing dissatisfaction among students."

When everyone saw him speaking so solemnly, naturally no one dared to have an opinion.

These people are his real team members. He has the final say in everything and can directly give orders to the team.

Although his father was involved in acting, it was also because of the great disaster that swept Europe in 1848. Except for a few major countries in Europe, all other countries had become constitutional monarchies.

Even Napoleon III couldn't stand it. Finally, in 185, he accepted this reality and promulgated a constitution to check and balance himself.

The Netherlands also started in 1849, so the king's rights were greatly squeezed. It is said that in Sweden in the north, there were even mutinies and civil commotions. Fortunately, Oscar I finally chose to compromise.

Over the past few years, my hard work, overtly or covertly, has yielded huge rewards.

Especially those who were hostile to his father, such as the former Prime Ministers Hertor von Hemstra, Jan Jacob Rokusen and the current Prime Minister Tolbeck, who are now in front of him. They were all conquered by him. Although it was not very smooth to use at first, now that I am used to it, I can use it as easily as an arm.

Coupled with economic development and social harmony, the economic development level of the Netherlands is even more developed than other countries outside the British Empire in Europe. Therefore, resistance to the government rarely occurs in Dutch society.

The Netherlands has experienced rapid economic development in the past few years, which has enabled the Netherlands to quickly regain its vitality and gain a firm foothold in Europe. I just don’t know what the economic development rate was last year. The previous data were from the year before. Wait, maybe in the report After reading it, you may actually face a choice.

William IV secretly thought: Perhaps the fact that the Netherlands has acquired so much land this time is the time for the Netherlands to turn from inside to outside.

There is always the law of the forest that big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimps.

Don't presume that your compassion will be recognized by others.

On the contrary, your attitude can just reflect the need for others to be ruthless in order to survive better.

Because your compassion has caused you to lose your power in front of them, especially the superiors. If your subordinates notice this and think that your heart is soft, then they will think that you have gone too far. The punishment you receive is a price that is out of proportion to the risk, and it is worth doing.

William IV's way of governing was that he never believed that there was any contradiction between giving favors and testing pressure.

Just like in the company in my previous life, I saw a lot of roundworms who only clocked in but did not work. Unfortunately, because of their connections, these roundworms understood that the punishment they received was not enough to feel the danger, benefit and punishment, and the disproportionate harm. right here.

Therefore, these people have never relied on his kind side to gain loyalty. There is no country in Europe that relies on benevolence to govern the country and make the people peaceful. There is really no one.

The constitutional monarchy was born out of this sentiment.

Legislation governs the country and controls the monarch!

William IV relied on the law to manage these people, but the benefits and benefits would not be lacking. This is the human heart.

Strict laws control people, and they want laws to control their hearts!

These people in front of me are all people with higher education in the Netherlands. They are all top figures from major universities. They are not even principals or professional administrators. As people from the top universities in Europe, they are truly all-round. A member of the elite club.

Especially now that the Dutch West Coast University Alliance is infinitely close to the top university alliances in the British Empire and France in terms of strength.

The talent pool in the Netherlands has been built, which means that the Netherlands will be able to continuously provide him with the talents he needs for a long time to come. Following his footsteps, he will lead the Netherlands into the ranks of global powers.

As a person in his previous life, William IV certainly understood the importance of talents, especially now that we are still at the beginning of the second industrial revolution - the electrical revolution. At this time, any invention will usher in changes in the global industrial development pattern, often every An invention also represents a huge change in people's lives in society.

Without a certain degree of social knowledge, how can you keep up with these paces and how can you lead the people to keep up with the trends of the times?

Therefore, these highly educated people are the most suitable for following his layout and can keep up with the subsequent development of various tasks he wants to carry out.

Watching Tolbeck talk, the other two former prime ministers were not happy. It was obvious that Tolbeck and William IV had a very close relationship, so close that one could tell where the problem was with just one look.

The former prime minister, who was also a liberal, understood that this meant that Tolbeck, who had been elected prime minister for the second time, had been subdued by William IV. The two had trusted each other to the point where they had a tacit understanding between ministers and kings, so, They looked at each other and saw the surprise and unwillingness in each other's eyes.

If Tolbeck could do it, so could they. Therefore, the firm eyes were seen by William IV and Tolbeck, and they nodded, and William IV smiled.

“With the rapid economic development of the Netherlands in the past five years, people have enough food and clothing, and the people are happy and happy.

As a result, public attitudes toward our government and royal family have undergone a surprising change compared to ten years ago.

According to the latest poll of European countries by "European Times" on February 10 this year, among the countries, the British Empire has the highest trust in the Queen, followed by the Netherlands;

After that, Portugal is 3rd, Prussia is 4th, Hungary is 5th, Austria is 6th, Spain is 7th, Denmark is 8th, the Ottoman Empire is 9th, and France is 10th;

Romania is 11th, Bulgaria is 12th, Tsarist Russia is 13th, Kingdom of Sardinia is 14th, Bavaria is 15th, Hannover is 16th, Saxony is 17th, Belgium is 18th and so on.

But in terms of government trust, the Netherlands ranks first, Prussia ranks second, the British Empire ranks third, France ranks fourth, Hungary ranks fifth, Denmark ranks sixth, Bavaria ranks seventh, Hanover ranks eighth, Saxony ranks ninth, and Portugal ranks 10th;

Romania ranked 11th, Bulgaria ranked 12th, Ottoman Empire ranked 13th, Austria ranked 14th, Tsarist Russia ranked 15th, Kingdom of Sardinia ranked 16th, Spain ranked 17th, and Belgium ranked 18th.”

For this internationally popular newspaper, William IV knew how it worked.

When it comes to who is the best at media operations in the world, he would dare to say that he is second. I believe no one will think that he can surpass him to win the first place.

In fact, the European Times, which is headquartered in Luxembourg, is actually a branch center of the Royal Netherlands Intelligence Service.

To put it bluntly, it is also a place for processing intelligence information.

For example, when the Intelligence Bureau is dealing with some news that is of little value to the country, it can use it to guide the direction of public opinion that the Netherlands needs to guide, so as to change its focus and enable the Netherlands to obtain more strategic opportunities.

Not to mention anything else, recently regarding the Netherlands' actions in the Pacific, because the "European Times" used to control the direction of public opinion, apart from being initially questioned by some countries, the Netherlands has actually been diverted by this newspaper to everyone's attention. The other focus has gone and almost disappeared.

For example, there is the civil war between the north and the south in the United States, and there are heated discussions in Belgium where the north and the south are jointly attacking Brussels, which is controlled by King Leopold I.

There is also news that was just published today about Tsarist Russia and the Netherlands helping the United States and confronting Britain, France and Spain in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.

These are all things that Europeans unknowingly forgot about what the Netherlands did in the Pacific.

Just like the "Amsterdam Peace Society" global defense and security report, each issue will represent the time point, problem points, hot objects, and background, etc., and it will be published in the newspaper after being reviewed by the Dutch government. .

"Apart from public opinion, our current economy is among the best in Europe."

Foreign Minister Hesbert Fernandez was making a diplomatic report and talked about Prussia.

Said: “After the German Confederation existed in name only in 1848, Prussia finally freed itself from the dilemma of its alliance with Austria and was no longer bound to the camp bastion of the once Holy Alliance.

Especially in 1858, after the Queen of the British Empire married Princess Victoria to the Crown Prince of Prussia, Frederick, Prussia faced many problems, no longer following Austria's lead. This marked the separation between the eldest brother and the younger brother between Prussia and Austria. Prussia was disgusted with the relationship. It completely broke out of the old fence of the German Confederation for hundreds of years.

With the rise of Bismarck as Prime Minister of Prussia, Prussian diplomacy officially entered a favorable situation led by Bismarck."

(It’s like making a painting. Every stroke on a piece of white paper seems to be random scribbling. Many people were puzzled or even ridiculed by this at first.

But when the whole picture was completed, everyone was surprised. I think this is the current state of this article. Some book friends feel that the content is very scattered and seems to be not well connected. In fact, they are pulled by an invisible thread, and they are always connected. Never stopped.

Also, just like the map of the Netherlands, it seems remote and spans too many regions, but on the other hand, if you think about it, this is not an opportunity, an opportunity for the Netherlands.)

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