Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 524 Attack on London Negotiations

Because Huntington, the speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives, made a shocking announcement in Madrid, Spain, that the Dutch House of Representatives would push for Dutch legislation to strengthen its rule over Belgium and urge Belgium to return to the embrace of the Netherlands. The British refuted it, but on the 23rd, it was publicly supported by Prussian Bismarck. The opposition of Britain and France and the support of Prussia and Spain became a matter of world concern.

On February 24, 1869, Queen Victoria of the British Empire expressed concern about the Dutch House of Representatives' intention to invade Belgium, but she did not expect the tense Anglo-Dutch situation to escalate further because of House Huntington.

Queen Victoria made the above statement in a public interview with a British newspaper before going to Edinburgh to inspect the completion of local primary education. On this occasion, Huntington, Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives, announced during his visit to Madrid, the Spanish capital, that the Dutch House of Representatives would promote the "Our Belgium" motion the day before.

Huntington, the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives, visited Spain on February 20, 1869, under a severe warning from the United Kingdom. In response, the United Kingdom began a confrontation with Dutch and Spanish naval warships in northern Spain on the 20th. The United Kingdom has even conducted military training in the Mediterranean. , for the first time in history, Britain launched naval pressure on both sides of the Spanish coast.

Queen Victoria, who had never appeared or was unwilling to directly comment on Huntington's defense of Spain, responded to the Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington's involvement in Belgium. Queen Victoria said: "I am not worried, but I am sorry for the Dutch government and His Majesty William IV for letting the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives. I do not think that the Dutch government and the royal family will allow the House of Representatives to do more than it currently does."

Huntington is the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands visiting Spain for the first time, and Huntington’s remarks against the UK before the trip attracted much attention. London regarded Huntington’s trip to Spain as a great provocation and took a series of retaliatory actions, including the UK calling a halt to two China cooperated in the Far East to oppose France's invasion of the Kingdom of Siam and supported the Kingdom of Siam's weapons corridor plan.

Following Queen Victoria's statement, Huntington's visit to Spain further strained the already tense relationship between the UK and the Netherlands over their presence in North America. When asked by Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck whether he considered Huntington's visit to Spain a mistake, he refused to comment on it. When criticized, he just gave an ambiguous answer: "This is his decision."

At the same time, in London, England, the British-Dutch diplomatic negotiations were taking place.

The Dutch Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Dutch Foreign Minister Hesbert von, is having intense negotiations with the British Empire Foreign Minister Russell.

"The great Lord Viscount Palmerston of the British Empire supported the separatists in Belgium in 1830, which caused many people in Belgium to become emotionally dissatisfied with the Netherlands. After the British warships came to force the then Dutch government to swallow their losses, Belgium's bitter pill, I don't think the Netherlands voluntarily gave up Belgium's rule, but was forced to.

At this point, the Dutch are still worried about this. I think Russell, as the former British Prime Minister and the current Foreign Secretary, was the best partner of Lord Palmerston in the past. At this time, he actually proposed that the Netherlands Don’t you think there’s something wrong with this statement about Belgium’s ambitions? Or is it that more than 30 years have passed, and the distinguished Lord Russell has taken the initiative to forget such a thing because of this negotiation? "

What a Dutch Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs!

Russell stared at the 34-year-old Nicholas Pearson in front of him, as if he saw the Viscount Palmerston he had just met back then. Things have changed in the blink of an eye. Viscount Palmerston has left the public, and he still has to face the powerful Netherlands to launch a provocation against the United Kingdom. Now he is directly in London to make public the product of Belgium, which Palmerston was proud to be famous for. This made Russell feel that there was something wrong with the UK, otherwise why would such a provocation happen.

Opposite him, Nicholas Pearson has bright eyes. The Whig Party's best political duo in the UK since 1830 has been Viscount Palmerston and Russell. One became Prime Minister and the other became Foreign Secretary. They took turns. Changing positions in these two positions.

Now that the powerful Palmerston, the strongman who suppressed the whole of Europe, has passed away, and Russell is already old, it seems that Creston, as the successor, is not yet a match for the Tory Disraeli.

And from his many years of understanding, he also knew that there were conflicts between the Tories and Queen Victoria of the royal family. In this case, his trip to London seemed to persuade the British to accept the Netherlands' position of Belgium being returned to the Netherlands. However, at this moment, it was actually There are some clues.

Russell: "Yes, the Netherlands was once the master of Belgium, but don't forget that before 1815, the Kingdom of the Netherlands did not own Belgium. It was only when the British and Tsarist Empires established the Vienna System that they supported the Netherlands. The United Kingdom was re-established and formed with Belgium and Luxembourg from 1815 to 1839. In fact, the Dutch rule over Belgium was only 24 years."

Russell sarcastically said: "As the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, you actually want to tell me that Belgium belongs to the Netherlands but not the history that Belgium is not the Netherlands. Are you bullying me because I am not familiar with history?"

Nicholas Pearson paused for a moment, then looked at Russell's half-smiling expression and said with a straight face: "But according to what Mr. Russell said, it seemed that South Africa was a territory of the Netherlands at that time, but it was because Belgium was controlled by the British behind you. The empire supported Dutch rule over Belgium at that time, and only then did an agreement be reached on the Dutch transfer of Cape Town and the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa to Britain."

He further pointed out: "If you have doubts about the history class, you can continue to study the reasons for the contradiction between our two countries. This may help to resolve the contradiction between the two countries."

In order to restore the Netherlands as soon as possible, the three countries of Britain, Russia and Austria (referring to Austria-Hungary) put pressure on William I, the leader of the Nassau family of the Dutch royal family. The Nassau family of the Netherlands was afraid that the British would not support it, and they were also afraid of Tsarist Russia giving up. , therefore finally agreed to the British request for South Africa.

It was for this reason that South Africa, which was historically a Dutch colony, became a British colony.

But when everyone in the Netherlands was relieved to lose South Africa, which had a very important strategic position, and gain Belgium next to the mainland, they did not expect that Belgium was eventually torn away from the Netherlands by British design, and the entire Netherlands The pain was so painful that His Majesty William I proposed to retire and gave up the throne to his son William II in 1840. He died of depression not long after.

This incident became a knot in the minds of everyone in the Netherlands.

Nicholas Pearson saw the astonishment on Russell's face and immediately said: "The Netherlands exchanged South Africa for the British Empire, but now Belgium has become a protected object of the United Kingdom. This has greatly reduced the image of the United Kingdom. I don't think this is good for the United Kingdom. It’s a good thing”

Russell: "?"

Nicholas Pearson further said: "The global reputation of the British Empire will be damaged as a result. No one can stand without credibility. I don't think it is a good thing for the UK to mess up its own credibility. Now it is time to return to the UK to safeguard itself. It’s time for an already tarnished credibility track.”

Seeing that there is no use in fooling around, the young opponent in front of him seems to be more energetic and can fool around better than him. This made him sigh and admit the fact that he was old.

So he decisively changed the subject and said: "But none of this is enough for the United Kingdom to recognize the rule of Belgium under the Netherlands. Perhaps you don't know that just yesterday, Her Majesty Queen Victoria asked the British government to protect the royal family of the Leopold family. status, it is necessary to ensure that the Kingdom of Belgium cannot disappear on the European continent. On this point, the British government has achieved unprecedented consensus."

Russell's face was extremely determined: "Therefore, it is difficult for us to agree with the Netherlands' idea of ​​annexing Belgium."


Crown Prince Frederick: "The United Kingdom should oppose the Netherlands' annexation of Belgium. After all, the United Kingdom has always regarded Belgium as an enclave for coastal surveillance of France and the Netherlands, and it is one of the few transit ports for the United Kingdom in Europe. No matter where you look at it, the United Kingdom does not I will agree."

When William I heard this, he somewhat agreed.

However, was William IV of the Netherlands doing useless work? He didn't believe it.

So I couldn't help but turn my attention to Bismarck.

So does Moltke.

Bismarck said quietly: "The Crown Prince's idea is not bad, but we can think of it. I don't think those in the Netherlands will not know it. In this case, Huntington will break the news at this time, which proves that the Netherlands will not release this shocking news without reason. News, therefore, everyone will wait and see. The future will be more exciting, and perhaps an unexpected euphemism will appear. Anyway, we have publicly supported the Netherlands. What should be done has been done, the transaction has been completed, and the rest is the Netherlands. It’s my own business.”

After hearing this, several people immediately nodded in agreement.

Dutch mainland.

William IV, Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck and Foreign Minister Hesbert von were conducting negotiations in London.

"Queen Victoria will definitely not give up Belgium. After all, Leopold I was originally supposed to be the husband of a British princess. However, after the death of the former, Leopold I finally introduced his widowed sister to the former King of England. In the end, he promoted his niece Queen Victoria to the position of Queen of England. Therefore, for Queen Victoria, Leopold I was not only her only uncle, but also her best political ally and foreign aid. Although Leopold I has passed away, Queen Victoria will definitely stick to these incense and favors, which is beneficial to her feelings and the credibility and reputation of governing the country."

Tolbeck, 71, said: “So we must be prepared for Britain’s resolute opposition.”

Foreign Minister Hesbert von also agreed: "We have also assessed that the UK will not want to lose Belgium."

After saying that, the two couldn't help but look at William IV.

William IV said confidently: "Even you think so, so it seems that Nicholas Pearson's conditions may make the UK relax."

Tolbeck and Hesbert von: "????"

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