Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 77 I drew a prison, and the prisoner is Britain (asking for votes)

In the history of William IV's previous life, the British fought two wars with the Boers and were no longer able to expand their colonies around the world. They were considered to have started their decline from the peak, but that was in the 1880s. , after Africa was almost completely divided.

William IV did not want Britain to end its expansion so soon.

However, the Netherlands needs some share from the UK.

The Boers were a character that could chip away the teeth of the British. William IV activated them early and released them in order to naturally allow the Russian Empire to leave Kalimantan because of Alaska. In order to divert the British Dissatisfied, now I can only wish the Zulu Kingdom and the UK better luck."

However, the European and American colonial era in Africa has not yet come. If the British enter in advance and are overwhelmed by the Boers, will it have a negative impact on the subsequent consolidation of the African colonies by Britain, France and other countries?

Durban, the capital of the Zulu Kingdom in southern Africa.

Kai Zhiwayo was a wise politician. During the battle, he gradually became aware of the cunning British two-sided policy. When he saw that the most dangerous enemy of the Zulu Kingdom was no longer the Boers but the British colonists. When the war broke out, the traditional policy of allying with Britain and opposing the Communist Party of China was abandoned.

They understood that the British had been adopting delaying tactics for some time in helping the Zulu Kingdom to ask the Transvaal Republic to return its lost territory.

He now understands better what he should do.

In particular, the massacre of nearly 1,000 British Empire citizens in a small town in East London by Transvaal Boers had helped him decide his future stance.

He thought sarcastically.

He has also dealt with the British for many years, so he naturally foresees the anger of the British. No matter how much he explains, it is because the British are the most noble in the world to wait for their lives, Kai Zhiwayo thought sarcastically.

Shep Stone is now Britain's top official in Africa.

The British in southern Africa, led by him, were deeply afraid that the increasingly powerful Kingdom of Zulu and the Republic of Transvaal would become an inspiring force for the major colonies in southern Africa, which would cause greater resistance to the British in the annexation process.

After annexing the Republic of Natalia, it became their established policy to eliminate the remaining three countries.

So under the guidance of telegrams sent from London, England, asking him to take charge of British Southern Africa, he led the British army to formulate an invasion plan and increase reinforcements from home.

On March 4, 1862, Shep Stone, the British colonial governor in Cape Town, submitted an ultimatum, requiring the Zulu Kingdom to disarm within 20 days and accept the rule of the British Governor-General Shep Stone. , allowing British missionaries to preach freely within the Zulu Kingdom.

Obviously, accepting these demands is tantamount to the Zulu Kingdom giving up its national independence. How could Kaizhiwayo agree to it if he wants to be the rejuvenating leader of the Zulu Kingdom.

So Kai Zhiwayo sternly refused these rude requests without hesitation.

At the same time, his heart sank slightly, because he had not felt it in the past, but now that he was facing the threat of the British, he felt the pressure was very great. The Republic of the Free State was impressed.

You must know that these two countries have been facing this situation every day for more than ten years.

Before the ultimatum, the British were already at war. They deployed tens of thousands of artillery troops along the Tugela River, and there were also indigenous African troops from Natal standing in front of them. They were actively preparing for war in Chiwayo. , while contacting the other two parties, he gathered 30,000 troops from the Zulu Kingdom south of the capital Durban, and the remaining several thousand troops were deployed near Durban to prevent the British from landing along the coast and occupying Durban.

On March 6, 1862, 11,000 British troops, under the command of Commander Lantuden, crossed the Tugela River and invaded the Zulu Kingdom in three ways. Only Ulen, the capital of the southern province of the Zulu Kingdom, Dee City.

At this time, when Chiwayo faced the British army's first attack, he naturally no longer had any illusions.

Therefore, he personally commanded the Zulu army and concentrated his superior forces to attack the British army in the center first.

On March 8, Kai Zhiwayo quietly transferred the main force to Isandruwana at this time.

Because the British military has lost less and won more in battles all over the world, it is arrogant and underestimates the enemy, and its defense is lax. He has made special analysis of this and has already experienced this. When night fell on the evening of March 8, he divided his troops into two groups, attacked from the front and back, and carried out a surprise attack.

The tall black Zulu warriors moved forward like a tide, surging towards the British army. As a result, hundreds of people in front of the British suddenly fell in the rain of bullets fired by the guns purchased from the Netherlands.

Not only that, in front of the frightened British army, the Zulu army, which was already known for its barbarism, shouted wildly and shouted the name of the Zulu King Ruchijowa and rushed towards the British barracks, getting close to the British army. Combat.

Although the British were also tall, their power was far inferior to that of the Zulu soldiers, so a free-for-all battle ensued.

However, the British were one-sided and pushed to the ground directly by the Zulus, and were stabbed with spears.

In just one move, 1,800 British regular troops were killed, and 900 of their native troops were also killed.

In this battle alone, the British army lost 2,700 people, and the Zulu Kingdom only lost 1,200 people. The Zulu army won a great victory and captured about 2,000 British guns and 500,000 rounds of ammunition.

The Zulu Army won a great victory!

This is the first time since European colonizers arrived in Africa that an indigenous African kingdom has achieved a great victory by going it alone.

It was also the most significant loss suffered by the British army since it helped Ottoman Turkey deal with Tsarist Russia in the Crimean War from 1853 to 1856.

Shep Stone's quick victory plan suffered a major setback. The British army was forced to retreat quickly on the left wing, and the right wing was besieged in Eshowe.

In the face of victory, many generals of the Zulu Kingdom were dazzled by the victory in front of them.

They all put forward ideas that were too risky, but Kai Zhiwayo rejected them.

Because he fully estimated Britain's superiority in firepower, he disagreed with their proposition and continued to adopt a frontal attack on Britain.

Instead, to everyone's surprise, he ordered to dig trenches for self-defense as proposed by the Dutch consultants. At the same time, he carried out a long-term siege of the British who had the same idea as him, encircled the points for reinforcements, and cut off transportation, leaving these British people unable to defend themselves in Eshowe. The attack breaks itself.

The Dutch adviser explained that this tactic was for the British army, which had encountered extreme difficulties in supplying transportation routes and was about to face the rainy season. After all, with the arrival of spring, snakes and insects here were out day and night, and the British did not. The Zulus were so skilled at dealing with these things that they were undoubtedly fatal to the British army.

So, in the end, the British army finally chose to surrender after 5 days of siege, with 3,500 people killed, and a total of 3,000 people surrendered, while 1,800 people escaped.

With the surrender of these 3,000 British soldiers, there was an immediate sensation in southern Africa. With telegrams being transmitted all over the place and the rapid sailing of level 6 warships at sea, this news was like a stone thrown into the Indian Ocean. Like huge waves and water splashes, it spreads rapidly across the world's oceans.

Public opinion was once again connected by the topic of southern Africa a week ago.

Newspapers are springing up like mushrooms after rain, reporting on it.

"Britain was once again bullied by the indigenous people"

Haysbet Fengman said with a smile:

“Regarding the Battle of Isandruwana between the UK and the Zulu Kingdom, the 11,000 British soldiers were defeated so completely in front of the 30,000 indigenous troops of the Zulu Kingdom. It is a great irony for the British army.

Kai Zhiwayo, the de facto leader of the Zulu Kingdom, was right not to pursue the victory.

Many experts believe that the situation on the ground is far more complicated than what is seen now. It is unclear whether Caiziwayo was more cautious in his tactics and whether he was less courageous. He did not dare to take advantage of the British army's defeat and shock. , attacking the Natal colony, transferring the internal front of the Zulu Kingdom to the external front of the British colony, wouldn't it be a good development?

Fan Peilong, a special expert of "European Times", thinks it is a pity.

After all, the backward primitive military system of the Zulu Kingdom also caused huge difficulties to Kai Zhiwayo.

The Zulu army traditionally did not have a logistics system for supplying food and grass, and its supplies relied almost entirely on capturing the enemy's loot.

Because this war is actually being fought on the mainland, livestock and non-combatants have been relocated. Tens of thousands of troops are concentrated in one area, and the food supply is absolutely tight.

He speculated that this was also an important reason why Chiwayo was able to successfully invade the British colonies.

He speculated that Chiwayo was probably eager to sue for peace with the British. He wanted to take advantage of the British's failure in the first battle to negotiate with the British and sign a contract that was beneficial to them, so that the Zulu Kingdom could get out of the war. Come on.

But what he didn't expect was that the British would never give up. He didn't understand the European political system. No European politician dared to defend and pay for the deaths of thousands of people.

Everyone thinks that Britain should negotiate peace with the other party at this time. This is a sign of shame for the British aristocrats who have always been famous for their chivalry, not to mention that the people they are bowing to are the black and native people who have always been looked down upon by them.

Losing the war originally made Britain's political situation unstable. If it agreed to peace talks now, wouldn't it be a direct proof that the Whig party could not defeat this indigenous country during its time in power? It would be labeled as such in the future. "

Tolbeck nodded: "The British will not back down, Your Majesty. If the British completely move away from Alaska, our goal will be achieved. However, the original plan set by Your Majesty to divert the trouble westward was successful, but we Zulu If the kingdom cannot withstand the pressure, will it sell us out?"

In the Privy Council Chamber.

Following the Prime Minister's words, everyone had such questions.

"Of course not." Before William IV could answer, Dutch International Intelligence Director McKay Sean said at this time: "Because His Majesty has asked the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State to prepare to join this In a dispute with the British"

“In this way, with the two countries joining, the Zulu Kingdom went to war with the British, and the Transvaal Republic and Orange began to provide support.

At this time, France, Prussia and the Netherlands took the opportunity to intervene in the situation inside as the largest proportion of immigrants from the three countries among the Boers. The UK will be in a dilemma here. Your Majesty, if this continues, the UK will be faced with a dilemma both diplomatically and militarily."

William IV looked at Hesbert von with some pride on his face and said: "That's why I thought of taking the opportunity to seize the opportunity to use France and Pula as a background board to trap Britain in Africa. This is what I drew for them." Inside the cell, endorse our next step.”

Next step?

Has His Majesty already thought of Holland's next move?

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