When the crisis between the three countries and the United Kingdom intensified due to the situation in the Kingdom of Belgium and issues such as South Africa, the United Kingdom proposed this meeting.

Before the meeting started, France, Prussia, and the Netherlands demanded that Britain promise not to attack the Transvaal Republic in South Africa and to remain neutral in the situation in the Kingdom of Belgium.

However, the UK did not directly respond to the concerns raised by the three countries.

Instead, it only said that in order to ease the tense relations with France and the other two countries, the four countries would stage a historic meeting between the prime ministers of the four countries in Paris.

The British Prime Minister will hold one-to-three multilateral talks and one-to-one bilateral talks with the prime ministers of the three countries respectively.

For this reason, Paris has become the focus of the world's attention in the past few days. During this period, Oslo, Sweden, and Norway have only lost some of their shine due to the sensation caused by the alliance between the Netherlands and Sweden.

"How will the situation in Belgium evolve?"

The special reception room in the Dutch Consulate in Oslo is his temporary office and rest place.

William IV was waiting for the outcome of the Paris Conference, and at the same time he was asking himself some questions.

The meeting between the prime ministers of Britain, France, Prussia and the Netherlands in Paris is about to begin. What changes will this meeting bring? How will Belgium develop?

This issue was not decided by Berlin (the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia), nor by Paris or Amsterdam, but by Queen Victoria and Prime Minister Viscount Palmerston of the British Empire.

Regardless of whether other parties admit it or not, and regardless of the governance capabilities of Viscount Palmerston and Queen Victoria in international diplomacy, there are two points that the international community must realize:

The first point is that in other European countries where the UK supports independence, it is basically the UK's sphere of influence, although these countries currently have daily diplomatic relations with other countries.

Countries other than the UK have also strengthened their political or economic presence in these countries through various means.

However, in terms of geopolitics and national security, most of these countries still believe that Britain is the leader in the region and recognize that Britain is their protectorate.

Britain's influence on these countries cannot be replaced by France, the Russian Empire and the Austrian Empire. The most famous of them is the Kingdom of Italy. France sent troops and diplomatic relations, but in the end it was Britain that won the surrender of the Kingdom of Italy.

Just like Belgium, although the Netherlands and France have overwhelming ethnic groups in Belgium, the two countries still cannot replace the country's pro-British policy. The Netherlands has been eyeing to take back its "homeland" for thirty years, but it is still difficult to win. .

Since the Vienna Peace Conference in 1815, although the victorious powers have been fighting for the areas once ruled by Napoleon I to become their spheres of influence.

Countries compete fiercely for influence. When they cannot get it, they take the opportunity to support the major families within the other party's influence to rise up and become new kingdoms and principalities in an attempt to reduce the other party's strength.

Britain also took the opportunity to win many new allies, such as Portugal, Belgium, Hanover, Saxony, Italy, etc. Although these countries sometimes wavered in the battles between Britain and other countries, judging from the final results each time, Their final choice will be the British side.

They still recognize Britain's status as the world's largest power and admit that Britain's balancing strategy on the European continent is beneficial to them.

I also believe that the UK will never give up its leadership position as a balancing role in Europe easily.

These small countries are used by the UK to check and balance the major countries. If they are damaged, the UK's strategic interests will also be damaged, affecting their own interests and even causing turmoil to spread to London.

Therefore, the Belgian government and royal family are not happy to see the turmoil caused by internal factions in the Kingdom of Belgium, especially the attacks on their opponents in the general election, and even the United Kingdom will not allow the country to eventually disintegrate.

In fact, if France and the Netherlands really want to take action, they have many tools and many options to intervene. As long as the two countries unite, Belgium and the United Kingdom may not be able to suppress it forcefully, not to mention that it is difficult to calm down and continue to rule. However, neither country wanted to offend Britain for this death.

The second point that cannot be ignored is Palmerston and Queen Victoria. Both of them dared to think and do. They would never be merciful or hesitant when it was time to take action. Not only did they dare to engage in international struggle, but they also Merston is the best at international struggle.

Faced with such a powerful combination, France is also faced with France's international bilateral and multilateral relations that have continued to deteriorate over the years. France's internal propaganda requires the French people to fight for dignity. However, when facing the United Kingdom, we actually gave up the Suez Canal. people.

In the face of major dangers and powerful opponents, it is unrealistic to live a peaceful life without fighting. The Kingdom of the Netherlands must dare to fight.

Only by taking the initiative to fight and fight resolutely can we have a way out, win dignity and seek development. Retreating, escaping, compromising and giving in will only lead to betrayal and humiliation, and can only lead to a dead end.

There is a saying in the ancient art of war that I lived in my previous life: Those who are good at fighting can stand in a position where they must be defeated without losing the enemy.

However, William IV lamented that in later generations, in real international politics, it was the Tsarist Russian Empire that could truly understand the essence of these words, put them into practical actions, and achieve results in safeguarding and expanding national interests. The successor of PJ, the great country in the north of the country.


There are indeed shortcomings in pj's national governance capabilities. Not only did his country's economy not improve at that time, but it continued to shrink. If their country hadn't been sparsely populated and could feed the country by selling oil and arms, otherwise its citizens would have to Eat dirt.

But at the international political level, with such a weak economic level, his country has not fallen into chaos. Instead, it has taken action in Syria, Ukraine, South Austria and Setia, etc., and opened up for his country in the face of adversity. Territory expansion.

Moreover, in the conflict between India and the United States, he played a role as a mediator that even the United States would not be able to play in the future. After successfully defending and expanding the national security border, he hid behind the most intense conflict between the United States and the United States, forcing the United States to hold the country back for 20 consecutive years. Several presidents took the initiative to show their goodwill and offered to adjust and ease the relationship between Mi and his country.

From William IV, you can see the politics of pj! What a powerful wrist.

From the perspective of William IV's character and past experience in dealing with similar issues, in international and regional political conflicts, if it is necessary to protect his national security and interests, including the use of military means, he will never do so. There will be no hesitation at all.

"Without any hesitation?"

William IV's expression became more and more determined, "Come here, call everyone in the Privy Council except those in Paris for a meeting. Emergency level, the highest level is 5 stars."

Chapter 2, today is Monday, welcome to vote for it!

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