Start 800 Hokage

Chapter 134 Rinnegan【4/5】

At a glance, he could see that he was transforming his body!

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Madara's back in surprise. Except for Wanjun and Snake Hee, everyone in the team didn't know that they were transforming their body, but this Uchiha Madara could tell at a glance.

In fact, Orochimaru was wrong. This Uchiha Madara couldn't tell at all. He who was blind in both eyes did not come to this conclusion based on his appearance.


While Orochimaru was staring at Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama took a step forward and looked at Uchiha Madara, the hedgehog who was familiar with Ann.

"Tobirama? I didn't expect to meet a Senju Tobirama here." Uchiha Madara said to Senju Tobirama without turning his head.

Hearing this slightly different voice, Senju Tobirama turned his head to Manjoon, "Really Madara?"

"Of course, it's like a fake replacement. By the way, it's different from what you think." Because the two people in the Uchiha family in Senju Tobirama's world are somewhat different, Wan Juncai specially reminded him again.

It's not the same, that's boring.

Still thinking about the beautiful Uchiha Senju Tobirama instantly lost interest, this kind of Uchiha Madara he has already seen in the world of Minato, and it is meaningless.

So, after Senju Tobirama glanced at the hedgehog's head for the last time, he turned and walked past Orochimaru and went back to his room.

Wanjun smiled and looked at Senju Tobirama who was disappointed to leave, and shook his head. This little guy is as funny as ever.

After laughing, Wan Juncai said to Uchiha Madara again: "By the way, there is now a Mangekyō and a Rinnegan in the organization, and if you don’t want to use these two eyes, we still have First Generation cells that can make you awaken Rinnegan. , Are you interested?"

"I'm not interested for the time being." Uchiha Madara, who rejected Izuna's eyes in his own world, shook his head, "Wait until I meet Hashirama."

"Is that so? That's fine, we will leave for Sucheng tomorrow, and we can talk about it after we go back." Wan Jun is not anxious about the eyes, anyway, plug-and-play things, it doesn't matter whether it is early or later.

When Man Joon was talking with Uchiha Madara, Namikaze Minato and Hatake Shomo and others behind them did not interrupt. These Hokages just looked at Uchiha Madara sitting in the chair. This legend seems to be different from the one in the rumors. .

However, people in each world are definitely different, so Namikaze Minato and other ninjas awakened from the Hokage warehouse are not too surprised.

But Jiraiya and Orochimaru are different. For these two people who were born and raised in this world, the resurgent Madara is even more terrifying than Minato and Sakumo, and even Senju Hashirama.

This is the true Konoha's strongest betrayal, the legend in the legend.

Orochimaru, who was stared at by Uchiha Madara and took a half step back, turned his head and glanced at Jiraiya, who was in the same mood as him. At this time, the two thoughts were not too different.

This organization is getting more and more terrifying. After a while, it can resurrect or copy a Konoha ninja, and it is still famous in the ninja world. If this organization continues to expand like this, it won't be long before Sucheng will have a village stronger than all the Shinobu villages combined.

In that case, the Ninja World might really be unified as Wan Jun said, because no one can resist this organization.

"Master Manjoon, shall we go directly to the pier tomorrow with Flying Thunder God?" Namikaze Minato was the first to turn his eyes away from Uchiha Madara. At this time, he was already thinking about how to leave Kirigakure tomorrow.

Hearing Namikaze Minato’s question, Wan Jun nodded and said, “Well, go directly to the pier, and then you stay in Kirigakure first. After Shimura Danzō arrives, you can go back to Sucheng directly. You are alone. If so, maybe we will return to Sucheng sooner than us."

Without bringing others, the Flying Thunder God used by Namikaze Minato will be farther away, so without any drag, he may really return to Sucheng before Wan Jun and others.

"No, I'll just go back to the team after Master Danzo arrives." Namikaze Minato didn't mean to act alone.

Seeing Namikaze Minato said this, Wan Jun had no choice but to say: "Well, it's okay, let's do this first, we will all go back, and we will leave directly tomorrow morning."

Because the next character in the Hokage warehouse was almost at the countdown stage, Wan Jun also began to urge everyone to return to the room.

Although I still want to see the Uchiha Madara who just appeared, Namikaze Minato and Hatake Sakumo started to return to the room after Manjoon finished talking. However, Orochimaru among the crowd seemed to be a little bit reluctant to leave. When the last Jiraiya who left returned to the room, Orochimaru still stayed in place.

"Orochimaru?" Wanjun turned his head to look at Orochimaru who was still in place, and asked with some confusion, "Is there anything else?"

"Master First Generation's cells can really give birth to Rinnegan?" Orochimaru, who heard this from Wan Jun just now, kept thinking of this sentence in his mind. If that's the case, he still has a lot of First in his hands. Generation cells.

If ordinary eyes don’t work, you are also sharingan of Youyu Chiba, and Saki even has Mangekyō Sharingan of Youyu Chiba Shisui in your eyes. Rinnegan should be no problem, right?

"Of course that's right, but don't think about it. Rinnegan has nothing to do with you." Wan Jun knew that Orochimaru must be thinking about how to get Rinnegan. This guy who is keen on strengthening himself will definitely not let go of anything. a chance. "You better go and rest first."

But Rinnegan is not something that anyone can evolve. Without the blessing of Ashura and Indra Chakra, how could you, an ordinary ninja, be nurtured casually.


Although Wan Jun said so, Orochimaru was not ready to give up. After verbally agreeing to Wan Jun, he turned and walked towards the residence, his eyes still showing longing.

After Orochimaru disappeared on the platform, Uchiha Madara spoke again: "He will not give up. His thirst for strength and life seems very strong."

The blind Uchiha Madara seems to have done a very good study of the human mind, and in just a few words, he roughly guessed what Orochimaru was thinking.

"It's good to have this kind of thought, but it's a pity that it's a rebel." Uchiha Madara said with regret. If it weren't for the other party is also in the organization, Orochimaru might have already been lying on this platform. . "You should have something else?"

Facing Uchiha Madara's question, Wan Jun nodded and said, "Yeah."

The new Hokage in the Hokage warehouse is already in place, waiting for him to reveal the veil of this new Hokage.

"Then I'm leaving now, I should be the room with no one, right?"

Before Wanjun could answer, Uchiha Madara walked straight to the free room.

Wanjun was going to see who the next Hokage was, so he didn't leave Uchiha Madara to continue chatting. After Madara left, he went directly into the Hokage warehouse.

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