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Chapter 311 Admiral'Poison Dragon' Magellan

Faced with the sudden visit of Shichibukai Doflamingo, Wan Jun and others should of course not neglect. When they saw Doflamingo on the dock, they immediately leaned over.

"Young Master, it's them!"

On the pier, a pirate who was expelled from Gaya Island pointed to the pirate ship where Wan Jun was and said to Doflamingo on the side.

"Ha ha."

Doflamingo did not reply, but chuckled twice. Of course he saw Wan Jun and the others, and the reason why he hurried over after receiving the call bug from the Gaya Island Pirates was mainly because Marine paid much attention to this group.

In Marine's offer to Wan Jun and others, it was clearly stated that these people were a group of people acting as Marine. After the offer of the reward, Marine also crawled out of the staff and arrested the group.

Doflamingo got the news from Marine that Zephyr had set sail a few days ago, so he was going to get in touch with these guys first.

"Surely they are wearing Marine's cloak, what are these guys for? Are they really Marine, or are they fighting against Marineford?" Doflamingo thought to himself while waiting for the other person to approach.

He certainly did not know that Wan Jun has a warehouse that can constantly awaken ‘Marine’. With this warehouse, Wan Jun has the capital to create a new Marine.

At this time, Wan Jun also happened to contact the warehouse on the deck, ready to wake up the next Marine Admiral-- Magellan.

"Your Excellency, when Marine is ready to wake up, wake up directly?"

As soon as Wan Jun entered the warehouse, the warehouse consciousness had already contacted him.

"Wake up."

Although you don't need two Admirals to fight Doflamingo, it's always right to wake up earlier.

"Wake up..."

"Warehouse No. 2, Magellan (Marine Admiral):

He used to be the director of the Great Undersea Prison. After the Admiral vacancy in Naval Headquarters, Magellan was transferred directly from the Great Undersea Prison to Naval Headquarters, where he took up the position of Marine Admiral, and his Marine Admiral title was designated as the "dragon".

It may be because of the reason that Magellan held a position in the Marine Prison. When Magellan faced the pirates, his approach was generally fierce.

‘Pirates should stay in the Great Undersea Prison. ’

Organization: Wanjun Fleet

Position: Marine Admiral

Comprehensive strength: S. "

Under the introduction of the warehouse, Wan Jun's fleet was added as Marine Admiral.

After completing Magellan’s awakening, Wan Jun also withdrew from the warehouse. The next Marine to be awakened needed some preparation time. After he defeated the Shichibukai who came to Gaya Island, it’s not too late to look again. .

"Master Wanjun."

After Magellan arrived on the ship, he first greeted Wan Jun.

The people around seemed to be accustomed to the sudden appearance of colleagues, so after Magellan's sudden appearance, Buggy and others did not show too much surprise.

However, compared to the ordinary Wan Jun and his group, Doflamingo and his pirates who were watching Wan Jun and others on the dock stared wide-eyed.

"Did that guy suddenly appear just now?"

"Yes, and where did I see this guy?"

"have you seen?"

"I remember! He is Magellan, the director of the Great Undersea Prison! I used to serve my sentence there."

The pirates on Doflamingo's side were shocked after seeing Magellan's appearance. After all, the great undersea prison has a higher deterrent effect on pirates than ordinary Marines, and that prison is said to be a place where it can never be escaped.

"Hehe, sure enough."

Compared to the unstable pirates around, Doflamingo is much calmer.

He had known before that Wanjun was mostly famous people at sea. Among them were Moria and Crocodile who were Shichibukai with him.

Of course, at first, Doflamingo also thought that the opponent was a counterfeit, but when these people continued to penetrate into the Grand Line, they even directly defeated Alabasta's true Crocodile.

This kind of performance had to make Doflamingo change his opinion and raise the status of this group to the same position as Shichibukai.

However, what he didn't know was that the loss of Wanjun and others was not limited to Shichibukai. After owning two Marine Admiral, Wan Jun and himself already have three Admiral-level combat power.

With this kind of combat power, Wan Jun believes that no matter which Four Emperors he encounters, his fleet has the power to confront. Of course, this is just a confrontation of top-level strength, and the bottom-level strength under his name is still insufficient.


Just as the two sides looked at each other, the manatee moo-moo also dragged the boat to shore.

When Wanjun and his party stood on the first floor of the deck, facing the pirates of Doflamingo, the pirates instantly became quiet.

"Shichibukai-- Doflamingo." Man Joon stood in front of the Marines and looked directly at Doflamingo and said, "This is the jurisdiction of the new Marine. Did you come here to get caught in prison?"

"Hehe, New Marine? I have never heard of such a Marine. All I know is Marineford, which belongs to the World government." Doflamingo's mouth curled up, mocking Wan Jun and others.

Although the news of Crocodile's defeat has been known to Marine and the news has been passed on to the rest of Shichibukai, for Doflamingo, he doesn't think these people can surpass himself. Crocodile was defeated because that guy was too weak, and he didn't deserve to join Shichibukai's team.

And more importantly, Doflamingo believes in his own strength, he doesn't think the opponent can be strong.


Fujitora, who had already applied for the battle, suddenly became angry, and reached out and pulled out half of the knife in his hand.

And it was this cup that pulled out half of the knife, which directly caused the pirate on Doflamingo's side to be retreated several feet away. Even Doflamingo took two steps back without paying attention.

"Huh?" The repelled Doflamingo's face became serious. He hadn't seen Fujitora's appearance, so he didn't know the strength of this person.

But with Fujitora's current attack, the opponent's strength is by no means equivalent to Shichibukai. Although it is just a simple contact, in Doflamingo's view, this strength must have surpassed Shichibukai.

"Since you are also a member of Shichibukai, then I will let you know that Shichibukai has no value." Fujitora said, suddenly jumped off the boat and landed on the pier.

After Fujitora jumped down, the pirate behind Doflamingo was scared and retreated unconsciously. The blow by Fujitora just now scared these people a bit. I hadn't felt any attack just now, but my body was not called, and my belly felt like a heavy blow from a person, and now it was still a bit painful.

"Marineford still underestimates you."

Opposite Fujitora, Doflamingo finally put on a fighting posture, ready to fight Fujitora seriously.

"Marineford's opinion is not important. We will eventually replace the decadent past and establish a new maritime order." Fujitora said, pulling out the knife in his hand. "And you, will also be one of our new Marine roads. An insignificant stumbling block. Those of you who bear the name Shichibukai and humiliate Marine should have been swept into the trash can of history long ago."

"Hehe, it's not you who have the final say."

Doflamingo sneered and directly used his fruit ability, "Five Color Strings!"

While talking, Doflamingo stretched out his hand and grabbed it down, and the five almost transparent filaments he had just made in his hand swiped in the direction of Fujitora.


Facing Doflamingo's attack, Fujitora just swung the knife upward slightly, and with one stroke of gravity, it had already cut off the incoming filaments.

Fujitora did not stop after cutting off Doflamingo's filaments, but continued to take a step forward. And it was this step that made Doflamingo instantly feel like a heavy load on his body, and the whole person was bent down under the pressure.

"Damn it."

Facing the power of Fujitora, Doflamingo regretted coming to Gaya Island. If it is on its own chassis, Dressrosa, even if Fujitora realizes this powerful strength, Doflamingo will not be afraid. After all, on Dressrosa, he has a ‘Birdcage’.

But Gaya Island is different. There is no ‘Birdcage’ here, and without ‘Birdcage’, Doflamingo’s strength will drop a lot. Facing a powerful enemy like Fujitora, Doflamingo is obviously still a little strenuous.


In an emergency, Doflamingo could only shout to Buffalo, who was behind him.

Buffalo, who is the ability to turn fruit, hurried to Doflamingo's direction after hearing it. Although he did not participate in the battle, from the performance of Doflamingo, his young master should be at a disadvantage.

"Go!" Before Buffalo approached, Doflamingo yelled to him, "Get out of here!"

"Okay, young master!" Although the closer Buffalo got to Doflamingo, the greater the interference from the fruits of gravity, but facing Doflamingo's order, he rushed over without hesitation.

Most of the members of the Donquixote Family are very loyal to their young master, and Buffalo is naturally one of them.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy."Of course Fujitora heard the conversation between Doflamingo and Buffalo, and after Fujitora joined Marine, no one escaped from his gravitational fruit range.

"Hell Trip!"

When Buffalo was about to touch Doflamingo, Fujitora suddenly increased the gravity of the area around Doflamingo. Under Fujitora’s shout, the ground within a radius of ten meters with Doflamingo as the center sank instantly, and the originally flat wharf also appeared suddenly. A big pit was formed.

"Little Lord!"

In the pirate group behind, baby-5, who followed Doflamingo and Buffalo, saw the two fall into the pit, and immediately took out his weapon and prepared to attack Fujitora.

However, with the strength of baby-5, she couldn't fight Fujitora at all. Before she fully took up the weapon, baby-5 felt that her whole body suddenly became extremely heavy, and the whole person also fell to the ground.

"Fujitora Admiral is really strong."

The Buggy on the boat jumped off the boat after seeing Fujitora pulling Doflamingo into the pit, walked to Fujitora and said with a smile.

For Buggy, this moment of getting into a relationship with Admiral certainly cannot be wasted.

"Is that Shichibukai Don Quixote Doflamingo among the pirates just now?" After Buggy disembarked, Magellan also jumped down with Wan Jun. After everyone walked to the pit, Magellan asked Wan Jun.

"This is Doflamingo."

After Wan Jun answered, Magellan's brows wrinkled slightly, "Sure enough, it is him. His control of Dressrosa is extremely cruel."

As a Marine Admiral, although he was transferred from the Great Undersea Prison, Magellan also knew what Shichibukai had done. After Doflamingo's affairs were exposed, he took Marine to capture Doflamingo, and he personally sent Doflamingo to the Great Undersea Prison.

"No, he wants to come out!"

When Magellan was about to stretch her head and look down, she suddenly saw a figure leaping up.

"Poisonous gas bomb!"

When Doflamingo jumped up, Magellan also quickly used his fruiting ability. I saw a lot of gas bubbles bursting out of Magellan's mouth instantly, blocking Doflamingo's escape route.

Facing the blockade of poison gas, Doflamingo did not dodge, but rushed straight towards the poison bubble.

Doflamingo's impact speed is very fast, with this speed, Doflamingo also broke through the blockade of bubbles in an instant.

However, when Doflamingo was about to use the clouds in the sky to leave Gaya Island, he suddenly felt a little numb in his body. When he was about to explore, the clouds that were originally connected by thin lines suddenly fell downward, as if to Like falling from the sky.

This is the first time Doflamingo has encountered this situation. Just when he was about to let go of the thin line and look for another cloud, the cloud suddenly changed color, and its original white appearance suddenly became red.


At this time, Doflamingo realized the seriousness of the problem. What he saw was not a cloud discoloration, but behind the cloud, a meteorite about the size of someone else's body fell!

How powerful is this Devil Fruit ability to pull down all the rocks in the sky...

Doflamingo, who saw Fujitora's strength for the first time, opened his mouth and looked incredible. It seems that the strength of this group of people is really not to be underestimated. I am still careless. Although Naval Headquarters does not offer much bounty, the person who played against him definitely has Admiral-like strength. However, the bounty given by Naval Headquarters is only less than 100 million, and the gap between the bounty and the strength is really too big.

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