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Chapter 393 Landing in the Malay Empire

In the Malay Empire, these Malays were still arrogant to the Eldia, but now they are caught by the insiders on the island of Paraty. These Malays can only swallow their breath and learn from Eldia. The look of a Dia.

Outside the pier, Wan Jun, who was approaching the ship, was told that he had flown to the front of the ship, and the helmsman on the ship was frightened and turned the rudder urgently.


Wan Jun looked at the black-haired soldiers on the deck of the ship and frowned.

The Orientals in this world should not be considered a powerful country, but in the subsequent plots, the Orientals still played a certain role in promoting the plot.

And while Wan Jun was observing the characters on the ship, the Orientals on the ship were also observing Wan Jun in mid-air.

Their ship was invited by the Malay Empire to visit the Malay Empire. But what they didn't expect was that they actually met a person who could fly on this sea!

Is this the latest result of the study of the giants of the Marais Empire?

The Marais Empire has always been known for its giants. In every battle of theirs, giants are basically involved. This is especially prominent after Jike joined the battle sequence of the Marais empire.

When the Immaculate Giant controlled by Jike enters the battlefield, it is a headache for any country.

However, because of the advantages of the Marais Empire over the giants, all major countries are also developing weapons against the giants. As for the Middle East Alliance, progress has been made. It is said that many unsullied giants of the Malay Empire have been killed.

But if the Marais empire developed a giant that could fly, it would be another matter.

"Is it the Marais country that gave us the power?" In the captain's room, a female Oriental frowned and looked at Wan Jun in mid-air.

"Madam, it is possible that they have suffered a loss on the battlefield of uniting with the Middle East. They may want to unite us against the united Middle East. In order for us to agree to their plan, they are likely to show their strength in this way." In the fantasy events of this world, most people will directly contact the giants, and of course the Orientals are no exception.

But what they didn't know was that they were not facing a giant at this time, nor were they weapons of the Malay Empire, but the ‘god’ from Paraty Island.

While everyone on the boat was still discussing, they only felt the boat shake, and the scene outside the captain changed instantly and began to turn upside down.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Mrs. Toyo, who was obviously the leader, grabbed the chair next to her and shouted loudly.

"Madam, the ship... the ship is leaving the sea!"

He was talking about the size of the ship. Although he said so, he was very skeptical in his heart. Can the ship fly to the sky?

"Madam, we seem to be controlled by the person in the air, and the ship is flying towards Paraty Island!" After seeing the direction of the ship's advance, he roared again.As we all know, Paraty Island is the ‘paradise’ of the Eldia. There are countless giants on it. If the ship is thrown on the island by the opponent, then they don’t want to live anymore.

"Quick! Stop him! Can't let the ship fly to the island."

The captain didn't want his own being eaten by the giant, so after speaking in a big way, he yelled at the people around him.

After hearing the captain's words, the surrounding crew quickly picked up the surrounding weapons and rushed out of the bridge. At this time, the crew on the deck also looked at Wan Jun's direction with their weapons, not enough because there was no high-level command, they did not immediately open fire.

"Attack! Attack!"

The crew member who ran out of the bridge shouted loudly, directing the members on the deck to attack Wanjun.

With the instructions from the high-level, the members on the deck did not hesitate anymore, one by one began to pull the trigger of the gun in his hand and shot in the direction of Wan Jun.

"Bang, bang."

A gunshot was heard from the deck, but after the warhead flew out of their barrels, it hovered directly above the deck, and did not continue to fly in the direction of Wan Jun.

"This, what kind of couple is this."

The Orientals on the deck were taken aback by the sight. What happened today was too imaginary, right? Why did the ship fly to the sky? Why did the bullet stay on the deck after it was shot out instead of flying in the direction of Wan Jun.

However, before these Orientals hadn't figured it out, the ship had already flown to the pier on Paraty Island, and was then severely thrown by Wan Jun and thrown on the pier.


The huge warship slammed on the wall built by the Malays and made a roar.

However, because the quality of the wall was pretty good, the ship left a hole in the wall instead of knocking it down.

"Quickly, catch the person above!"

The Eldia soldiers on the dock ran in the direction of the ship for the first time after the ship landed. Since this ship was thrown ashore by Wan Jun in this way, it must be the enemy. Because of this, when the smoke from the ship had not dissipated, a group of Eldia had already rushed to the side of the ship and began to control the Orientals on board.

"Xiaxia, who are these people?" Irvine, who came to the ground after hearing the news, came directly to Wan Jun's side and asked as soon as he controlled the three-dimensional mobile device to land.

"Orientians, arrest those who survived." Wan Jun didn't give too much explanation, and instructed Irwin to catch the remaining Orientians and float directly to the island.

"Oriental?" Irwin didn't wrinkle slightly when he heard the name. This name seemed to have been mentioned by Wan Jun when he was talking about the Marais Empire, but he just raised a mouth and didn't go deep. In detail, this also led to Irvine not having a deep understanding of Orientals.

After Wan Jun left, the soldiers garrisoned at the dock just walked to Irvine's side and said, "These people attacked Mianxia just now. Maybe it was annoying."

"Attacked Mianxia? That's understandable." After hearing this, Irvine suddenly realized.

Prior to this, when Wan Jun controlled the pier, he did not attack the Marais much, but the Oriental warship was thrown directly onto the land, which seemed to have caused the divine king to be crowned.

"Then shut all the rest to Hina's Wall and accompany those Marai giants."

After Irvine finished speaking, he stopped taking care of the remaining people on the ship. Now he still has many tasks, whether it is the ownership of the three giants captured, or the plan to attack the country of Malaya, he needs his participation.

The arrival of the Orientals is just a small episode for the people on Paraty Island, and they are not too concerned about this kind of thing.

For the Eldia people on the island now, the only thing that can attract their attention is if they attack the Malay Empire.

When they learned that Marais was their hometown, and that he was just a prisoner on the island, and that the giant was also thrown by the Marais Empire, the entire Eldia people on the island had already ignited anger.

They all wanted to attack the Marais empire as soon as possible and retake their hometown. But because the ship's control is still somewhat difficult, they can only wait for the control of the ship to learn before they can set off to the Malay Empire.

During the waiting time, the imprisoned Ani and others suddenly changed their minds. The three of them surrendered to the wall the day before the final referee. The senior inside the wall who had already found the successor of the giant sighed secretly, if these three people surrendered later.

But now there is a time limit given by Wan Jun, and these three people have surrendered within the time limit, so even if they didn't inform Wan Jun, they dare not conceal the slightest, they can only take the three out of the dungeon.

However, at this time, another giant hidden in the Eldia also directly exposed his identity, that is, Yumir, who inadvertently gained the power of the giant of Hubei.

For Yumir Wanjun did not directly expose her identity, but the giant of Hubei also knew that he would not be able to hide for long, so he also told Irwin and others.

After learning about Ymir's identity, Irwin and others originally wanted to ask Wan Jun how to deal with it. However, Wan Jun did not give any instructions, leaving only Irwin and others to deal with it by themselves.

In this way, when Wan Jun allowed the Eldia to rule, the ships on the seaside pier were also ready, and several giants on the island also boarded the ships heading to the Malay Empire.

"Mianxia, ​​I am sorry for our Dongyang's rudeness at that time."

On the day of the Marais empire, the leader of the East, an older woman, bowed slightly in front of Wan Jun and said.

This Oriental woman was the lady who was on the ship at the time. Because of good luck, when the ship was smashed onto the pier, he had only broken his left hand and left foot. There was no damage in other places.

But even so, the Oriental woman imprisoned by Irvine quickly got in touch with the wall, and immediately abandoned the United Marais Empire, and instead cooperated with Paraty Island.

In terms of time, this lady had already surrendered for four or five days, and it was only when she was about to head to the Marais Empire that she saw Wan Jun, the "king of the gods" for the second time.

"Yeah." Wan Jun nodded slightly, and replied to the leader of the East.

"Let's set off, go to Marais." After sitting down on the largest ship, Wan Jun said directly to Picsis on the side.As the commander of this conquest of Marais, Picsis will be fully responsible for the war against the Marais empire.

"Okay, Mianxia." Pixis, who is now one of Wanjun's fanatics, walked to the front of the deck after Wan Jun finished speaking, and said to everyone, "Set sail!"

The Eldia, who had just learned the art of sailing, controlled the ships on the dock, slowly set off from Paraty Island and headed straight for the Malay Empire.

Because there were still some Marais prisoners on the ship, even though the Eldia's technology was not very good, the ship still sailed in the direction of the Marais empire steadily.

It’s actually not too far from Paraty Island to the Malay Empire. In less than half a day, the Eldia on the ship had already seen a long coastline.

At this time, the side of Marais, waiting for these ships, is another batch of ships.

When the Malais warships did not return for a long time, the Malais Empire realized that it was wrong. They sent a small boat to the direction of Paraty Island in order to get some news about the ship. And when they learned that the ship was parked at the pier intact and had no intention of returning, the Malay Empire had already realized something was wrong on the island.

However, because the temporary organization of combat power takes a very long time, facing the Eldia Marais, they do not want to fight alone. This also makes them start to contact their major allies and prepare to send troops to fight the Eldia on the island.

Now the ships on the side of the Malais have a look that has been made. Although most of them are Malais warships, the surrounding ships of various forms have greatly reduced the momentum of the fleet.


As soon as the ship controlled by the Eldia was on the road, the Malays on the other side of the coastline had already begun to attack.

However, before it was fired from the muzzle, the entire sea began to swing violently, and in the surprised eyes of the Marais, several huge dragon heads sprang out from under the water, and directly sent several ships. The boat was overturned.

"Keep going. After you get to the island, it's time for you to perform well." Since the three-dimensional mobile devices of the Eldias at sea can't play a role, Wan Jun did not force these Eldias to play. He overturned the recommendation of a group of Malay empires.

However, after Wan Jun started to clear the general ship, the four ships sailing from Paraty Island passed the battlefield leisurely and docked on the dock of the Malay Empire.

As soon as the ship landed, Pixis directly dispatched the strongest combat power in his hand-five humans who could use the power of giants.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The roar of the giant's transformation continued to be heard, and the residents of the pier were scattered and ran out of the pier.

"Under the crown, don't the unsullied giants on the island be used for the time being?" When the giants on the island began to clean up the Marai soldiers around, Daris who came with him was also free to ask Wan Jun some questions.

After demolishing part of the wall bricks on the island, the high-rise buildings also saw those fifty-meter-level tall and unsullied giants inside the walls. If these giants join, then they don't need to spend too much energy at all to directly level the entire continent.

"What I want is not destruction." Wan Jun knows the power of the Wushou giant, if all the Wushou giants are sent out, it will only fly away.

After controlling the Malays, slowly sending out those Immaculate Giants, and by then placing a fifty-meter-class Immaculate Giant in the middle of each city, it will be able to perfectly control the world.

"Pixis, let them go straight to the capital city of Marais, don't waste time." Wan Jun said to the Pixis who was following him after getting off the ship.

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