After hearing this, Qin Mu was a little embarrassed, how could he be mixed outside.

As far as he is an otaku who eats and waits for death, he is not willing to let him go out to see a factory, let alone fight and kill outside.

"No, I just happened to know some big people, and those people are giving them face!"

Qin Mu explained with a smile.

He didn't want to lie either, but some things were really a little unclear.

These words fell into Qin Yue's ears on the side, but the taste changed.

Just got acquainted with some big shots?

What kind of big man can turn Qin Mu into Qin Ye, this guy is really messing around and doing some improper things, so those people are so afraid of him.

Qin Yue's heart secretly thought that her beautiful eyes were looking back and forth on Qin Mu.

She had decided that she would have to break away from that organization.

If Qin Mu wanted to know her thoughts, he would definitely be embarrassed, and a woman's brain supplement thought was really difficult to understand.

In less than ten minutes, the group returned home, and after Qin Mu settled them, they came to their own home, but they had just walked to the door.

Qin Yue's figure appeared in front of him.

"Qin Mu, tell me honestly, what are you doing in the Demon Capital?"

Seeing Qin Yue's serious expression, Qin Mu was a little embarrassed, but he knew that if he didn't give Qin Yue an explanation, this guy would definitely not be so easy to dismiss.

"You really want to know?"

Qin Mu glanced at her, and then asked.

"Of course!"

Qin Yue nodded seriously.

"Then you come in!"

Qin Mudao.

After speaking, he opened the door and walked inside.

Qin Yue originally thought that Qin Mu would not take him to a certain room in the house, which was full of machetes and weapons and the like.

Because the kind that mixes outside should put some weapons in the house.

But what Qin Yue didn't expect was.

Qin Mu took her to the study, and at this time Qin Mu made a cup of tea for Qin Yue.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Yue didn't understand a little.

Qin Mu didn't speak, first took a sip himself, then turned around and rummaged on the bookshelf on the side, and soon he took out a document and threw it in front of Qin Yue.

"What is it?"

Qin Yue was puzzled.

"Open it and take a look!"

Qin Yue slowly opened the file, and what caught her eyes was a line of more esoteric symbols, Qin Yue didn't know any of them, but when she turned to the next few pages, her face was quickly filled with surprise.


What was recorded on the previous document was the chart of Bitcoin.

"Are you playing with these things?"

"That's right, I invested in Bitcoin before, and then I made a lot of money, plus I had some investment in my hands, so I have a lot of money, how about it, can you trust me now?"

Qin Mu asked with a smile.

"Then why did those people call you Qin Ye?"

Qin Yue didn't understand again.

"Well, when I had money in my hands before, I bought some shares of the Vienna Group, and you know, the Vienna Group is a company specializing in KTV and bars! Such a company is a bit mixed!

"In addition, I have a lot of original stock, and the boss treats me very seriously, so I need to be given a little face when someone outside is outside!"

Qin Mu explained.

The system thing is not easy to explain, but he invested in Bitcoin before, which is indeed true, and it is precisely because of this that these things can be explained.

After Qin Yue heard this, she nodded slightly, Qin Mu said this, she could understand.

"So, I thought you did something bad outside! If nothing bad was done, then it would be fine!

"You still don't know what kind of guts your cousin has, even killing a chicken requires hesitation for a while, how dare you fool around outside!"

Qin Mu said a little helplessly.

"It turns out that you are a legitimate business, and you have a little power in the magic capital, then I will be much more relieved, you are a local tyrant now, I will hold my thighs in the future!"

Qin Yue blinked his eyes and seemed to be a little excited to say.

Her family conditions are quite okay, at least food and clothing, but Qin Mu such a god, she is still very interested, and this person is her cousin.

In the future, in the magic capital, no one should dare to bully her.

"No problem!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

His previous relationship with Qin Yue was okay.

Qin Yue wanted to hug his thighs, and he was welcome at any time.

"In this case, accompany me to a place tomorrow, I need your help with something!"

Qin Yue thought about it and said.


Qin Mu nodded.

"Ding! Releasing system missions to run a twenty-kilometer outside at night to reward the bowling master technique! A

system suddenly sounded.

Qin Mu was slightly stunned.

At this time, how good a system sound appears.


How this task is a little strange, but Qin Mu didn't think too much, for him there are too many unknowns about this kind of thing.

Qin Yue looked at Qin Mu's face and felt a little strange, and thought that he was a little embarrassed, but soon a smile appeared on Qin Mu's face.

"Then tomorrow morning, let's go!"


Qin Yue nodded, it didn't seem that Qin Mu's face changed slightly because of her own affairs, and she didn't think much about what it was.

Standing up, Qin Yue's figure walked outside.

Qin Mu stretched his waist, because there were still system tasks to complete, so after Qin Mu stood up, after a while, he changed his clothes and walked outside.

As for the pair of sisters Hua Qin Mu arranged other places for them, Qin Yue's girlfriends will live here these days, and they are a little inconvenient here.

With Qin Mu's physical strength, running twenty kilometers is simply not too easy.

And he has a good figure and a very good look.


When Qin Mu walked downstairs, he quickly attracted the attention of a group of people, and there were some girls who often exercised at night, their eyes fell on Qin Mu, and they almost couldn't take their eyes off.

So handsome!

Really handsome!

Why is there such a handsome man!


That abs, it's not too perfect!

But Qin Mu's pace was very fast, plus he was not interested in those girls at all, so when they just saw Qin Mu, it didn't take long for Qin Mu to disappear.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host system for completing the mission and gaining bowling mastery!

A systematic voice sounded in Qin Mu's mind.

Qin Mu looked at his watch, an hour and nineteen minutes, he had not used his full strength, such a twenty-kilometer record had exceeded most people.

Because of the world-class record of 10 kilometers, it is also about 37 minutes.

Qin Mu was running at almost a world record speed, and if anyone saw Qin Mu's speed the whole time, it was estimated that they would be startled by this speed.

However, now that the time is relatively late, plus Qin Mu's speed is relatively fast, many people see that Qin Mu is just a flash in the pan, and they don't know how long Qin Mu ran and how far he ran.


Just as Qin Mu's figure walked upstairs, a figure of eyes kept looking at his body, and at the corner of that figure's mouth, a smile slowly emerged...

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