Their hearts are not calm at all at the moment!

Because they didn't expect that Qin Mu's identity was so extraordinary.

To be honest, it is not difficult to know Qin Mu's identity, you only need to investigate what car Qin Mu drives.

But Yang Zhifeng didn't put Qin Mu too much in his eyes before, although this guy looked more handsome, and his temperament was not simple.

But Qin Yue is not a high-end disciple, and there are only hundreds of millions of assets in his family, and he has some status in Suhang and Hangzhou.

Such a woman, even if there are suitors around her, most of them should be the same as him.

Or there is a worth of more than a billion.

Plus he didn't see what kind of car Qin Mu was driving.

On the contrary, when he saw Qin Mu's dress, he was indeed just like a rich second generation with a few hundred million assets.

Such a person, although Yang Zhifeng is a little jealous, but he is not afraid, because everyone is in the same position.

Nie Chen had similar thoughts at first.


When they knew Qin Mu's identity, their hearts couldn't help but start trembling.

At first!

Qin Mu had no intention of telling his full identity in front of his cousin.

Because it's hard to explain!

Even if she thought she had done something bad outside, Qin Mu could only explain it in other ways.


Even if Qin Mu's lies were perfect, it would be difficult to round out his current identity.

A person who has lived with you since childhood.

All of a sudden, he tells you that he's a billionaire, what do you think?

You'll definitely feel weird too.

It's okay if it's a friend, after all, you are not very familiar with your parents, and after a few years of not being in touch, many things can be rounded out.


Relatives of your own family, who grew up with you since childhood.

You've only been in the magic capital for a few years, and suddenly you have this kind of wealth!

Let's be honest!

But anyone with a little brain will know that this is not normal.

It is precisely because of this that today's Qin Mu has not exposed his identity.

And when he faced Shen Zirui alone, he unceremoniously said his identity.

Because in his opinion, this kind of person, without something to deter him, he cannot be honest.


A few minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and at this time Qin Mu and Shen Zirui returned to the box.

Now Qin Mu has successfully made Shen Zirui follow him with his heart.

This guy is now like a younger brother in front of Qin Mu.

It was still arrogant before, but now it has become like this, and the contrast is indeed very large.

And when he walked into the box.

Yang Zhifeng and Nie Chen's figures immediately stood up, their faces were full of awe, and when their eyes looked at Qin Mu, they were still a little afraid.

When Qin Yue saw this scene, his face was a little puzzled.

"What's the situation?"

"Although these two guys have some opinions about Qin Mu just now, they just treat Qin Mu as an ordinary person, but how can they have more respect for Qin Mu at this time?"

Qin Yue thought secretly in his heart.

This scene in front of me does feel a little too weird.

Qin Mu's face was indifferent, and his figure sat down, as if he hadn't seen these two people at all.

Qi Xueqin sat on the side, she felt a little funny, if nothing else, these two should know Qin Mu's identity.

Before I thought that I could take revenge, this meeting knew Qin Mu's identity, and it was estimated that they didn't have the guts to give them the opportunity.

"Then, that Qin Ye, do you have anything else you want to eat?"

"I'll personally find someone to serve it to you!"

When Yang Zhifeng saw Qin Mu at this time, it was like seeing an ancestor.

Qin Yue was even more strange at this time!


What is the situation?

Why does Yang Zhi Summit have such a face?

This is completely wrong!

Nie Chen's face was also full of trepidation at this time, and his gaze looked at Qin Mu, a little restless.

Shen Zirui naturally knew why they had this expression.

If nothing else, they should already know about Qin Mu.

Recalling the disrespect he had given to Qin Mu just now.

It's not nice to say!

Even if they were given ten dares, they didn't dare to have the slightest extra thought about Qin Mu.

Now facing Qin Mu, they could only be respectful.

"No, just eat like this!"

"All sit!"

Qin Mu said lightly.

Yang Zhifeng slowly sat down, but when he just sat down, because he was too nervous, he sat directly on the ground, he quickly stood up, if you look closely, you will find it.

Yang Zhifeng's hand kept shaking.

In fact, his heart was shaking.

When you meet a character like Qin Mu, it's not nice to say, and anyone will be very nervous.

Delicious food is served one after another.

Qin Mu ate his meal as if nothing had happened.

Qin Yue had always felt very strange, because it had only been a short time, and it seemed that the atmosphere on the entire table had changed a little.

But because of what, she didn't know anything.

When eating, most of them were eaten by Qin Yue, Qi Xueqin and Qin Mu.

The other few people didn't dare to move their chopsticks at all.

When they faced Qin Mu in their hearts, it was like meeting a ghost and god.

There is no idea of making a second time.

At this time, Yang Zhifeng was full of regret in his heart, if he knew Qin Mu's identity before, even if he gave him ten dares, he would not dare to provoke Qin Mu!

Isn't that unpleasant for yourself?

The time for a meal is quickly over.

Qin Mu slowly stood up.

"Let's go shopping in the afternoon!"

"Finish shopping, and then go home?"

Qin Mu looked at Qin Yue and Qi Xueqin and asked.


The two women nodded one after another.

And just when Qin Mu had just finished eating here and planned to take these two beauties to go shopping in the afternoon, Liu Ruoxue from the Tengyun Group on the other side had an extremely ugly face at this time.

"What does this information mean? Why can't we accept the property of Silverwood Group? Standing

opposite Liu Ruoxue was a middle-aged man who looked to be about forty years old, with golden eyes and a polite look.

But he had some sweat on his forehead at this time.

Liu Ruoxue's plan began to be deployed more than a dozen days ago.

Let's be honest!

Liu Ruoxue's plan is absolutely perfect!

It is no exaggeration to say that with this kind of plan, Yunteng Company can definitely eat pots full of pots.

But what no one expected.

This time!

Another force emerged.

This force was quite powerful and took over the Silverwood Group in a short period of time.

On the side of the Yinmu Group, it seems that some agreement has been reached with this force, and many shares in the Yinmu Group are directly transferred to the other party.

That's why!

Liu Ruoxue's plan was basically a failure.

And when her eyes saw the plan sent by her subordinates, the dark color in her beautiful eyes became particularly rich.

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