The eyes of Qin Mu and his group also fell on Xu Xiu's body.

This man's level is indeed very high, at least when he is playing the piano, no one around will want to go up and disturb.

The time for a piano passes quickly.

Xu Xiu's last note fell, and there was a hint of a smile on his face.

Tonight he felt like he was in extra good shape.


Nan Chen gave a thumbs up next to him.

"Mr. Xu's piano level is definitely the level of the national essence, and this moonlight song really pops up the taste of Beethoven back then."

"At most, there is a little charm, Beethoven's kind of top pianist, the gap between me and him is too big!"

Xu Xiu sighed.

"Mr. Xu is humble, I can say that since I came to Shenzhou, this is definitely the best live piano performance I have ever heard!"

Nan Chen said again.

"Look at what Mr. Nan said, I remember that you have always been abroad before, and you only came to Shenzhou recently!"

"After coming to Shenzhou for so long, the best live version of the piano performance you have ever heard?"

Qin Mu's voice came slowly, looking at Nan Chen with some mocking smiles.

"In other words, in your ears, is this piece played by Mr. Xu Xiu comparable to the pianists in some high-end restaurants at most?"

Nan Chen's face changed.

"Mr. Qin, what do you mean by this?"

"It's not interesting, just pointing out the loopholes in Mr. Nan Chen's words!"

"In addition, Mr. Xu Xiu, you should have injured your little finger joint!"

Qin Mu's eyes looked towards Xu Xiu, and he asked with a gentle smile on his face.

Xu Xiu's face changed slightly, and his eyes looked at Qin Mu, and he seemed to be a little surprised.

"That's true, but how do you know?"

"It's not a secret, I also know some pianos, and the piano that Mr. Xu Xiu just played has definitely reached the pinnacle of skill!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that there are absolutely not many people in China who can play this emotion to this point!"

"However, when I listen to this piano sound, I always feel a little incongruous, especially in the sixth line of chapter 3, it seems that every time the finger falls, Mr. Xu Xiu's finger is always delayed, so I can't help but wonder if this is because Mr. Xu Xiu's finger is actually injured, so this problem occurs every time!"

Qin Mudao.

"What you said is really right, when I took the exam, I accidentally fell down, but the exam is more important, so I endured the pain to finish the exam, which also missed the best treatment time, and now the little finger of the left hand is still inflexible!"

Xu Xiu's eyes looked at Qin Mu, and he seemed to be a little surprised, but immediately, some appreciation appeared in his eyes.

Being able to observe so carefully, Qin Mu's skills in the piano should also be very high.

Nan Chen's face was a little ugly, this was originally when he was currying favor with Mr. Xu Xiu, but he didn't expect to be taken advantage of by Qin Mu.

"Mr. Xu Xiu, in fact, you don't need to care about these things at all, because in the piano part, you definitely belong to the existence of the master level!"

"Even if the fingers of the left hand are slightly inflexible, it will not affect your strength at all!"

Nan Chen said modestly at this time.

There is some comfort in the words.

"For someone who is really obsessed with the piano, it is very likely that a gap in notes will keep him awake at night!"

"Mr. Xu Xiu is like this, but I can't help Mr. Xu Xiu's fingers recover, but..." "

If Mr. Xu Xiu wants to play the perfect moonlight song, I can help!"

Qin Mu still had a light smile on his face and looked at Xu Xiudao.


Xu Xiu asked a little surprised.


"Well, I've always had some complaints about the flexibility of my thumb, and if you can fix this, you're definitely my benefactor!"

Xu Xiu said quickly.

"No, no, no, I can't get Mr. Xu's fingers to recover, but I can make this piece more perfect!"

Qin Mu smiled slightly, he walked towards the piano at this time, he opened one side of the piano, took out a stick to adjust the strings inside, and after some adjustments, Qin Mu's figure walked in front of Xu Xiu again.

"It's already debugged, Mr. Xu Xiu can give it a try!"

Xu Xiu was a little surprised, just adjusting the strings of his feelings could make him play the moonlight song more perfectly?

"I'll try!"

Xu Xiu sat the letter suspiciously in front of the piano, and pressed his fingers on the piano.

The pleasant sound of the piano came out.

Xu Xiu's face changed, and his fingers began to get faster and faster.

Qi Xueqin's beauty was a little surprised, Qin Mu actually adjusted the piano?

Before, she didn't know that Qin Mu still had this skill.

The same moonlight song!


This time, the taste of Xu Xiu's play is obviously different from before, and it can also be said that it is Xu Xiu's real strength now.

The previous piano sound was pleasant and moving, giving people a pleasing experience.

But at this time, the piano itself seems to have a gripping beauty, hearing this music, it seems to really see the moonlight, and really experience the mood of Beethoven when he created this piece.

A tune ends slowly.

Xu Xiu's whole person seemed to be immersed in music, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"It worked, I really played the piano sound that I was looking forward to in my heart!"

The hall was also slightly quiet for a while.

It didn't take long for bursts of applause to come.


Many people applauded, with appreciation in their eyes.

"I have heard some moonlight songs played by masters abroad before, and although it feels pleasant, it is definitely not as amazing as it is now!"

"Mr. Xu Xiu's piano technique is indeed amazing!"

"Just one piece of music has changed my mood a little, it is really a world-famous song!"

Some people marveled.

Xu Xiu also stood up excitedly.

"What's your name, thank you so much!"

"Qin Mu!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Qin Mu!"

Xu Xiu was stunned, and his eyes immediately lit up.

"You are Qin Mu, I didn't expect you to be so young, and you still know the piano!"

Xu Xiu came to Qin Mu's side and said quite excitedly.

Qin Mu smiled slightly.

"Come on, tell me, how did you adjust the strings just now, so that I could become so comfortable?"

Xu Xiu hurriedly pulled Qin Mu aside and asked impatiently.

"It's very simple, your piano skills are actually not low, it can be said that you are a master-level existence, but the defects in your fingers make you unable to play the piano to the extreme, this piece does not use a lot of R tune, but this tune is the soul of this piano piece!"

"That's why I adjusted the sound of the R key so that it just reached the stage that suits you, and you will naturally be like a fish in water!"

Qin Mu explained with a smile.

Xu Xiu, who was standing opposite him, seemed to have brightened his eyes at this time.

By adjusting the piano strings to make his playing more perfect, how did he not think of this before?

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