Under normal circumstances, with the material of the bronze knife, it should be able to be worn by the seven-pin martial arts of that era.

But the pattern on it is hovering with a dragon pattern, and there are some more special lotus shapes, at first glance, this knife must be from the hands of a noble martial general.

Because in ancient times, the dragon was a symbol of honor.

But Qin Mu knew that the pattern in front of him was called Dragon Xuan, and under normal circumstances, only the emperor could wear it.

A seventh-rank martial artist could not wear such a bronze knife at all.

"You don't spew blood there, my knife is real, and it was dug up by me not long ago!"

The migrant worker seemed to be very excited, and looked at Qin Mu and scolded.

Qin Mu stepped forward directly and directly lifted his sleeves, his movements were fast, almost flowing clouds.

At this time, everyone noticed that the palms and exposed skin of the migrant workers were relatively rough, and they looked like they were doing farm work.

However, the skin under his clothes turned out to be extremely delicate, and on the upper part of his wrist, there was a long cyan dragon, which looked quite personal.

How can a migrant worker have a tattoo? And the gap in the skin turned out to be so large.

The middle-aged man's face was a little ugly, he originally liked this kind of knife, and he didn't want to pit the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party was cheating himself.


The migrant worker's face changed, and his eyes looked at Qin Mu with a trace of resentment.

"It's quite a lot, but don't blame me for not reminding you, some people are not something you can provoke!"


Qin Mu directly slapped him in the face.

The man immediately flew out, blood flowing from his mouth, and Qin Mu looked at him with some indifference in his eyes.

"Come out to deceive people, and dare to be so rampant, it seems that you still have a gang!" I would like to know who your gang is! He

looked at Qin Mu a little delirious after the man was beaten, but after he sobered up a little, a trace of anger appeared on his face.

But before he could stand up, Qin Mu stepped on his body with one foot, and the huge force overwhelmed him.

"I asked you, didn't you hear?"

"Big, big brother, I just eat mixed food, you adults are big!"

The man hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Eat mixed food, you are a habitual offender, you should have deceived a lot of people!"

Qin Mu asked again.

"It's really just a mixed meal, otherwise, I have a real treasure here, as long as the eldest brother you can let me go, so I will give you something, how do you see?"

The man hurriedly asked.

Qin Mu was a little curious.

Seeing that Qin Mu seemed to be a little interested, the man hurriedly took out something from his pocket and placed it in front of Qin Mu.

Qin Mu fixed his eyes and saw that it was a bead that looked relatively smooth in color, but the bead itself was dark and black, and he couldn't see anything at all.

Taking the bead, putting it on his hand and rubbing it, Qin Mu had a little smile at the corner of his mouth.

"This thing, it's a little interesting, it's like this, this time I will let you go!"

After speaking, Qin Mu directly raised his legs, and then walked towards Xu Xiu and them.

The man felt that the pressure on his body disappeared instantly, breathed a sigh of relief, and crawled away.

"Just let him go?"

Xu Xiu's brows frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, he can't go far, and this kind of person has a hard mouth, even if he is sent to the police station, he should not be honest, and when he and his accomplices converge, someone will naturally go to him!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

Xu Xiu nodded slightly, and his eyes showed a hint of approval for Qin Mu.

"And what is this thing?"

"This thing is not simple, it is called black burning stone, it is made by ancient people using pure yin stone combined with qi, usually used to suppress dragon veins, or some places where yang qi is too heavy!"

"But these are just feudal superstitions, you can't believe them all, but this stone is like jade, if you can find some jade that matches it, and then put it at home to face the human body, there will be many benefits!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, not only are your musical attainments so high, but even the level of treasure connoisseurship is so strong!"

Xu Xiu couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

The middle-aged man next to him looked at the stone in Qin Mu's hand, and his eyes showed a bit of covetousness.

"This is the Black Burning Stone, I had read it in the ancient books in the family before, and I thought that it was the same as the rare beasts on the Mountain and Sea Scripture, it was simply fictional by the ancients!"

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be real!"

"You know this too?"

Qin Mu was puzzled.

"Introduce yourself, I am the owner of Pan Dahu Jewelry Company, Pan Hai!"

The middle-aged man had a bit of a smile on his face.

Xu Xiu and Qi Xueqin's faces were a little surprised.

Pan Dahu Jewelry Company!

One of the top jewelry companies in the country, this jewelry company accounts for almost 20% of the country's gold and silver jewelry transactions.

Pan Dahu himself is worth more than 80 billion yuan.


The company, a multi-person holding company, went public in 2015 and its share price has soared.

Almost everyone is optimistic about this company, and if they can own the shares of this company, basically three generations of children and grandchildren do not need to worry.

"Qin Mu!"

Qin Mu smiled slightly, and the expression on his face did not change much.

"Qin Mu!"

Pan Hu repeated Qin Mu's name, and then looked at Qin Mu's face, and for a moment there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

Qin Mu!

The young man in front of him was Qin Mu.

"You are Qin Mu!"

Pan Hu said in surprise.

Xu Xiu and Qi Xueqin both laughed bitterly, Qin Mu's name was really not ordinary loud now.


Qin Mu nodded slightly.

"I didn't expect it! I can actually meet you in this kind of place, I have heard about your achievements in the magic capital before, and I have always wanted to see you with my own eyes, but I didn't expect to see you in this kind of place!

"This is my business card!"

Pan Hu looked at Qin Mu, his face full of respect.

"It's just a false name, there is no need to care!"

Qin Mu accepted the business card and looked very polite.

"Mr. Qin really thank you today, although tens of thousands of yuan is nothing to me, but if I am deceived by that guy, my heart will not be happy!"


Pan Hu's face had some embarrassed looks, and his eyes looked at the black stone in Qin Mu's hand again, and he couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know if Mr. Qin can sell me the black stone in his hand, I am willing to give 100 million!"

Xu Xiu and Qi Xueqin's faces changed.

One hundred million!

This is just a meal effort, does Qin Mu want to earn another hundred million?

"You like this stone very much?"

Qin Mu was puzzled.

"I like it, I like it very much, because our Pan family has been in the jewelry business for generations, and this stone is recorded in ancient books, which is of great significance to our Pan family, so I very much hope that Mr. Qin can transfer it to me!"

Pan Hu nodded vigorously, looked at Qin Mu with a little expectation, and said.

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