Zhang Shuzhi's face was obviously a little curious, and her beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu, seemingly waiting for Qin Mu's answer.

"How old is Mrs. Zhang this year?"

Qin Mu poured himself a glass of red wine and asked with a smile on his face.

"Forty-seven! What's wrong?

Zhang Shuzhi asked.

"Nothing, just some curiosity, so just ask!"

Qin Mu said with a smile, at this time he took a sip of red wine, then looked towards Zhang Shuzhi, and then asked very solemnly.

"Before I tell you about this plan, there is a word I need to ask you!"

"Do you really want the Cosmopolitan Beauty to go out of business?"

Zhang Shuzhi's brows frowned, and she seemed to look at Qin Mu a little strangely.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's not interesting, just a little curious, I want to know, do you really want the urban beauty to go out of business!"

Qin Mu smiled slightly, with a feeling that humans and animals were harmless.

Zhang Shuzhi's eyes stared at him, and there seemed to be some emotions flickering in the depths of her eyes, and suddenly a little smile appeared on her face, which looked quite brilliant.

It is like a lily that suddenly blooms, with a strange beauty.

"Mr. Qin can really laugh, if I don't want the urban beauty to go out of business, what am I doing here?"

"Also, who outside doesn't know that the urban beauty is my mortal rival, and how much business the urban beauty has seized over my years over the years!"

"If their company goes bankrupt, I believe Mr. Qin should know very well how much benefit it will have for me!"

Qin Mu nodded slightly: "Since you said so, then I naturally believe what you say!"

"So be it! I will give you this plan, but you must promise me that only the two of us can know this plan!

"Otherwise, the impact would be too great!"

"If you don't get it right, I may go to jail!"

Zhang Shuzhi's beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu, and there was a strange look in her eyes.

What did Qin Mu mean by this?

Even he could go to jail.

Could it be, what really matters?

Looking at Qin Mu with some gentle smiles on her face, Zhang Shuzhi also quickly came back to her senses, her beautiful eyes stared at Qin Mu, and a smile appeared on her face.

Then the goblet in her hand collided against the cup in Qin Mu's hand.

"Mr. Qin has already said so, so what do I have to say?"

"So be it! We make a gentleman's agreement!

"As long as Mr. Qin's plan is true and effective, and it can really help our company!"

"I, Zhang Shuzhi, guarantee with my personality, only you know this plan!"

"Other than that, no third person will know!"

Zhang Shuzhi's tone was unhurried, but the sincerity revealed made people feel convincing.

Qin Mu's face had a bit of a smile on his face, and he really deserved to be a big man worth more than ten billion.

If he hadn't been very clear about the relationship between Zhang Shuzhi and Wang Anfu, he might have been deceived by Zhang Shuzhi.

"Unexpectedly, President Zhang said so, I have nothing to say!"

Qin Mu nodded slightly, as if he really believed Zhang Shuzhi, and at this time he took out a document and put it in front of Zhang Shuzhi.

Zhang Shuzhi took the file and opened it, and when she saw the contents inside, her face changed.

"Are you serious about this plan?"

Let's be honest!

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't dare to believe that Qin Mu would have made such a plan.

If this kind of plan is done, it can definitely make Wang Anfu fall into a state of irreparable disaster.

But if you don't get it right.

Qin Mu is likely to go to prison.

"Of course, otherwise why would I come to find Mr. Zhang!"

"Just now, Mr. Zhang also said that you also hope that the urban beauty will go bankrupt, so that you can get more profits, and at the same time, your company can take this opportunity to go to a higher level!"

"Today's world is a world of capital, as long as you control enough resources, you can shape a business empire that will not fail!"

Qin Mu had some smiles on his face, just like a seductive fox, and explained to Zhang Shuzhi.

Zhang Shuzhi's face was a little hesitant, but there was a hint of gloom in the deepest part of her eyes.

This is indeed an opportunity to bring down Wang Anfu.


It is also an opportunity to let Qin Mu go to prison.

This Qin Mu!

What a ruthless lord!

Ordinary billionaires dare not do this.

"I know about this, it was given to me by Mr. Qin, and I really want to make the urban beauty go out of business!"

"Then I will naturally listen to Mr. Qin's opinion!"

"Don't worry, this plan, we Xuanmei Cosmetics Company took over!"

Zhang Shuzhi had a little smile on her face, and stretched out a hand to Qin Mu.

"I know that Zhang is always a cheerful person!"

Qin Mu also stretched out his hand and shook Zhang Shuzhi, at this time Qin Mu's figure approached Zhang Shuzhi, with a little smile on his face, leaned his head towards Zhang Shuzhi, and then whispered to her.

"Mr. Zhang, if you are interested, tonight, I can 'accompany you' for a few more drinks!"

Zhang Shuzhi's face appeared with a hint of blush, and the speed of her heartbeat seemed to speed up a little...

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