With the distance of this bend, Qin Mu's car was obviously closer to Zhang Chengo's car.

Zhang Orange also saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and her face changed a little.

"This guy, the car skills are so good!"

But she did not hesitate at all, and the vehicle instantly accelerated and rushed forward.

This track has many corners and tests the driver's skills.

What's more, there are some consecutive corners, and that's absolutely fatal.



The car of the two chased me, constantly driving forward, and the speed was amazing.

But it didn't take long for Zhang's car to slow down.

Ahead is a continuous corner, entering a corner at this speed, there will definitely be problems.

Her driving skills are good, but she only dares to enter corners at a speed of about a hundred miles at most.

Qin Mu's speed did not have the slightest idea of slowing down, and when Zhang Orange entered the corner, his car also quickly entered the corner.

However, Qin Mu's car made great use of inertia, and in this kind of curve, his speed was faintly faster.

In front of the big screen, many people saw this scene, and their faces were a little shocked.

"My God, is this guy trying to die! The previous small bend he used inertia to corner, this kind of continuous bend he also whole?

"You must know that the inertia of continuous corners is particularly large, under normal circumstances, there is no way to turn continuously, and the slightest mistake may throw the car out directly!"

"Too daring, he won't be ignorant of the terrain, come on!"

"It's possible!"


people talked about it, if Qin Mu's inertia entry difficulty factor was four stars just now, then the difficulty factor of this continuous inertial entry into the corner was at least five stars.

It is certainly impossible for ordinary people to do it.

Long Yu's eyes were also a little cold, and he wanted to see how Qin Mu died.



The sound of galloping kept ringing.

Qin Mu's car continued to accelerate, in front of this continuous corner, he didn't have the slightest panic, even if he was riding only ghost fire, but for him, such a car could also become a divine car.

The speed of the car continued to soar, and when turning a corner, Qin Mu's whole body actually showed a sideways look, and using this method to control the turning performance of the car quite well.


First corner!

Second corner!

Third corner!

Three corners in a row, Qin Mu used his own strength and accurate calculation of the vehicle to turn the corner perfectly, and for a moment everyone in front of the big screen had incredible looks on their faces.

"This, how is this possible? How bold is this to be able to do this?

"It's too strong, right! It's incredible, can't believe it!

"Using the inertia of the body, as well as the friction of the tire, the entire body presents a sixty-degree angle, can anyone really do this kind of precise control?"

"Car god, this guy is a car god!"


Many people were talking about it, they were really stunned by Qin Mu's hand.

Long Yu's face was also full of incredulity.

This hand of driving skills is also too terrifying!

How on earth did it happen, even a world-class racer can't do this!!


Zhang Orange Orange who was constantly racing saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and her beautiful eyes were also full of horror.

More importantly, under her gaze, Qin Mu's car actually came to her side in a corner, and then completed overtaking at an extremely fast speed!!

She was overtaken!!

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